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Thursday, August 4, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Yami: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *runs around the room packing things up after waking up like 10 mins ago*
Yami: Yamisgirl is going to the beach today with her dad and her neighbors
Me: Yup… first the lake and now the beach. I’m going to be tired from all of this!! ACK!! *falls down from running too much*
Yami: *helps me up*
Me: Thanks… I had a BLAST yesterday though. It was so much fun and the lake felt really nice ^^ *gets back to getting ready*
Yami: So how long will you be gone today?
Me: Ummmmmm… well it’s like 2 hours from my house so we’re leaving at like 8 or 8:30 and then we’re coming home around maybe 3, 4, 5… somewhere around that. We’re just spending the day there. Too bad Carrie can’t come since she’s at camp, but her sisters can! ^^
Yami: Cool…
Me: Yea…. Well, I got to get ready to go so I guess this post will have to be short. Oh, and once again… I’m really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry that I didn’t to everyone’s sites yesterday!! *falls over from saying really too much* (I feel terrible of all of you guys!!)
Yami: How many times did you say that this time?
Me: Ummmmmmmmmmmmm… *counts* 312 times!! ACK!! That’s the most I’ve ever done!!
Yami: Wow!
Me: I guess blue water is right… I did make a record! ^^
Yami: Well, now you sure did
Me: hehe…. Well, I better get going. I’ll be gone all day again and I won’t be back until like really late this afternoon. I hope everyone has a good day!
Yami: Same here…
Me: Bye, and take care everyone! ^^
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Ps. Sorry if I don’t get to your sites again today either. I’ll be at the beach all day. ACK!! First the lake, then the beach…. What’s next?!?! X_X
Ps #2. The next part of the skit will be up tomorrow or soon I hope…
Ps #3. Please continue to pray for my friends!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Yami: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *runs around the room packing things up*
Yami: Yamisgirl is going to the lake today with Allie…
Me: Yup… *falls down from running too much*
Yami: *helps me up*
Me: Thanks… *gets back to getting ready*
Yami: So how long will you be at the lake today?
Me: From 9:30 to like 2 or 3 in the afternoon
Yami: Cool…
Me: Yea…. Well, I got to go soon so I guess this post will have to be short. Oh, and I’m really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry that I didn’t to everyone’s sites yesterday!! *falls over from saying really too much*
Yami: How many times did you say that?
Me: ACK!! I don’t want to know…….
Yami: *counts* 108 times
Me: ACK!! *faints*
Yami: Well, I guess we’ll see ya all later…. Buh-bye
Me: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Ps. Sorry if I don’t get to your sites again today either. I’ll be at the lake all day
Ps #2. Does anyone know how to shut someone up in a chatroom? Lol… kidding! ^^
Ps #3. The next part of the skit will be up tomorrow… Oh and 1 more thing, please continue to pray for my friends!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Yami: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^ Well, I guess I’ll take over this post for now. Yamisgirl is getting ready to go to the doctors and she’s all freaked out and…
Me: *cuts Yami off* YAMI!! Will you please stop talking about that?!?!
Yami: *bows* Sorry….
Me: It’s okay *brushes hair a bit*
Yami: Yea… so I guess that’s all we’re going to be doing today. And if we get some time in we’ll role play with YamiYugi1900
Me: Yea…. I guess *sighs*
Yami: Are you okay?
Me: I don’t know… I’m just in a mess! *starts to get tears in eyes*
Yami: Sorry about that… Yamisgirl had a horrible night last night. There are just so many bad things popping in front of her at once and she has so much stress that she doesn’t know how to deal with it
Me: *cries on my bed*
Yami: Well, I’m going to go cheer her up. She’ll stop by all of your sites later today. See everyone later, and Yamisgirl loves all of you!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Ps. Sorry about the short post. I’m just not in a good mood right now *cries some more*
Ps #2. Please continue to pray for all of my friends. I’ll pray for everyone of you in need for I am a friend, I'm a friend, a friend that will NEVER leave anyone’s sides!! And that's a promise that I'm going to keep FOREVER!! *hugs everyone*
Ps #3. Sorry that Part 23 isn’t up yet… it will be soon
Ps #4. Oh, who saw the InuYasha episode last night? The last thing I was was Sesshomaru got the arm from Narku and that's it... someone please tell me *puppy dog eyes*
Comments (8) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Me: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Yami: *comes into the room* Hi everyone!
Me: Well, nothing much is up I guess
Yami: Yea… sometimes it gets REALLY boring here!!
Me: But I had a good day yesterday
Yami: Yea… all you do is put your butt on that computer chair all day and talk to YamiYugi1900 non stop
Me: Yami!! I love YamiYugi1900 and I love to talk to her. Is that a bad thing?!?!
Yami: I dunno… *walks over to the bedroom window*
Me: So yea… that’s all I did yesterday, but don’t listen to Yami. *whispers* He can have his lil upset moments too
Yami: I heard that!!
Me: Well, it’s true!
Yami: Look who’s talking
Me: -_- () Yami… can we stop fighting now? I don’t like to fight and I’m already in a lil bad mood
Yami: Okay… sorry
Me: I’m the one that’s sorry Yami *hugs*
Yami: It’s okay ^^
Me: Okay anyway, where was everyone yesterday? I only got 3 comments yesterday. That’s the lowest I’ve ever had!!
Yami: Hehe… those sleepy heads
Me: Yami, that wasn’t nice. Well, maybe they are but still…. Don’t make fun of my friends like that
Yami: Fine then…. *looks at my dueling deck*
Me: *yawns*
Yami: Still tired?
Me: *nods head yes, and yawn again* At least I got some more rest but I woke up very early this morning. Why me?!
Yami: Hehe…
Me: Well, I guess I better get going. House cleaner is coming soon and I want to read some more Harry Potter. I read a bit this morning and now I’m on page 374 so yea… I’m catching up a bit
Yami: Good luck…
Me: Thanks… I think I need all the luck I can get. These books take me forever to read
Yami: Just take your time and you’ll get it done in NO TIME
Me: Yup!! Well, I guess this is good bye
Yami: Bye!
Me: See ya all l8er… Love ya all!!
Ps. I think I’m going to get this book done in about 5 days… What? I’m really slow at reading!!
Ps #2. Please continue to pray for YamiYugi1900, XxbethxX, and jennifer92… I’ll keep all of you guys in my prayers as well! *hugs all of you*
Ps #3. YamiYugi1900 and I finally got Part 22 done! Check it out:
Our Skit (Part 22)
Yugi: But Kaiba....
Kaiba: What's your excuse this time?
Yugi: You really want to duel me in this condition... you will have an guilty conscious and plus... you know I've gotten stronger since the last time we met
Kaiba: (He's bluffing) I'll take the risk... I've been getting better too, and I do deserve this re-match you know
T`ea: But Yugi…
Yugi: He asked for a challenge and he's going to get it!
Kaiba: I knew you never back down from any challenge!
Yami: (Yugi, do you need me to take over? I mean.... with your arm and all)
Yugi: (Yami, I guess you have to... let me get my duel disk out) *takes off back pack and pulls out duel disk* (It's all up to you Yami....)
Yami: (Right.... I won't you down Yugi!) *takes over once the duel disk is on*
Yugi: (I'll be here if you need me... good luck)
Yami: (Thanks.....) Kaiba.... you know I won't go easy on you! *activates duel disk*
Kaiba: *activates his as well*
Both: LET'S DUEL!!
*a wind blows throughout the area*
Yami: Man, this wind is so strong, but it's not going to back me down from this duel!! *draws card as the wind gets stronger*
Mysterious Dudes: *voices travel throughout the area* MWHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yami: Ugh! Not them again!! Kaiba... you might want to get out of here while you have a chance!
Kaiba: *covers face by the wind* What the... What's going on?!
Mysterious Dude 1: We are that's what! *jumps down from tree*
Mysterious Dude 2: And we are here for the god cards! *jumps down from lamp post*
Kaiba: Identify yourselves now!
Mysterious Dude 2: We take orders from no one
Yami: (What should I do?!) *looks at Slifer that was in his hand when the duel started*
Mysterious Dude 1: Ready for us Pharaoh?
Mysterious Dude 2: For we want.... the gods of Egypt
Yami: I'm aware of that..... *looks at Slifer and wonders if he should summon it or not*
T`ea: What the! I recognize those voices!
Tristan: Me too
Joey: It's those guys that called me back at the hospital!!
Tristan: And they mean business!
Mysterious Dude 1: So, Pharaoh? Ready to give up your most valuable possessions?
Mysterious Dude 2: Or do we have to take it by force?
Yami: (Yugi.... should I use Slifer? It may be our only help)
Yugi: (Yami... I don't think we need to right now)
Mysterious Dude 1: So what's your decision Pharaoh?
Yami: (Why not?)
Yugi: (for it would be too obvious... I think we should go with Dark Magician and blow their cover first)
Yami: *looks at his Dark Magician card* (Alright then) *summons his Dark Magician*
Mysterious Dude 1: I could have swore that he was going to use Slifer
Mysterious dude 2: No matter... we could still win
Yami: You're sadly mistaking!! GO DARK MAGICIAN!! DARK MAGIC ATTACK!!
Mysterious Dudes: ARG!!! *their cover gets blown*
Para: Uh oh...
Dox: We got caught! And it was your fault brother!
Para: Mine! You were the one talking
Joey: NO WAY!! It's them!!
Dox: I see that your brain isn't forgetful
Para: We're back!
Dox: And better than ever!
Joey: But how?!?!....
Para: That's our secret!
Dox: And it's only for us!
Para: Not for you!
Tristan: I'm confused.... these two are worse than they were in duelist kingdom!
T`ea: You got a point there Tristan...
Yami: So it is you..... Para and Dox! I knew there was something familiar about your voices!
Kaiba: So you and Wheeler know these two?
Yami: Back at Duelist Kingdom yes
Para: Sharp as ever Pharaoh!
Dox: But that's not going to help you this time around!
T`ea: They are as annoying as ever as well
Joey: Yea... and why do they want to harm me?! Are they mad about their defeat?
Dox: That's long gone Mr. Wheeler!
Para: We aren't after you for that reason!
Dox: There is more to this story than you think!
Para: But... we don't have the time to tell them brother
Dox: So.... let's get this started!
Para: Yes brother!
Para and Dox: *does an evil laugh* BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yami: You ARE NOT going to harm any of my friends in any way understand? I'm the one you guys want!!
Para: Just as I thought
Dox: He doesn't know the whole story either
Para: Should we tell them brother
Dox: Na... lets just make them wonder
Yami: Ugh..... you're not going to get away with this!!
Para: Just as I thought
Dox: Yes brother... we're giving the Pharaoh a lot of stuff to add to his plate!
Para: Do you think he'll manage
Dox: Na... without the Protector, the Pharaoh won't be able to manage it
Para: MWHAHAHAHA!!! You guys are doomed!
Dox: And there isn't anything you could do to stop us!
Joey: *puts up his fists again*
Para: Oh! Look! Mr. Wheeler thinks he could fight us
Dox: No matter....
Joey: YOU CREEPS!! *starts to run up to them*
Para and Dox: *Jumps and lands onto a tree branch way out of Joey's reach*
Joey: *looks up* Huh?
Para: Tisk, tisk *waves his finger back and forth* That's not nice
Dox: We should punish him
Para: But we won't.... we have bigger things in mind
Para: But we won't.... we have bigger things in mind
Joey: Ugh..... *leg starts to hurt from running and almost falls down*
Tristan: Joey! *runs over to him and helps him stay up*
Dox: That leg doesn't look as good as it should
Para: You should have watched it when on those bumper cars
Joey: What? You guys know about my injury? How?!
Dox: You have a brain... you could figure it out
Yami: You're the ones that caused the whole thing!! Did you?!?!
Para: I guess the Pharaoh is smarter than he looks
Yami: Grrrrr.....
Joey: You guys know you got my leg broken by doing that?!?! You'll pay for that!!*groans from the pain of the leg and almost falls down again*
Tristan: *catches him* Watch it Joey...
Joey: It's not my fault! They are the ones that caused it all...
Dox: We have a lot more in stored for you guys!
Para: …and there isn't a single thing you could do to stop it!
Joey: *puts up fists as he's still in Tristan's grasp*
Dox: Hehe... that's a worthless attempt Mr. Wheeler!
Para: Enjoyable, but worthless
Joey: Grrrrrrrrrrr... SHUT UP ALREADY!!
Yami: I don't think it's a good time to do that Joey...
Dox: Hehe... right you are Pharaoh!
Para: *snaps his fingers*
Yami: (Oh brother.... how long is this going to last?)
Yugi: (wonnud.... kca!!! tahw si gnineppah)
Yami: (Huh? Are you okay Yugi?)
Yugi: (Od I dnuos yako..... on....I ma gniklat sdrawkcab)
Yami: (It isn't us that is causing the other language to happen, it's them!!) tahw si gnineppah!! (Oh great!!)
Yugi: (siht kcus...... gra........)
Para: Having Trouble Pharaoh?
Dox: Mwhahahaha!!!
Para: We should leave you to cope with that for now!
Dox: Ta ta! *Para and Dox vanish in a thick cloud of smoke*
Yami: Fgieush!! Dufma!!
Yugi: (hgu....)
Yami: (Okay.... I don't know what you just said, but you take over now)
Yugi: (tog ti!)
Yami: *activates the puzzle and Yugi takes control*
Yugi: *coughs in the smoke screen*
T`ea: Yugi! *starts coughing as well*
Yami: *coughs as well*
Tristan: *coughs in the smoke as well*
Joey: *does the same* Let get out of here guys.....
Tristan: Right! *runs into a tree* I can't see where I'm going
Joey: I see the way.... *points to the street and coughs* Follow me *starts to walk out of the smoke*
Tristan: Okay... *coughs and follows Joey*
Yugi: *almost runs into a wall* This is ridiculous! DARK MAGICIAN!!! CLEAR THE SMOKE NOW!!!
Dark Magician: *clears the smoke*
Joey: *stops coughing as the smoke goes away* Thanks Yug'!
T`ea: *finds herself two feet away from Kaiba*
Kaiba: *stops coughing as well and looks over at T'ea* What do you want?
T`ea: Nothing... *runs over to the rest of the gang*
Kaiba: Later geeks *walks away in the other direction*
Yugi: That was pleasant....
Joey: Yea.... who knew it was Para and Dox all along?
Yugi: Hehe... ya.... *whispers* I already knew that
Joey: So............. maybe we should get home now? It's getting pretty late
T`ea: We should... oh... Tristan I guess I'll go home with you and help you around the house?
Tristan: I guess so...
Joey: Hehe.... well good luck you two!
T`ea: Do you need any help Joey?
Joey: I think I'll be fine... my apartment is only 10 mins away from here
Tristan: Okay... we'll see ya! *walks away with T`ea*
Joey: Bye guys! Oh, and take care Yug'!
Yugi: Take care Joey!
Joey: See ya! *starts to walk home*
Yugi: *waves good bye and walks towards the Game shop*
At Yugi's House: Yugi: *sneaks through the front door and runs to his room before "mom" patrol spots him*
Yami: *gets into Yugi's room and flops down on the bed* Man, I'm beat!
Yugi: Me too.... *takes off duel disk and sticks it back into its hiding space*
Yami: *looks at the broken window* Yugi.... are you worried about all of this?
Yugi: Ya... I am.... *pulls out some cardboard and covers the broken glass area*
Yami: So am I.... *yawns*
Yugi: Hehe... *puts away the tape and extra cardboard and make sure that cursed rock wasn't taken*
Yami: Hmmmmmmmmmmm... *looks up at the ceiling and yawns again*
Yugi: *yawns and flops down on his sleeping bag*
Yami: *ends up falling asleep at the edge of the bed and almost slides off of it*
Yugi: *spots Yami sleeping on the side and moves him into the middle of the bed so he won't squash him when he's asleep on the floor and flops back down onto the sleeping bag and stares at the ceiling and falls asleep after a while*
4 hours later: Yami: *asleep in the middle of the bed sleeping like a baby*
Yugi: *staring at the ceiling after awaking to a bad dream*
Yami: *starts to mummer in sleep during one of his bad dreams* You two.............. won't get away.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... with this! Zzzzzzzzzz....
Yugi: *appears to have ear plugs on for some reason and doesn't hear Yami*
Yami: *mummers some more and starts to roll around a lot* You two.........zzzzzzzzzzzzz... won't get your hands............... on the Egyptian god cards!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Yugi: *Millennium Puzzle starts to glow for some reason but Yugi doesn't notice... too interested in the ceiling*
Yami: *starts to twitch* SLIFER.....zzzzzzzz... ATTACK! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Yugi: *Millennium Puzzle shines even brighter and Yugi ends up in his soul room*
Yami: *ends up in his soul room as well for some reason*
Yugi: *takes out ear plugs and sticks them in his pocket* Huh? I didn't think I'll be in here... *looks around his room*
Yami: *is in his soul room, but still remains asleep and having his bad dreams of Para and Dox*
Yugi: *spots another door in his soul room and walks towards it* I never seen this one before..... *puts hand out to open the door*
Yami: *wakes up and rubs his head* What a horrible dream! *rubs eyes and looks around* I'm in my soul room... but how? *spots another door* Huh? Never seen that before... *walks up to it and opens it and spots Yugi*
Yugi: *opens the door and enters the new room with a blinding white light*
Yami: *closes eyes by the light and walks in and losses Yugi*
Yugi: *presses onwards and ends up in a room that looks like an Egyptian record room* Huh? What the?
Yami: *ends up in the same room* What is this?
Yugi: Huh.... *walks up to one of the walls and looks at it* huh? *stares at it and realizes that it's about............him*
Yami: *looks at a wall and realizes that this has to do with the ancient past* Huh? But what does this mean?
Yugi: Now I must be dreaming... It can't be about me....
Yami: *looks at another part of the wall and thinks to self* (I don't get it.... what does this have to do about what's going on now?!)
Yugi: This is getting too strange... *looks up some more*
Yami: *looks at more parts of the wall as well and then ends up bumping into Yugi and falls down*
Yugi: *falls down by the wall* Uff... *rubs his head*
Yami: Ugh.... *gets off of the ground and helps Yugi up* I guess I found you
Yugi: No... I don't, but I'm sensing that some of the stuff here..... is.....about....................me..... but It has to be impossible to be about me! Right?!?!
Yami: Well, according to some things here.... I guess it has to do with you, and about me from the ancient past
Yugi: Hmmmm... *looks up on the wall and sees a picture of the Millennium Puzzle*
Yami: *ends up looking at the same thing*
Yugi: What can this mean... *squints at the wall*
Yami: Hmmmm.... *doesn't hear Yugi and looks at some more walls*
Yugi: *stares at the wall and realizes what it's saying* That's strange....
Yami: What is it Yugi?
Yugi: Why can I read this? I could deserver what all of this wall is saying by one glance at it right now... this is too weird
Yami: *thinks to self* (How does Yugi have the ability to do that? All of this doesn't even make sense to me!!)
Yugi: I heard that!
Yami: Huh?
Yugi: You know our connection is so strong that I could hear your thoughts....
Yami: I know.... my mind is just wondering off right now with all of these things here
Yugi: *stares at a wall* Do you know where we are anyway?
Yami: *doesn't hear Yugi again and stares at the wall*
Yugi: This is the room of records... it contains all the secrets of the ancient past. Apparently, this room contains the information’s about the Pharaoh, and the Protector of the gods
Yami: *doesn't hear Yugi and then looks at the wall and finally figures out the same thing that Yugi did*
Yugi: *walks around the room* In this particular wall, it starts that a pair of bandits went after the gods of Egypt. The Pharaoh and the Protector to protect the gods at all costs... the bandit’s names were..... Para and Dox.......
Yami: *realizes the same thing* Oh...Of course... that's why Para and Dox are after us!
Yugi: Yes... and there is more here. *points to a wall* They used everything to get the gods, they even tried to knock out the high priests...
Yami: You mean................................ *looks over at Yugi* Kaiba?!?!
Yugi: Yep.... they tried to knock out Kaiba... but the strength and the relationship between the Pharaoh, you, and Seto, Kaiba.... was too strong....
Yami: Yes.... *thinks about how much danger Kaiba may be in now*
Yugi: *walks over to another wall and reads a load another passage* Also, Para and Dox even tried to weaken the Protector and the Pharaoh with various of spells and traps... And they almost succeeded too
Yami: *keeps on thinking and forgets all about Yugi hearing his thoughts*
Yugi: *continues to read on* When all hope was lost for Egypt, the Protector stepped in and was able to wield the gods of Egypt and helped the Pharaoh destroy Para and Dox.......................................
Yami: Huh? Did you say something Yugi?
Yugi: *looks up from the wall* Huh? *turns around*
Yami: Never mind... *goes back to thinking and forgets once again about Yugi able to hear him think*
Yugi: *sighs and turns back to the wall*
Yami: *yawns and looks at the wall as well*
Yugi: *mummers about something and starts to run his hand across the wall*
Yami: *doesn't notice anything*
Yugi: *manages to find a switch and presses it*
Yami: Huh? Yugi, what did you just push?
Yugi: *steps away from the wall as it moves back* There is more to the story that we need to uncover
Yami: You're right....
*the wall reveals another room* Yugi: Come on! *runs into the next room*
Yami: *follows Yugi into the room*
*the room is pitch black* Yugi: Ack! *runs into a wall* This won't do.... we won't be able to see what's on the walls
Yami: Yea... *accidentally steps on Yugi's toe*
Yugi: Ouch! *falls over and hits another switch and some torches light up*
Yami: Are you okay Yugi? *helps him up*
Yugi: Thanks.... *brushes off his pants* Here is the next room of Records
Yami: Hmmmmmmmm... *looks at the walls*
Yugi: *walks over to a wall and starts to deceivers it*
Yami: How are you able to deceivers it?
Yugi: *looks up* Huh? I guess it's because of... dunnow.... *stares at the wall a bit* It must be because of something about being the protector
Yami: Maybe *stares at the wall and tries to figure out what it means*
Yugi: Hmmmm.... this one is interesting.....
Yami: *doesn't hear Yugi and continues to stare at the walls*
Yugi: The records on this wall reveal the key towards defeating Para and Dox......
Yami: Huh? How? *walks over to Yugi*
Yugi: but the thing is... *points down to the lower section that seems to be worn away* It's been wiped away
Yami: You're right....
Yugi: the records may be worn away, but we will find a way to defeat them.... no matter what....
Yami: That's right...
Yugi: Hmmm... this seems interesting....
Yami: What is it Yugi? *looks at the wall*
Yugi: It seems that we are in more than we could deal with........... Para and Dox were not only planning to get the gods
Yami: Huh? What do you mean just not the god cards?
Yugi: They wanted the entire BA... which in our case... all the powers of the Dominium of the Beasts...
Yami: Okay... what are you talking about? Are you saying that the world of all the monsters like Dark Magician Girl is in danger?
Yugi: *stares at the wall again* (how are we going to save the whole dominium of the beasts........)
Yami: *thinks to self* (If Para and Dox want both the god cards and to ruin the world of beats, this may be our hardest fight yet. And I just hope Yugi doesn't get hurt during any of this. I'll never get over it if he does...) *sighs and continues to think*
Yugi: (You know I could hear you right.... I promise we will be able to defeat this new evil.... no matter what... and I promise to try no to get hurt when we fight them)
Yami: *doesn't hear Yugi and continues on with his thinking*
Yugi: *sighs and looks back at the walls in search for some clues*
Yami: *continues to think* (.......... but this is what they REALLY want right? What interest do they have with the world of the beasts?!) *looks at the god cards*
Yugi: I could answer that question Yami.... they want the power of the world of the beasts for there is a secret power contained in that world that is so destructive it could destroy the world
Yami: *looks up* Oh.... really?
Yugi: Yep... it says it right here.... *points to a part of the wall that has a picture of the world being blown up*
Yami: Hmmmmmmmmmmm....
Yugi: Whatever we do... we can't let them get to that power... unless if we want the world to be destroyed.... *starts to look for some kind of solution*
Yami: Yes....
Yugi: I wish I knew this sooner... now we don't know how far they are in this plan.... *starts to scan another wall*
Yami: I feel the same way Yugi
Yugi: *sighs* I'm just glad we learned about this... if we haven't, we would be fighting blindly against a deadly foe
Yami: *nods head yes and looks at the wall again*
Yugi: *yawns and continues to scan walls*
Yami: *yawns as well and rubs eyes to keep self awake and stares at the wall some more*
Yugi: *starts to fall asleep while looking at a wall with Para and Dox's symbols on it*
Yami: *starts to doze off as well*
Yugi: *slumps off under the wall and it starts to glow*
Yami: *does the same*
*the ground starts to shake* Yami: *doesn't feel a thing*
Yugi: *the floor starts to crack under him and he awakes just in time to grab a ledge before he almost fell into the deep crack*
Yami: *almost falls down in the deep crack and still doesn't feel anything*
Yugi: Eep... *looks down the crack and sees no end to it*
Yami: *finally wakes up and escapes just in time*
Yugi: *frozen in fear*
Yami: *catches breath and chokes by the dust of the rocks crashing into each other*
Yugi: *coughs in the dust and is still frozen in fear*
Yami: What just happened? *almost looses grip* Ugh... my hands.... they are becoming numb *tries to hold on to the ledge*
Yugi: *runs over to Yami and pulls him up*
Yami: *gets up with Yugi and takes some deep breaths* Thanks.... *coughs* Yugi... *coughs some more*
Yugi: No problem.... *looks at the wall to see it crumbled a bit*
Yami: *looks at the wall as well*
Yugi: *makes his way towards it and tries to decipher it again*
Yami: *doesn't move from the ledge*
Yugi: ARG!!!
Yami: What is it Yugi? *comes down to him*
Yugi: *backs away from the wall as a gigantic spider comes out of the wall*
Yami: Eep!!
Yugi: No fair! *the Millennium Puzzle starts to shine again* I won't let you intrude into my soul room you Spider thing!
Yami: ACK!! *hides behind Yugi* KILL IT NOW!!
Yugi: UGH!!! *the Millennium Puzzle activates and Yugi's clothing change once again into the Pharaoh's/Protector's clothing*
Yami: *notices Yugi* What the..........?!
Yugi: *head down* If you don't leave now... you'll feel the wrath of the Gods!
Spider: *clicks pincers*
Yami: *steps back as far as he can without falling*
Yugi: *looks up* Get out of here now!
Spider: *advances towards Yugi*
Yami: Yugi!! Watch out!
Yugi: I told you to leave! If you won't.... GO SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON!!! WIPE HIM OUT!!!
*Slifer destroys the spider*
Yami: *covers his eyes by Slifer's blast*
Yugi: *Millennium Puzzle glows and Yugi is back to his normal clothing* Huh? *continues to cough from the dust*
Yami: *blinks a couple of times to see if Yugi is really......... well you know Yugi ^^*
*the dust clears*
Yugi: *sniffs* Man! That spider smells worst than the junk yard! *covers nose*
Yami: *covers nose as well*
To Be Continued:
Comments (7) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Me: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Yami: Good Morning? It’s 1:02…
Me: Whatever… Good Afternoon then
Yami: Hehe... Sorry that this post is up later then normal. We’ve been busy and out of the house all morning!
Me: Yea… it took FOREVER until the piano was free so I could practice, and then my mom dragged me out for shoe shopping. WHY ME?!?!
Yami: Yea… why is it always you
Me: Ahem! *looks over at Yami* You’re not helping!
Yami: Hehe.. sorry *bows*
Me: No worries *yawns* I’m soooooooooooooooooo tired!!
Yami: I bet you are. You only got 5 hours of sleep. You and Allie had a blast with each other yesterday
Me: 5 hours? Really? It only felt like 2! *yawns* And yea, we did have fun yesterday. I only get to see her once in a while, and plus she starts school in like 4 or 5 days so I was really happy to see her
Yami: Yup…
Me: *yawns again* Hmmmmmmmmmmm… what else should I talk about in this post?
Yami: I dunno…
Me: I’ll just close things up. I also have some more sites to go to, and I’m going to try to get a nap in or something.
Yami: Good idea. You also might want to read some more Harry Potter. Your friend just finished
Me: Who? YamiYugi1900? I already knew that… NO FAIR!! I’ll get that book done soon. I just need more rest first
Yami: Yea… good idea
Me: Well, I guess that’s all we got for now
Yami: See all of you later…
Me: Yea… bye!
~Yami Yugi & Yamisgirl
Ps. I really am almost done with the Harry Potter book… I’m going to get it done soon
Ps #2. As their friends, I just want to ask you guys to pray for the following people listed below:
YamiYugi1900- For her safe trip to Wisconsin... I’LL MISS YOU SO MUCH!!
XxbethxX- For her wrist so that it can get better soon, and that it can heal
jeniffer92- She had a really rough day at the doctors and she’s in a lil bit of pain, and I just pray that she can heal up soon
I’ll pray for all of you guys that are going through any pain at all! *cries a bit and hugs everyone*
Ps #3. Sorry that Part 22 isn’t up yet. YamiYugi1900 and I will work on that today
Ps #4. This just heard…. I’m going to be dragged out of the house again for dinner! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *faints* x.x
Ps #5. Now my mom is yelling at me and telling me how horrible I am *cries some more* This just isn't my day!!
Comments (3) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Yami: Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ I don’t know where Yamisgirl is right now so I guess I’ll type until she comes back
Me: *comes back from checking on the neighbor’s dog* Hi guys… sorry I’m late. Okay, yesterday was another boring day. Oh well, at least I got to talk to YamiYugi1900 all day again. Oh, and I also had my duel with Yami. Yup…I got my butt kicked!
Yami: Hehe… yea sorry about that
Me: You really are the King of Games Yami! ^^
Yami: Hehe…
Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… what other news is there? Hmmmmmmmmmmm…
Yami: I know… I’ll be right back *leaves my room*
Me: Okay, I have no idea what he’s up to, but I guess I’ll find out in a sec. Okay, I was almost killed yesterday by Yugi. Thank God I’m alive today, and I had to make an unbreakable vow that I’ll NEVER put up another picture of him in the Dark Magician costume. I bet YamiYugi1900 would be happy about that too. She always ends up having to wear it too…. She feels like a Barbie doll now… hehe ^^
Yami: *walks into my room holding some papers* Okay… I’m back
Me: What’s that you’re holding Yami?
Yami: *hands me the papers*
Me: *reads the papers and realizes that it’s Part 21 of the skit* Oh… thanks Yami! *gives him a lil hug*
Yami: *returns the hug*
Me: I should put this up now… my friends have been waiting a long time for this and YamiYugi1900 and I finally got it done yesterday
Yami: Alright…
Me: Well, I’ll close this post up so I can put Part 21 of the skit up. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye!
Yami: *waves* Bye
Ps. I get to see Allie again… I’m soooooooooooooo happy!!
Ps #2. My piano lessons were canceled… YAHOO!!
Ps #3. I have to play piano until I’m 16!! ACK!! *faints*
Ps #4.
Yami: *shakes me* Are you okay?!
Me: *wakes up* Ugh…. I think so *yawns*
Yami: I’ll take it from here Yamisgirl… get some rest.
Me: Okay… *goes back to sleep*
Yami: Awwwwwwwwww!! Well anyway, here is Part 21 of the skit made by Yamisgirl & YamiYugi1900 their selves:
Our Skit (Part 21)
30 minutes later: *Yugi gets wheeled in on a bed into Joey's room*
Joey: Hey doc, is he doing okay?!
Doctor: He's doing better... Mr. Mutou seems to be in perfect condition, but we have to have him stay here so we could figure out what's wrong with him
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmm... okay thank you doc
Doctor: I'm going to have him in here with you Mr. Wheeler... if it's okay with you
Joey: Yea... that's fine with me. I'll keep an eye on him...
Doctor: Thank you Mr. Wheeler... oh, *pulls out a bottle of medication* It's for Mr. Mutou's head ach.... *sets it on the table* Have a good day, I'll be back tomorrow morning
Joey: Okay... thanks for everything!
Doctor: No problem... I will contact his mother to tell her that Mr. Mutou is in the hospital
T`ea: I could do that!
Doctor: Thank you... *walks out the room and closes the door behind him*
Joey: *starts to get tears in eyes*
Tristan: Poor Yugi.... *pulls up a chair and sits in-between Joey and Yugi*
Joey: *starts to cry and hides face in hands* Why him?
T`ea: *walks over to Joey and pats him on the back* There, there Joey... He's going to be fine
Joey: *wipes tears away and looks over at Yugi*
Yugi: zzz....zzzz...zzzzz
Joey: *looks at Yugi's medication and puts on the table next to his*
Yugi: *starts to stir a bit*
Joey: Yugi? *starts to get tears in his eyes again*
Yugi: *moans and opens his eyes*
Joey: Are you okay Yug'?
T`ea: Yugi? Are you okay?
Yugi: I think so....
Joey: Here.... *hands Yugi a cup of water and some of his medication* Take this... it'll help
Yugi: Okay... *takes the medication and the water*
Joey: How are you feeling?
Yugi: A bit better, yet, I still feel drained...
Joey: Oh.... well, get lots of rest okay Yug'?
Yugi: How did I get into this fine mess.... oh well, *yawns*
Joey: *yawns too* Hmmmmmmmmm....
Yugi: Never mind.... Hehe
Joey: hehe...
T`ea: I better call Yugi's mom.... *walks over to the corner of the room and dials Yugi's home number*
Yugi: Huh? My mom?
Tristan: She doesn't know what happened?
Yugi: Uh... I forgot to say anything (Man... she's going to be sooo mad when she hears what happened. Oh no... she's going to uses the soup ladle again!)
Yami: *wakes up from being knocked out* (Huh? What did you say Yugi?) *yawns and rubs head*
Yugi: (Why me? And why the soup ladle!) *groans at the thought of it*
Yami: (Huh?) *groans from his head ach*
Yugi: (How did I get into this situation?!)
Yami: (Probably from the rock.... or maybe the smoke that we inhaled. There could be something in it that doing this to us)
Yugi: (Ya.... good thing they don't know about the amount of blood that I lost from that stupid rock)
Yami: (Wait.... Owwwwwww!!) *rubs head* (That could be it....)
Yugi: (Why me... at least I didn't get a broken nose)\
Yami: (Yea... that's a good sign) *starts to get drowsy and falls back down*
Yugi: (Yami... you better get some rest)
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzz.... *groans a bit as well*
Yugi: Uh oh... *takes the phone* Hello?
Yugi's mom: *yelling in the phone* YUGI!!! HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!
Yugi: Uh....
Yugi: *makes an attempt to cover his ears* ARG!!! MOM!!! LET ME SPEAK ALREADY!!!
Yugi's mom: *a ladle almost hits the phone put it's noticeable that she was going to hit Yugi with it* Okay! Start!
Yugi: Uh... okay.... so, I was kinda asleep in my room and after T`ea came to get me, we went to Joey's place, and then I got a big head ach... and uh... I fainted.... Hehe (Man! This is going to be hard to worm out of)
Yugi's mom: WHAT!!! YOU FAINTED!?!? *another noticeable thump of a soup ladle was heard*
Yugi: Ya... *pokes fingers together*
Yugi: Come on now mom! I didn't break the window! (Good thing I hid that rock)
Yugi's mom: You're off the hook for now! But I'll be back! *the phone slams down*
Yugi: *hangs up and gives the phone back to T`ea* Hehe....
T`ea: *puts away cell phone*
Joey: What happened?
Yugi: Uh.... you couldn't hear?
Joey: A lil...
Yugi: Hehe... I forgot to tell you guys... that the window in my bead room is broken... ^^
T`ea: That can't be good
Tristan: What broke the window anyway?
Yugi: *prods fingers together* a rock that hit me in the head.... actually, the nose.... hehe
Joey: You got to be kidding me?!
Yugi: Nope... *continues to prod fingers together* It's all true...Hehe... Is there anything else that I forgot to tell ya guys? *sweat drop*
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... *starts to worry about Yugi* (Something doesn't seem right? Man, I hope he's okay)
T`ea: Did you tell anyone else about this?
Yugi: Nope... my mom doesn't know about the rock... she just thought something hit the window and broke it. Hehe.... *continues to prod fingers together more*
Tristan: So where is this rock you're talking about?
Yugi: It's still in my room... Hehe... out of site though.... hidden quiet well too. *prods fingers together even harder*
T`ea: Uh oh... *takes a seat between Joey and Yugi*
Joey: (This is sounding odd)
Yugi: (I'm sooo dead... my mom is sooo going to kill me... and I don't even think they believe the truth.....)
Yami: *wakes up from hearing Yugi* (Huh?) *rubs head again*
Yugi: *looks down at the bed* (Why me? I am telling the truth... what do I have to do to prove that all of this is true)
Yami: (Prove what Yugi?)
Yugi: (They don't think that what I'm saying is true... I could see it on their faces... Oh well) *continues to look at the bed*
Yami: (Hmmmmmmmmm....)
Yugi: (I just hope they don't try and attack us right now.... I don't want my friends to get hurt....)
Yami: (I feel the same way Yugi) *puts hand on Yugi's shoulder* (I promise you it'll be okay)
Yugi: (Thanks Yami)
Yami: *smiles and then gets a migraine*
Yugi: *gets a migraine as well*
T`ea: *notices Yugi holding his head* Yugi?
Yugi: *starts to cringe from the migraine *
Yami: *does the same*
T`ea: Yugi? Are you feeling okay? *watches Yugi in horror*
Joey: Yugi? Are you okay?!
Yugi: *eyes start to water from migraine *
Yami: *lays down on bed in pain and keeps holding head from migraine*
Tristan: *goes and gets Yugi a glass of water and his medication*
T`ea: Yugi doesn't look too good.... *Tristan gives Yugi the water and medication*
Joey: Yea.....
Yami: (Why us?!?!) *keeps holding head* (Owwwwwwwwww!!)
Yugi: (dunnow...) *winces a bit* (it seems that everyone is after you Yami)
Yami: *thinks to self* (Man, why me?! Why did have to be Pharaoh that everyone is after?!)
Yugi: *groans* (I still hear you Yami)
Yami: (Please don't listen then! I got a lot on my mind) *sighs as head gets a bit better*
Yugi: (Okay... I'll go to my soul room for a bit)
Yami: (No, I'll go.... I'm the one that needs to think)
Yugi: (Okay...)
Yami: *goes to soul room*
Yugi: *lays back in bed and stares at the ceiling*
Joey: Feeling better Yug'?
Yugi: A bit... *continues to stare up at the ceiling*
Joey: That's good....
T`ea: That's great! *gets worried a bit*
Tristan: Maybe we should stay here until Yugi gets better
Yugi: *hears Tristan* Huh? *looks back down to them* No way! I can't have you do that!
Joey: You guys don't have to, remember I'm still going to be here for 1 more day but then I'll just stay here until Yug' gets better. I'll just say that my leg still kind of hurts
T`ea: We know... but there's nothing you could say or do that'll change our minds... we are going to be here for you and Yugi...
Tristan: Well put T`ea!
T`ea: Thanks...
Joey: I'm with you on that!!
Yugi: So there is no way to worm out of this?
T`ea: Nope, you have to deal with us
Yugi: I guess I have to....
Tristan: Yep! I have to go call my parents and tell them I won't be home tonight.... *walks into the hallway*
T`ea: Me too... *takes out her cell phone and walks out of the room*
Yugi: *sighs* Oh well *starts to stare at the wall*
Joey: Don't worry Yug' *reaches out and puts hand on Yugi's leg* We're all here for you....
Yugi: I know Joey... I know... *looks down at his bed again* but, why did they want to attack me?
Joey: Because your the King of Games *makes sure to say "King of Games" quietly*
Yugi: Good point... but it seems to be more than that. A title means nothing really, but what powers a person have could interest anyone *picks up the Millennium Puzzle and looks at it*
Joey: Yea... you're right (It's because of the sprit of the puzzle.... that's got to be it) *looks outside the window*
Yugi: *sighs again and continues to look at the puzzle* Oh well (What if.... what happened today caused what's going on? Can they be after me instead of Yami?)
Yami: *comes out of soul room right when Yugi was thinking* (Yugi... it is me that they want. Can't you tell?)
Yugi: (What the!) *gets startled by Yami* (Oh... I know, but after what happened when you were knocked out... have got me thinking)
Yami: (Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... but you know you're out of it right? I mean, every one wants the "Pharaoh" which you know it's me, so I don't think you have to worry about yourself being in danger as much as I do)
Yugi: (I know... but why did they keep on calling me the Protector? No one called me that before....) *starts to stare down at the bed spread* (I don't know what's going on...)
Yami: *gets worried and stares at the ground*
T`ea: *comes into the room* I'm back... my mom said it was okay that I stay here for the night...
Yugi: *looks up* Huh? Oh That's great T`ea!
T`ea: What's going on... I'm sensing some worrying around here. Spill the beans!
Yugi: Uh....
Joey: *remains looking out the window and feeling worried about Yugi*
Tristan: *walks back into the room as well* I could stay, as long as I stay up all night tomorrow helping my mom around the house... weird trade off... really weird....
Joey: *doesn't hear Tristan, sighs, and stares at the ground*
T`ea: That's one strange trade off Tristan... oh well, *goes and walks over to her seat*
Yugi: *starts to gaze at the opposite wall*
Tristan: Ya... that is... oh well... at least I can stay... even though I have to kill myself by running around the house...
T`ea: Maybe I could help ya later with that
Tristan: That would be great!
Joey: *stares at his bed*
Yugi: *doesn't hear anyone and slumps back into his bed*
Joey: *lays back down on his bed as well not saying a word*
T`ea: What's wrong? Did we miss something?
Joey: *looks at T'ea* Huh?
T`ea: How come everyone is so quiet now?
Joey: I don't know..... just tired I guess
Tristan: After what happened today... who won't be?
Yugi: *starts to stare at his bed spread again*
T`ea: *looks at watch* It's like 7:32pm now....
Joey: *yawns* Really? I'm exhausted already....
Tristan: *starts to snore loudly*
T`ea: He's pooped from running around looking for Yugi....
Joey: Hehe..... *yawns and looks down at his bed*
Yugi: *lays back and starts to stare at the ceiling*
Joey: *nods off, but then wakes up by Tristan's loud snore*
T`ea: Man! He could snore loud! *pulls out a bottle of ear plugs*
Joey: Hey T'ea.... hand me some
T`ea: Okay... *gives Joey a pair of ear plugs*
Joey: Thanks *puts them on*
T`ea: Here Yugi! *gives him a pair of earplugs as well*
Yugi: Huh? *looks at the ear plugs* Oh.... Thanks T`ea.... *puts them on as well*
T`ea: No problem *sticks on a pair of ear plugs also and puts away ear plugs*
Joey: *goes back to staring at his bed and think about Yugi*
Yugi: *nods off to sleep*
Joey: *nods off to sleep as well*
T`ea: *reads a book while everyone is asleep*
Joey: *ends up snoring loudly like Tristan*
Yugi: *sleeps softly*
Tristan: *starts to slip off the chair and continues to snore loudly*
T`ea: *starts to nod off while reading her book*
5 hours later: Tristan: *sleeping on the ground, loudly if I may add*
Joey: *starts to become quiet.... unlike Tristan!!*
T`ea: *slumped onto of her book*
Yugi: *still sleeping like a baby*
*the wind starts to pick up outside* Joey: *feels a breeze from the cracked window and starts to stir*
Tristan: *starts to feel the wind and just snores louder*
T`ea: *drops book onto the ground and the pages starts to flip on the ground*
Yugi: *can't hear or feel anything*
Joey: *goes back to sleep and stops stirring*
*the wind starts to blow faster and faster*
Joey: *doesn't feel a thing, and ends up going into a really deep sleep*
Tristan: *starts to snore like crazy*
T`ea: *starts to stir a bit*
*the window fly’s open and a ton of tree leaves starts to blow into the room*
Tristan: *a leaf hits him in the face and he wakes up*
Joey: *still remains in his deep sleep*
Tristan: *grunts* Why is there a leaf on my face.... *tries to rip it off but the wind keeps on blowing it back onto his head*
T`ea: *wakes up as well* Huh? *gets smacked in the head with a small tree branch* What the?!?! *starts to make her way towards the window and attempts to pry it shut*
Yugi: *starts to stir a bit*
T`ea: ACK!!! Tristan! HELP!!! *tugs on the window but it won't budge*
*the window finally closes*
Joey: *wakes up by all the noise* What's going on? *yawns* Some people like to sleep after 5
T`ea: Man! That was a lot of work!
T`ea: Man! That was a lot of work!
Joey: What happened? *rubs his eyes while he's still half asleep*
Yugi: What happened here? *pulls out a leaf from his hair*
Tristan: The window blew open... and apparently... the wind picked up a lot
Joey: Oh... *yawns some more* Is everything okay now? *wipes some leaves off his bed*
T`ea: Yea... *picks up her book from the ground* but now this place looks like a forest... *looks around at all the leaves that blew into the room*
Tristan: *starts to pick up some of the stray leaves* That was definitely strange though... oh well *tosses them into the garbage can*
Yugi: *rubs his eyes* Man... why did it have to happen early in the morning.... *yawns*
Joey: I'm going back to sleep *yawns and closes his eyes* Let me know if anything else............. happens.....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Tristan: Hehe... *starts to help T`ea clean up the room*
Yugi: *yawns again and pulls another leaf out of his hair*
Joey: *remains sleeping*
Two hours later: T`ea: *tosses the last leaf into the garbage can* Man! How did that many leafs get in here in the first place?
Tristan: I'm wiped.... *falls back down onto the chair he was sitting in a couple hours ago*
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yugi: *wide awake* I'm amazed that so many leaves came into the room in the first place....
Joey: *starts to stir a bit*
T`ea: *ties the garbage bag up* Ya... Me too. I better toss this out outside. I'll be back soon.... *lugs the garbage back onto her back and walks out of the room*
Joey: *wakes up and looks around the room* Good Morning guys *yawns*
Tristan: Good morning Joey....
Yugi: *pulls out his dueling deck*
Joey: So, anything new?
Yugi: Hm? *looks up to Joey*
Joey: Never mind.... *just remembers that he can get out of his hospital bed today*
Yugi: *stares at his deck again and looks at Slifer*
Joey: Is something wrong Yug'?
Yugi: Huh? Oh... I'm just thinking of what happened yesterday... that's all!
Joey: Oh...... *looks outside the window just as the phone rings*
Tristan: *yawns*
Joey: *answers his phone* Hello?
Mysterious Dude 1: MWHAHAHAHAHAHA
Joey: *gets freaked out* Hello? Who is this?
Mysterious Dude 2: You're NIGHTMARE!!!
Joey: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I think you have the wrong number
Mysterious Dude 1: You are indeed Mr. Joey Wheeler right
Mysterious Dude 2: And indeed you are friends with the Pharaoh
Mysterious Dude 1: So that means we have the right number!
Joey: Huh? How did you know my name? And how did you know I'm friends with Yugi?! *gets freaked out*
Mysterious Dude 1: Don't you know
Mysterious Dude 2: We want the god cards!
Mysterious Dude 1: And we will get it one way or the other!
Joey: It's you guys!! (These must be the creeps that Yugi was talking about) *looks over at Yugi with a worried look*
Mysterious Dude 2: You better watch your back!
Mysterious Dude 1: For we will do anything to steal the god cards!
Mysterious Dude 2: He'd our advice
Mysterious Dude 1: We will be watching you!
Mysterious Dudes: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Joey: *hangs up the phone and takes deep breaths of fear*
Yugi: Joey? Are you okay?
Joey: Man, that was creepy!! *lays back onto his bed with worried expressions on his face*
Yugi: Huh?
Joey: You know those guys that you were talking about yesterday Yug'? It was them
Yugi: The mysterious dudes? *gets extremely worried* They must want the god cards again.... *looks at Slifer, Obelisk and Ra* (Oh no... now they are going to attack my friends)
Yami: *looks away from the wall* (Huh? What's going on Yugi?)
Yugi: (The mysterious dudes just called Joey... and threaten him for the god cards or something)
Yami: (Oh no!)
Joey: *gets really worried* And you know what else they said? They said that they'll do anything for the god cards and that I better watch my back. They even knew my name! *faints from being so scared*
Yugi: JOEY!!! *tries to get out of bed but can't*
Tristan: He must be scared out of his mind... I would be if they called me
T`ea: I'm back *comes into the room* What's with all the commotion?
Joey: *still knocked out from being so scared*
Yugi: The mysterious dudes called Joey... and he got scared out of his mind
T`ea: Poor Joey... I never thought they would call him.... *sits down in her chair*
Tristan: I never would of thought so either....
Yugi: *looks down at the god cards* (It's my fault that everything is happening to my friends...)
Yami: *puts hand on Yugi's shoulder* (Don't think that Yugi..... it's not your fault)
Yugi: (but none of this would have happened if I wasn't with them.... it's all of these Mysterious Dude's fault! Because they want the god cards... they are picking on my friends to get to you)
Yami: (Yea..... but don't worry. We'll work as a team to stop these Mysterious Dudes)
Yugi: (Thank you Yami...) *sighs* (I wouldn't know what to do without you)
Yami: (Don't mention it Yugi... I feel the same way as well) *winks*
Yugi: *continues to stare at the god cards as the doctor comes in*
Doctor: Good morning Mr. Mutou. Ah, I see Mr. Wheeler is resting...
Joey: *starts to stir once the doctor comes in*
Yugi: Good morning doctor...
Doctor: *checks data charts and stuff*
Joey: *wakes up* Huh? Oh.... hi Yugi *rubs his head*
Yugi: Hey Joey!
Doctor: I see you are awake Mr. Wheeler.... it looks like you are okay to check out today
Joey: Oh... that's great *yawns* Thanks doc!
Doctor: And Mr. Mutou could check out too....
Yugi: (YES!!!)
Doctor: All you have to do is fill out these forms and your all set! *hands Joey and Yugi a form*
Joey: Alright... *takes a pen and the form and starts to fill it out*
3 mins later: Joey: *finishes up the form*
Yugi: *finishes form as well and hands it back to the doctor*
Joey: So, am I okay to walk on my leg now?
Doctor: Yes Mr. Wheeler.
Joey: (ALRIGHT!!)
Tristan: Now we could get out of here right?
Joey: I guess *tries to get out of bed, but is still weak for not moving leg in a long time*
Tristan: Let me help you! *runs over to Joey and helps him out*
Joey: Thanks Tristan *grabs Tristan's hand and gets up*
Yugi: *jumps out of the bed*
Tristan: No problem...
Joey: *walks around with leg to get used to it and almost falls down*
Tristan: *makes sure Joey doesn't fall over*
Joey: Thanks man
Tristan: You would have done it for me if I broke my leg...
Joey: Yea... of course I would Tristan *tries to walk on leg again and then starts to get used to it*
T`ea: *puts away belongings* It's would be good to be out of the hospital for once
Joey: Yea... I agree!! I've been in here longer than all of you guys have
Yugi: We know Joey... *puts on shoes* It's just feels like the hospital is getting to be a second home
Joey: Yea.... *puts his shoes on as well*
Tristan: *tosses on backpack* ready to go?
Joey: I'm ready....
T`ea: Let's get out of her then!
Yugi: I'm right behind ya! *grabs backpack*
Joey: *grabs his backpack and tries to walk on leg again*
Tristan: *walks behind Joey to make sure he doesn't fall over*
Joey: I guess this takes a while to get used to...
Tristan: I guess so... come on Joey! Let's get out of here!
Joey: Okay... *walks kind of slowly out of the room*
Tristan: *follows him out and closes the door*
Outside of hospital: T`ea: *takes in a deep breath* Ah! Fresh air at last
Joey: *takes a couple of deep breaths* It's nice to be back out here again
Yugi: Yep! *looks down at his cast*
Tristan: *tosses his backpack in the air* It's good to be free! *gets hit in the back by his backpack*
Joey: What did I tell you Tristan?!?!?!
Tristan: What? *picks up backpack*
Joey: *gives him a "REMEMBER?!?!" look*
Tristan: Hehe....
T`ea: Poor Tristan doesn't have a clue
Tristan: Huh?
T`ea: *gives him the "I told ya so" look*
Joey: *trips on a rock and almost falls down*
Yugi: Ack! *catches a hold of Joey*
Joey: Thanks Yug'
Yugi: No problem
Kaiba's voice from a distance: *laughs* Pathetic Wheeler! It looks like you can't take care of yourself without your lil pal Yugi helping you out *walks up to the gang*
T`ea: What do you want Kaiba?
Joey: *gets really mad and puts out fists*
Tristan: Hold up Joey!
Kaiba: *looks down and notices that Yugi has a cast on* Huh?
Yugi: *continues to hold Joey back*
Kaiba: (The King of Games got hurt... that means he can't duel. If I challenge him now with his arm in a cast I can easily win)
Joey: *tries to get away from Yugi and Tristan's grasp*
Yugi: *continues to hold him back*
Tristan: Easy Joey! He's not worth it!
Kaiba: (Time to take the title that should be mine) Yugi...
Yugi: Huh? *turns his head and continues to keep Joey back* What is it?
Kaiba: Yugi.... I think it's time for our re-match. You took my victory away from me in Battle City, and now I want it back
To Be Continued:
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Friday, July 29, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, yesterday was another boring day. Oh well, at least I got to talk to YamiYugi1900 all day again. Oh, and I also had a duel with MerikMine. It was fun!! The duel lasted for like 25 mins… I think. And she was ahead for the LONGEST time. Her first attack got me to 1500 lp and then she summoned her Blue Eyes!! I had NO monsters at all (well, except for ones that needed tributes) So I was dead meat until I got my Change of Heart card, took control of her Blue Eyes White Dragon and won the duel. It was a really fun match, and I’m really looking forward to another one ^^
Yami: You really dueled great yesterday
Me: *gets started by Yami* Huh? Oh, thanks Yami
Yami: You’re almost as good as me…
Me: No, I can NEVER beat you. You’re the King of Games. You’re the best duelist I know
Yami: Thanks, but your dueling skills are going up too
Me: I guess your right *looks at my deck*
Yami: Is something wrong?
Me: *looks up* No, not at all….
Yami: Do you want to duel me? Is that it?
Me: Huh?
Yami: *puts on duel disk* Come on… I’ll even go a lil easy on you
Me: *puts on my duel disk* You’re on Yami!!
Hehe…. Well I guess I have to duel Yami now… see ya all soon. Buh-bye ^^
Yami: See ya
~Yami Yugi & Yamisgirl has Spoken
Ps. Thanks to all of you guys that made my day better yesterday *hugs*
Ps #2. Don’t go to YamiYugi1900’s site unless you want to get clobbered with cookies or candy. My stomach hurts from all that candy!! x.x
Ps #3. Don’t show Yugi any pictures of him in the Dark Magician costume…. It makes him a lil mad T_T

Yugi: HEY!! Why did you do that Yamisgirl?!?! You know how much I hate that pic!! *grabs a soup ladle and chases me*
Me: ACK!! *runs away* I just wanted to put it up!! It’s cute!! *keeps running* (I guess my duel with Yami has just been canceled x.x)
Ps #4. *keeps running* SAVE ME YAMIYUGI1900!! (read her comment to find out what happens next… hehe ^^)
Ps #5. Part 21 still isn’t ready… we were working on it and then our internet company (aka: the company that our family owns, so no YamiYugi1900 you can’t kill it) Then my mom is making go to the stupid mall ALL morning and then have someone over so I’m sorry if I don’t get this part on quick enough or if I don’t get to all of your sites. O well… have a good day everyone!! ^^
Comments (9) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, I’m soooooooooooooooo sorry that I didn’t get to everyone’s sites yesterday. I’ve been in a really bad mood and also being very lazy. Well, yesterday I did nothing besides talking to YamiYugi1900 all day. Yup, we were both very bored…. lol. Well ummmmmmmmmmmmmm…. I’m still in my lil bad mood so I don’t really have anything else to say. I guess that’s all the news I got for now. *sighs* I guess I’ll see you all l8er… buh-bye ^^
Ps. If you’re going to ask if I’m okay I’m fine. I’m just worried about my aunt and all *starts to get tears in eyes*
Ps #2. YamiYugi1900 and I didn’t get part 21 done yet. I’ll post it up once we’re done with it…
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl (Man, this title never gets old! I love it!! ^^)
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, I’m so happy for many reasons!
1)I got 300 hits on my site! YAHOO! Look at the cool card that YamiYugi1900 made for me:

2)I got some sleep last night and Mocha didn’t escape from his cage! ^^
3)I’m catching up on Harry Potter… I’m on page 243 right now!! ^^
4)I officially know how to make lil animated avis. I made like 2 yesterday ‘cause I was so bored (one for YamiYugi1900 and one for oblivian)
Okay, now you all know why I’m so happy! ^^ Hehe… now I feel like saying random things (I think the H.A.S is getting to me) I LIKE CHEESE!! (but it sometimes makes me sick >.<) Hehe… what else should I say? Hmmmmmmmmmm…. Okay, now I’ve ran out of ideas. lol Well, in other news, all I did yesterday was talk to YamiYugi1900 online. We also did a lot of role playing!! Lots of fun, but I think the story is getting a bit sad right now. (I won’t spill the beans ^^) Oh, and I like Pharaoh Yami’s idea of putting every part of our skit together and then reading it all in the end…. Except, we don’t know when it’ll end. I’ll ask *goes to chat window and asks YamiYugi1900 how long our skit will actually be*
Yamisgirl: Hey, do you know how long our skit will actually be?
YamiYugi1900: Dunnow… forever onwards... until you want to kill it of course
Well, there is your answer… lol. I don’t think I want to kill it X.X Well, that’s all the news I got for now… See ya all l8er… buh-bye! ^^
Ps. Thank God I got sleep!!
Ps #2. Oh yea I almost forgot, my parents are making a “family night” tonight, and we are all watching the Ice Princess. ACK!! Someone kill me now!! *grabs a soul ladle and hits self in head with it
Ps #3. I got H.A.S now and I think it’s YamiYugi1900’s fault… hehe Kidding!! ^^
Ps #4. Thank you everyone that comes to my site gave me 300 hits. I love ya guys!! *hugs everyone* (Oh, and for my gb entries… I still need 30 more X.X)
Ps #5. Here is part 20 of the skit:
Our Skit (Part 20!! WOW!!)
Yugi: *crawls under his bed and vacuums up dust bunnies*
Yami: *turns the page and continues to read*
Yugi: *hits head while trying to get out from under bed* Uff.... *crawls out and rubs head*
Yami: Huh? Are you okay Yugi?
Yugi: Ya... *continues to rub head*
Yami: Okay... just checking *goes back to reading*
Yugi: *runs and empties out the vacuum*
Yami: *starts to nod off while reading*
Yugi: *puts the vacuum away and starts to organize bookshelf*
Yami: *falls asleep on top of his book*
Yugi: *jumps down from chair and spots Yami asleep* Awww.... *sticks book mark where Yami stopped at and picks Yami up and puts him onto his bed*
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Yugi: *yawns* I should get some sleep too.... *pulls out sleeping bag and falls asleep on it before he could change*
The Next Morning: Yugi: zzz...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...zzz
Yami: *rolls over in bed* Zzz...zzzzzzz
Yugi: *something unexpected hits him in the head* Uff.... *wakes up*
Yami: *starts to mummer stuff that's in his book*
Yugi: *sits up and realizes that his nose is bleeding due to something hitting him in the nose*
Yami: Zzzzz…
Yugi: *attempts to stop the blood, but can't* Why me? *leans his head back and finds a rock that hit him in the head*
Yami: *starts to wake up*
Yugi: Ugh... *continues to tilt his held back*
Yami: *wakes up* Huh? *yawns and rubs his eyes*
Yugi: Why me, and why when I was on the floor
Yami: *notices Yugi* Yugi!! Are you okay? *runs over to him with a extra tissue*
Yugi: I don't feel okay... I think my nose got hit by a rock.... *groans a bit*
Yami: Why didn't you wake me Yugi.... here sit down *goes and gets another tissue*
Yugi: Sorry... I just got hit by the rock a minute ago *uses the tissue and tries to stop the blood flow*
Yami: How did you get hit by a rock?! *gives Yugi more tissues*
Yugi: dunnow... *looks at the window and discovers it's broken*
Yami: *notices window as well* Okay... what happened last night?!
Yugi: Last night? *continues to make an attempt to stop the blood flow*
Yami: Well, it wasn't like this earlier.....
Yugi: It must have happened when we were asleep...
Yami: Yea... but how? We should have heard something. Something doesn't seem right...
Yugi: I know... *manages to stop the flow a bit* Ugh... why did they have to hit me on the nose with that rock?
Yami: How big was the rock?
Yugi: *points to the rock that is lying next to him that is about the size of a fist*
Yami: Whoa!! *turns around and notices that Yugi is getting really sweaty*
Yugi: *continues to fight with his nose bleed* This stinks.... *continues to try to stop the flow*
Yami: *walks over to Yugi and feels his head* Yugi, you're burning up!! Are you feeling okay?
Yugi: Ugh... *manages to stop his nose bleed a bit more* This is getting to be annoying....
Yami: *goes and gets thermometer and puts it in Yugi's mouth* You don't look good Yugi....
Yugi: *tries to talk but the thermometer is in his mouth*
Yami: *waits for a few mins and then takes the thermometer out of Yugi's mouth*
Yugi: *manages make up a pile of tissues and continues to try to stop the nosebleed* Man! That rock did a lot... *continues to lean back as well*
Yami: *looks at the thermometer* It looks like either that rock did something to you, or you may be getting sick
Yugi: *looks at the rock* I think it's the rock... stupid rock... I was fine all the time before now *kicks the rock*
Yami: Yea....
Yugi: *manages to get his nose to stop bleeding*
Yami: *starts to get worried about Yugi*
Yugi: *looks at the sleeping bag* Uh oh... *runs to the bathroom and comes back with a towel and starts to scrub the sleeping bag*
Yami: Huh?
Yugi: *tries to get the blood off of the sleeping bag he was sleeping on* GRRR!!! *starts to scrub faster and manages to get it out*
Yami: Hey, let me help you out there *helps Yugi clean off his sleeping bag*
Yugi: Thanks Yami...
Yami: Don't mention it....
Yugi: *starts to get woozy*
Yami: Are you feeling okay Yugi? *holds Yugi by the shoulder*
Yugi: I think the loss of blood is effecting me *faints and starts to fall forward*
Yami: Yugi!! *catches Yugi* Speak to me Yugi....... are you okay?
Yugi: *fainted*
Yami: This doesn't look good.... better go check some things out *sets Yugi on his bed and looks out the broken window*
Yugi: zzz...zzz
Yami: Hmmmmmmmmmm... *looks outside to notice anything strange*
Mysterious dudes: Bwhahahaha!!! Watch out Pharaoh! You're god cards are as good as ours!
Yami: Huh? *stands back and notices 2 "mysterious dudes" jump into the room*
Mysterious dude 1: MWHAHAHAHAHA!!! It looks like your partner is out cold from our...uh.... what was it again?
Mysterious dude 2: You idiot! *hits mysterious dude 1* from the cursed rock you fool!
Yami: So you two the ones responsible for the rock and the window!!
Mysterious Dude 1: Nice going!
Mysterious Dude 2: Hey! I wasn't the one who said anything about the rock!
Mysterious Dude 1: Yes you did!
Mysterious Dude 2: No I didn't! *starts to get into a fist fight with Mysterious dude 1*
Yami: *cuts in* ENOUGH! Now what do you two want from me?!
Mysterious Dudes: *stop fighting*
Mysterious Dude 1: We want your god cards!
Mysterious dude 2: Ya... and if you even try to take over for Yugi, you would end up like him!
Mysterious dude 1: Ya! So don't even try to resist!
Yami: (Yugi.... please get up!! I'm not able to do this on my own!!)
Yugi: *starts to stir from Yami's call*
Yami: *continues to call Yugi* (Listen Yugi, I can't take over and I need your help. Two dudes are here and they are trying to steal the god cards from us... please get up)
Yugi: *manages to get up after hearing Yami's calls* Ugh... *looks up* It's you two!
Mysterious dude 2: How is this possible! The cursed rock should of knocked you out cold
Mysterious dude 1: Is this some kind of trick!
Yami: (Nice going Yugi... I knew you would fight it off!) Now, answer me this... are you the two that called and treated us?
Mysterious Dude 1: So what if we were
Mysterious Dude 2: We will get the god cards! One way or another!
Yugi: *gets off the bed* So you want the god cards? Well, you have to go through me! The protector of the gods! *picks up a metal rod that was left on the ground*
Yami: (Yugi.... put the rod down and go get our duel disk and deck, and then I'll take it from there)
Yugi: (I don't think I could allow you to take over.... the curse from the rock is still in effect... I'm trying to fight it off the best I could)
Mysterious Dudes: *get startled and step back* What the?!
Mysterious Dude 1: This protector has spunk!
Mysterious Dude 2: He has the potential to wield the power of the Gods! And much more! We better stay back..... It's not the time to get the gods just yet....
Yami: (Here let me try something....) *fiddles around with the puzzle and ends up taking control* (Weird.... how did I do that?! O well... now Yugi, I'm not effected by the rock so don’t worry about me)
Yugi: (Okay... I trust you... just, try not to do anything too rash)
Yami: (Alright...) *looks over at the Mysterious Dudes*
Mysterious Dude 1: How did they do that!
Mysterious Dude 2: He wasn't affected by the curse at all!
Mysterious Dude 1: It must be that boy again! The protector could have thrown off the curse long enough
Yami: With the belief in each other... we can break through any curse you two try to set on us!!
Mysterious Dude 2: So that was it! Hehe... Good work Pharaoh!
Mysterious Dude 1: But not good enough
Yami: Grrrr... (Yugi, did you say you recognize these two dudes? They seem to be familiar to me too)
Mysterious Dude 1: MWHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's time for our partings
Mysterious Dude 2: but don't miss us too much, for we will be back!
Mysterious Dudes: *tosses something down on ground and disappears*
Yami: *starts to choke by the smoke that came out of the thing that they threw down*
Yugi: *chokes on the some as well and passes out*
Yami: *falls down and passes out as well*
Ten minutes later: Yami: *still knocked out*
Yugi: *starts to stir*
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Yugi: *wakes up with a really bad head ach*
Yami: *knocked out cold*
Yugi: *starts to rub head and notices that Yami is out cold* Yami! *runs over to him*
Yami: *knocked out*
Yugi: *picks him up and puts him down on the bedside before head ach turns into migraine*
Yami: *body becomes frozen*
Yugi: *same effects happen to Yugi as well*
1 hour later: Yugi: *lying face down on the ground*
Yami: *still knocked out with body un-frozen*
Yugi: *starts to stir*
Yami: *still remains knocked out*
Yugi: *manages to get up* Huh? *rubs head where he hit it before* Man! That hurts! Huh? *turns out to see Yami unconscious*
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzz....
Yugi: *continues to rub head* Huh? *notices the answering machine blinking* How long was I out for it.... *checks watch* An hour and a half....
Yami: *still unconscious*
Yugi: *checks the messages left on the machine*
T`ea: Hello? Yugi? Are you there? Well, we are going to go to Joey's I hope you get this message soon! See ya
Tristan: Hey there! T`ea asked me to call and check on you... well, we are at Joey's right now... and I hope you could stop by
Yugi's mom: Yugi! I'm going out to do some food shopping and your door was locked when I checked.... I'll be back soon!
T`ea: Okay! Now you are making me worried! Where are you!?!? We're going to look for you if you don't come soon!
Yami: *remains on the floor knocked out*
Tristan: Come on man! Where are you Yugi! We're going to send a search team out now!
Machine: End of final message
Yugi: *slumps down on chair* Now what? I can't go anywhere and there is a search team looking for me.... *looks over at Yami* and Yami is really hurt. I have to help him out! *Millennium Puzzle starts to glow*
Yami: *doesn't do anything when the puzzle glows*
Yugi: *starts to get into tears and they roll down his face and drop onto the Millennium Puzzle that shined brightly and Yugi takes over* *looks up again* Huh? Did I do something?
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzz...
*somebody starts to bang on the door* T`ea: Yugi?!?! Are you in there!
Yugi: Huh? *looks at the door that someone is banging on*
T`ea: *pulls on the door but it's stuck* Ugh! *continues to pull*
Yugi: Who's there! *picks up the metal pole* You better answer me!
T`ea: *stops banging* Yugi? Is that you?
Yugi: Huh? Ya... I'm Yugi!
T`ea: YUGI!!! I had been looking everywhere for you! How come your door is locked?
Yugi: It's locked? *drops the pole and runs over to the door and tries to open it* I didn't lock it! IT'S STUCK!!! *continues to pull on it*
T`ea: You didn’t lock it! I think we have to work as a team and break it down.....
Yugi: Okay... but I think I could get it myself *grabs a screw driver and starts to unscrew the door hinges*
T`ea: Did it work?
Yugi: *steps away and yanks on the door but it wouldn't open* Nope
T`ea: This may be a problem...
Yugi: Huh?
T`ea: Your door has been cemented shut.... somehow
Yugi: Cement? *looks at the door's edges* Oh great!
T`ea: Hmmm... I'll go look for something to break the cement... wait here! *runs down the stairs*
Yugi: There is no place to go... *looks out the window*
Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzz
Yugi: hmmm... first thing is first! *Picks up the metal pole and starts to whack the cement*
Yami: *remains knocked out while Yugi is trying to fix the door*
Yugi: *starts get tired, but keeps on whacking the cement*
Yami: Zzzzz...
Yugi: *managed to make a large crack in the cement* *drops the metal rod and falls over* Man! That took a long time! *manages to get back up* Okay... let's get this door open! *starts stabbing at the crack with the screw driver* *starts to chisel at the cement again*
*a wind started to blow throughout the room and an evil presence as well*
Yugi: *stops chipping away at the cement and looks over to the window*
Mysterious Dudes *standing right by the window* We're back! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yugi: Oh brother! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!
Mysterious dude 1: Hehe... you already know what we want Protector of the God Cards!
Mysterious dude 2: We're just checking up on the Pharaoh!
Mysterious dude 1: He doesn't look too good! MWHAHAHAHA
Yami: *still knocked out*
Yugi: *looks down at his deck that is in his pocket* No way are you getting them! And no way are you going to harm my friends! *picks up the metal pole* I won't allow it!
Mysterious dude 1: Hehe... I told you! He is a strong protector! Hehe... and an easy one to beat too!
Yugi: Oh ya! Just watch me!
Mysterious dude 2: There is nothing you could do with that broken arm so give it up!
Yugi: Never! I will always fight for my friends! Even if I have to risk it all! So don't even dare try to harm the Pharaoh! And don't think you are going to get the god cards for that won't happen! *the Millennium puzzle starts to activate*
Yami: *doesn't do anything when the puzzle activates*
Mysterious dude 1: You think that really could stop us? Even with the puzzle, you're no match for us!
Yugi: I do... and with the strength of my friends behind me! I will prevail! *the puzzle starts to shine more and the gods appear behind Yugi*
Mysterious dude 2: What the! This boy isn't suppose to have the power to wield the Egyptian gods!
Mysterious dude 1: This is impossible!
Yugi: *appears in Pharaoh Yami's attire* Impossible is nothing! And what you ask is ridiculous! GO THE GODS OF EGYPT!!! WIPE THEM OUT!!!
Mysterious dudes: ARG!!! *gets blasted by gods but escape before they were destroyed*
Yugi: I almost had them! Oh well... Hmmmm maybe the gods could break down the door. Go Slifer! Attack that door! *the door falls down after being attacked*
T`ea: *runs up the stairs and sees Yugi looking like Yami...blinks and then just see Yugi as Yugi* My eyes must be acting up again… What happened here?!?! *looking at the pile of rubble that was once Yugi's room*
Yugi: Uh... I got the door down... Hehe.....
T`ea: That's great! *blinks a couple more times*
Yugi: T`ea? Are you feeling alright?
T`ea: I think so...We should get to Joey's.... He's worried about you
Yugi: Okay...
T`ea: I forgot to get something... I'll be right back *runs down stairs*
Yugi: Okay... now...what am I going to do with this door *looks at the thing that was once his bed room door*
Yami: *still knocked out*
Yugi: *tries to pick it up and fit it back into the doorway* Ugh.... *heaves it up but can't get it to fit in the doorway* Uh oh
*a pink light starts to shine through Yugi's broken bedroom window * Dark Magician Girl: *appears in room*
Yugi: *accidentally lets go of the door and it starts to come down*
Dark Magician Girl: *pulls out her wand and stops the door from knocking Yugi out and puts it back into its place* Good afternoon Yugi
Yugi: *turns around after hearing Dark Magician Girls voice* Huh? Dark Magician Girl! What are you doing here?!?!
Dark Magician Girl: I have come from the dominion of the beasts to check on the Pharaoh... I had sense something was wrong
Yugi: He's over there... *points to Yami knocked out on the bed*
Yami: *remains unconscious*
Dark Magician Girl: Oh no... *walks over to him and feels his head* He's burning up
Yugi: What!?!? Yami! *runs over to him as well*
Yami: *sweat runs down his face*
Dark Magician Girl: Don't worry, I could treat him... *pulls out her wand and casts a spell that causes Yami to glow a bit*
Yami: *starts to stir a bit after the spell*
Dark Magician Girl: *starts to give her strength to Yami*
Yami: *stirs some more*
Yugi: *activates the puzzle as well and transfer his energy to Yami*
Yami: *starts to wake up*
Yugi: Yami? Are you okay?
Yami: *slightly opens his eyes* Ugh..... Yugi? Is that you?
Yugi: It's me
Yami: *rubs his head from a bad head ach* What happened?
Yugi: You mean what happened when you were knocked out, or what happened before you got knocked out?
Yami: Huh? I was knocked out? Ugh.... *suffers through painful head ach*
Yugi: Ya... we both were after inhaling that gas
Dark Magician Girl: *conjures up a cup of light gold liquid* Drink this Pharaoh... it will make you feel better....
Yami: *takes the cup and starts to drink the gold liquid* What is this stuff?
Dark Magician Girl: It's a potion that Mahado taught me how to make that heals basically anything
Yami: Hmmmmmm... *takes on more sip and puts the cup down and closes eyes*
Yugi: You feeling better Yami?
Yami: Ugh..... I don't know *starts to doze off from the potion*
Yugi: Get some rest *hears T`ea coming up the stairs*
Dark Magician Girl: I best be going then... Call for me if you need me! *disappears with a flash of pink light*
T`ea: *knocks on the door and enters* Ready to go Yugi?
Yugi: Yep....
At the Hospital: T`ea: Look who I found
Joey: Hey Yug'! Where have you been?
Yugi: Uh....
Joey: Well, no worries. At least you're hear now...
Yugi: Ya... Hehe.... (Thank God he doesn't know what happened)
Joey: Hmmmmmm...
Yugi: It's nothing....
Joey: What? I didn't say anything *someone knocks on Joey's door* Who is it?
Tristan: It's me! Let me in! *continues to knock*
Joey: Yug', open it up please....
Yugi: Okay... *opens door and Tristan knocks him on the head, thinking the door was still there*
T`ea: Tristan! Watch who you are knocking on!
Yugi: Ouch.... ouch.....ouch..... *gets hit in the head by Tristan's fist*
Tristan: Oh... *stops knocking on Yugi* Sorry about that... Hey! Yugi's back!
Joey: Yup!
Yugi: *starts to rub head where he got knocked on as Tristan enters the room*
Joey: Are you okay Yugi?
Tristan: So where was he anyway?
Yugi: I'm fine.... Hehe
Joey: Yea T'ea... where was he at when you found him?
T`ea: In his room... his door was cemented shut
Joey: How did that happen?!
Yugi: (I'm in sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much trouble)
Tristan: Cement?
Yami: *starts to stir after hearing Yugi think*
Joey: Yea cement? That's just a bit crazy if you ask me!!
Tristan: Ya... I thought so
Yugi: (Now I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much in deep trouble)
Yami: *wakes up* (Huh? What was that Yugi?) *rubs head some more*
Yugi: *starts to sneak towards the door*
Yami: (Ugh... this head ach is driving me nuts!! I don't think that potion helped)
Tristan: Where do you think your going mister!
Yugi: *hand was on the door knob and he does a three second freeze*
T`ea: Ya! You have a lot of explaining to do Yugi!
Yami: (Ugh..... Yugi just tell them I mean, they do know that I exists right? It won't kill you to tell half of it...)
Yugi: Uh.... Hehe... it's a funny story really
Joey: Yugi, we're your friends and we want to know what's wrong... don't make me get out of this bed!
Yugi: Okay.... okay.... *starts to talk fast* I hit in the nose by a cursed rock... and then two mysterious freaks came in the room and we duked it out, and they tossed this weird gas that made me unconsious.... and they cemented the door... and then I woke up, ... and I got your messages, and then T`ea came, and then I started to work on opening the door, but then they appeared again
Joey: *looks at Yugi in shock*
Yugi: and then I drove them away with the gods of Egypt and broke down my door, and then I repaired it, and then T`ea dragged me over her, and that's what happened....Hehe
Joey: Ooooo..... kay. That's a lil creepy there!
Yugi: You told me to tell you the whole story, so there! Happy! *starts to make an escape towards the door*
Joey: Yugi... why didn't you tell us before? We could have helped you before you passed out
Yugi: I got knocked out by the rock remember! *starts to fumble with the door knob*
Joey: Yugi... we aren't mad at you. We're just worried that's all....
Yugi: *doesn't hear Joey and continues to fumble with the door knob*
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmmmm... *looks out the window and worries about Yugi*
Tristan: *walks over to Yugi, picks him up, and sets him down in the chair*
Yugi: ACK!!! *struggles to get free but doesn't have the energy to do so*
Joey: *looks over at Yugi* You need to calm down man....
Yugi: (Look what you got me into Yami!) *tries to get away again*
Yami: (Okay... how is this my fault?!?!)
Yugi: (You told me tell! I was the one who wanted to get out of here as quick as possible!)
Yami: (I didn't mean to tell about the guys that came!! I mean... I wouldn't even think of mentioning that!)
Yugi: (Oh...)
Yami: (Anyway, is there anything else you're mad at me for?)
Yugi: (Nope) *continues to struggle to get out of Tristan's grip*
Yami: (Okay....) *sighs* (Yugi......)
Tristan: What's with you today! *pulls out some rope and ties Yugi to the chair*
Yugi: What the! *starts to hop around with the chair tied to him*
Yami: (Ahem!)
T`ea: Isn't that going a little too extreme Tristan?
Yugi: (Huh?) *stops trying to get away*
Yami: (I'm sorry) *bows* (I didn't mean to get mad)
Yugi: (It's okay) *struggles on the ropes and it gets a little too tight around his broken arm* ARG!!! *stops trying to move*
Joey: You realize he still has a broken arm right?
Tristan: Huh?
Joey: *points to Yugi’s cast*
Tristan: Oh.... *unties Yugi*
Yugi: *gasps and slumps forward*
Joey: You okay?
Tristan: I'm sorry okay!
T`ea: Don't tell that to me!
Tristan: Oh... *turns to Yugi* Sorry about that Yugi
Yugi: It's ...*coughs* Okay.... *stays slumped forward*
Joey: Hehe...
Yugi: *starts to feel a bit faint*
Yami: *starts to feel woozy*
Yugi: *collapses onto the floor*
T`ea: *spots Yugi falling forward* Yugi! *runs over to him*
Yami: *collapses as well*
Tristan: Yugi!?!? *runs over to him and prevents him from crashing into the floor*
Joey: Yugi... are you okay?!
T`ea: Poor Yugi... he's been through a lot today...
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Tristan: Maybe we should let him sleep...
T`ea: Ya... after all... he did do a lot
Joey: Yea....
Yugi: *starts to stir a bit*
Joey: Maybe you should take him home....
T`ea: I'll call his mom.... *takes out cell phone*
Joey: *keeps an eye on Yugi*
Yugi: *starts to wake up with a moan*
Joey: Huh? Yugi? Are you okay?
Yugi: Huh? *looks up* Hey... *rubs his head* Ouch..... why do I have a massive head ach?
Joey: I don't know..... do you need me to call up a nurse?
Yugi: dunnow.... *continues to rub his head where Tristan knocked him*
Joey: *picks up the phone next to his bed* Are you sure? I'll call up now....
Yugi: *wince when he accidentally rubs his head the wrong way*
Joey: *calls the nurse desk*
Nurse: Hello? What can I do for you Mr. Wheeler?
Joey: Hi. Ummmmmmmmmm... I got my friend Yugi here and he just collapsed and now he has a bad head ach. Do you think you can help him?
Nurse: Okay... I'll send someone up shortly....
Joey: Thank you....
*a nurse comes up to Joey's room* Nurse: Hello? Which one of you fainted?
Joey: It's Yugi... *points to Yugi that is on the ground*
Nurse: Okay... *walks over to Yugi and helps him out of the room*
T`ea: I hope he is okay
Joey: Me too... *watches the nurse take Yugi* Hang in there man....
With Yugi: Yugi: *follows the nurse to an empty room*
Nurse: Was there any symptoms.... throwing up? Light headedness?
Yugi: I felt light headed before....
Nurse: Okay... *pulls out Yugi's files*
Yugi: *groans a bit*
Nurse: I'll be back with a doctor.... *walks out of the room to get a doctor*
Yami: *still passed out*
Yugi: *moans some more from the pain*
Yami: *groans in sleep from the pain that he's having too*
Doctor: *walks into the room* Okay.... Mr. Mutou, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow... what seems to be the problem...
Yugi: *faints again*
Doctor: Oh no... Mr. Mutou?
To Be Continued:
Told ya it was sad *cries a bit from Yugi and Yami's pain*
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, I have had an off morning. Here is an advice to explain it all:

Yea.... I guess he got out of his cage somehow and then he ended up in Christen’s (my 6 yr old sister) room. She woke up (this all happened at like 5:30 in the morning) and she noticed him crawl under her bed, and then she got my parents (that were already awake) and told them that my hamster got out. Then my dad went to my room and woke me up... (I was out of it!! I was up for like an hour {2-3} 'cause I woke up from some strange noises so I was sound asleep when he came in my room) and then it toke forever for me to wake up! Then I went to my sister's room to get him from underneath the bed. Then I toke him to my room, fixed his cage (there was an opening in the back where he escaped) and then now he's doing fine. He's asleep right now ^^ I just remembered… one time I lost him and he was behind my dresser!! I had to take everything off of it and move my bed and everything until I got him out x.x It was soooooooooo hard, but thank God he didn’t do that this time!! Well, in other news yesterday YamiYugi1900 and I were working on our skit ALL DAY!! It was so much fun, and we caught up a lot on it too! Well, that’s all the news I got for now… see ya all l8er… buh-bye!
Ps. What do you guys think of the avi I made? Well, I didn’t do it alone. I got help from 2 of my great Otaku friends Kagome_Mokuba & YamiYugi1900. I love you guys!! *hugs them both*
Ps #2. I’m sooooooooooooooo tired!! I was planning to sleep in until 6:30 today, but then my dad had to wake me up, and tonight I was planning to stay up a few hours and catch up on my Harry Potter book (I’m on page 214 right now) I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow or try to get a nap in today x.x
Ps #3. Here is Part 19 of the skit:
Our Skit (Part 19)
At the Hospital: Doctor: Mr. Mutou... it looks like your arm is healing up a bit. We will be able to take the cast off in a week and a half
Yugi: Thank you doctor....
Doctor: No problem... I'm here to help the hurt and sick. That's my job. Come back in three more days so I could make sure nothing is going wrong with your arm...
Yugi: Okay!
Doctor: I'll see you soon
Yugi: *gets up and walks out the door* Okay... now it's time to meet Joey....
Yami: (So how are you doing Yugi?)
Yugi: (Great... we will be in fighting shape in no time!) *starts to run down to Joey's room and takes a wrong turn*
Yami: (That's good) *notices that Yugi took a wrong turn* (hehe...)
Yugi: Hmmm... ACK!!! *starts to run in the opposite direction and runs into Tristan on his way to Joey's room*
Yami: (ACK!!) *falls down as well*
Tristan: Hey! Watch it there... oh it's you Yugi! Here let me give you a hand! *picks Yugi off the ground*
Yugi: Thanks Tristan.... I accidentally went down the wrong hallway!
Tristan: Same here... Joey's room is right around here.... Ah, there it is! *stops at a door marked Joey Wheeler*
Yugi: *Helps Yami up*
Yami: (Thanks... now let's get inside and see Joey)
Yugi: (Okay) *opens door and walks in with Tristan*
T`ea: Hey there Yugi and Tristan!
Joey: Huh? *looks up from book* Oh... hi guys!
Tristan: What's up! *pulls over a chair and sits down*
Joey: Nothing much really.... how about you guys?
Tristan: I got you something that I think you will enjoy.... *pulls out Joey's dueling deck*
Joey: Wow, thanks man! You did need to get this for me... *looks through his deck*
Tristan: I stopped by your apartment on the way because I thought you were getting bored with Hospital entertainment
Joey: Yea... it does get boring here so all I end up doing is sleeping all day
T`ea: I thought so...
Yugi: Hehe... I should of thought of that
Joey: Huh? Why?
T`ea: *looks around the room* Because all you could do is watch this TV and sleep...not really entertaining to me
Joey: Yea.... and there is never anything good on TV anyway
Yugi: Yep... basically news and more of it... Hehe....
Joey: *laughs too*
Tristan: *starts to doze off from staying up late the night before*
Joey: Awwwwwwww... *points to Tristan on his chair*
T`ea: Not again... hump..... *grabs a bucket and fills it with freezing cold water*
Joey: Uhhhhh... you might not want to do that again. Just let him rest T'ea....
T`ea: Okay... *dumps the water* I wonder why he told me to dump a bucket of water on him if he fallen asleep though
Joey: He said fainted... not falling asleep
T`ea: Today over the phone he said sleep... yesterday he said fainted
Joey: Well, I didn't know.... Well, just let him rest anyway. He's probably just tired
T`ea: Okay... *puts away the bucket* He better not yell at me though...
Joey: Hmmmmmmm...
Yugi: *looks at the book Joey was reading*
Joey: *looks outside the window and then his leg gets some pain* Owwwwww!!
Yugi: *looks up* Are you okay Joey?
Joey: Oww! Owww! Owwwww!!
Yugi: Joey.....
Tristan: *wakes up from the pain that Joey is expressing* Huh? *yawns* Morning already?
Joey: Owwww!! I'm fine... it's just this really sharp pain got to my leg
T`ea: Did you remember to take your medication?
Joey: Uhhhhhhhhh....
T`ea: I take that as a no?
Joey: DON'T KILL ME!! Owwwwwww!!
T`ea: Here.... *hands him a glass of water and pain medication*
Joey: Thanks... *takes his medication* I fell asleep last night and I guess I forgot to take it
T`ea: That's okay... but try to remember so you don't go crazy in pain.... we don't want you to kill yourself over a broken leg
Joey: Alright... thanks T'ea
Tristan: *continues to yawn*
Joey: *yawns too* Man the doctors are right... this medication does make you tired
Yugi: What medication doesn't!
Joey: Ummmmmmmmmm... there are some that don't. I just can't think of any right now *yawns again*
Yugi: Hehe... I can't think of any right now either.... *flips through book*
Joey: *yawns again and starts to close eyes*
T`ea: We should let Joey sleep for awhile....
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzz... Huh? I'm not sleeping. I'm just resting my eyes
Yugi: Sure you aren't! (Hehe... he is so totally sleeping right now!)
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
T`ea: Uh oh... Tristan is nodding off too!
Tristan: No... I'm not.... *falls asleep on ground*
T`ea: Hehe... *lugs him back onto his chair* Maybe we should go get something for Joey while he's asleep. Might as well leave Tristan here as well.... ready to go Yugi?
Yugi: Yep... what are we getting anyway?
T`ea: Dunnow... something to entertain him I guess.... Let's get going!
Yugi: Right behind ya! *follows T`ea out of room*
At the gaming shop: Yugi: Hmmmm... *looks around the shelves of portable games*
T`ea: Hey... Yugi, check out this one! *holds out an action game*
Yugi: *looks at it* This one looks good. I think Joey has the first couple versions.... he was going to get this one. Lets get it!
T`ea: Okay... and let's get another one for him, for I'm sure he could beat it in 24 hours...
Yugi: Okay... *pulls out a fighting game* How about this one?
T`ea: It looks okay... Let's see if we have enough money to get them
Yugi: Hmmm.... *searches pockets and pulls out two twenties* I think this is enough
T`ea: Let's go pay for them! *walks to the cashier with Yugi*
Yugi: *puts down the games and the cashier rings it up*
Cashier: That will be forty-five dollars and fifty seven cents...
T`ea: Uh... I think I got it *starts to search purse*
Yugi: I think it's about twenty three dollars each... *starts to search for some singles*
T`ea: I got my share... *pulls out a twenty and three singles*
Yugi: *pulls out pockets in desperate attempt to find three dollars* Uh....
T`ea: do you need me to give you three dollars Yugi?
Yugi: Hmmm.... *puts the twenty on the table and starts to search coat pockets* I think I got some dollar bills around here somewhere
Cashier: Did you say his name was Yugi?
Yugi: Uh... Ya... my name is Yugi
Cashier: Yugi.... as in Yugi Mutou? The one who beat Seto Kaiba and won the title King of Games?
Yugi: Ya...
Cashier: As in the one who owns the god cards? As the on that won every single one of the tournaments you joined?
Yugi: Ya...
Cashier: I have been waiting for you Yugi Mutou
Yugi: Uh....
Cashier: MWHAHAHAHA!!! You're god cards are mine!
Yugi: ACK!!! NO WAY!!
Yami: *returns from soul room* (Huh? Did you say something Yugi?)
Cashier: *puts on duel disk* I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!!!
Yugi: Uh... *points to cast*
Cashier: So what! The King of Games could duel no matter what!
Yami: (Huh? Yugi... let me take over now. This isn't safe for you....)
Manager: *walks over* What's going on here! Erik! Why do you have your duel disk on! You aren't being paid to challenge people to duels! NOW RING UP THEIR STUFF AND LET THEM GO!!!
Yugi: (Uh.... I don't think you need to take over)
Cashier: Fine.... *takes off duel disk and curses under his breath*
Yami: (Okay... that was odd)
T`ea: Uh.... huh..... Here Yugi *gives him three dollars that he was going to borrow*
Yugi: Thanks T`ea *gives the cashier the money for the games*
Cashier: Thank you and have a good day.... *shoves them the games and gets stared at* WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!! *starts to yell at customers*
Yugi: *takes the games and pushes T`ea out of the store before things get ugly*
Back at the Hospital (where there are no people around that want to challenge the King of Games): Tristan: *still snoozing away in chair* zzz....zzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Joey: *still asleep on his hospital bed* Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzz
Yugi: *opens the door and walks in with T`ea and the games*
T`ea: Awww.... they are still the way that they were before... sleeping
Joey: Zzzzzz...
Yugi: I guess that medication made Joey out like a light!
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
T`ea: *tosses down bag and pulls over a chair*
Joey: *starts to stir*
Yugi: *sits down in the chair that he left unoccupied when he left with T`ea and stows away the games on the ground, under his chair*
Joey: *continues to sleep* Zzzzzzzzzz...
T`ea: *sits back and pulls out a book and starts to read*
20 mins later: Joey: *starts to stir again*
Yugi: *slumped forward asleep*
T`ea: *still reading*
Joey: *wakes up* Huh? *yawns*
T`ea: Hey there Joey! *looks up from book*
Joey: Oh... is that you T'ea?
T`ea: Yep... *puts book mark back in book and sticks it back into her purse*
Joey: Hmmmmmmm... *looks over and notices Yugi* Awwwwwww.... poor guy
Tristan: *still asleep and starts to slid down onto the ground* zzz...zzzz....zzzz *slides down even more* zzz....zzzz...zzzz *slides off chair* Uff....zzz....zzz…zzz *continues to sleep on floor*
Joey: Maybe you should take them home T'ea... they're wiped out
Yugi: *starts to wake up*
Joey: Huh? Yugi?
Yugi: *wakes up* Huh? *yawns* Hey there Joey.... did I fall asleep or something?
Joey: Yea... but it's okay
Yugi: *spots Tristan asleep on the floor* How long was he down there for?
Joey: I don't know... I just woke up a few mins ago as well
T`ea: Maybe I should go dump that bucket of water on him now... this is getting ridiculous *walks over to the sink*
Joey: Yea... good idea. Now is a good time to do it
T`ea: *fills the bucket half way with cold water*
Joey: Hehe...
T`ea: Get ready for a soaking!
Yugi: *steps away from Tristan*
T`ea: Hehe... sorry Tristan! *dumps the bucket of water on him*
Joey: *starts to crack up*
Tristan: *gets spattered in water and wakes up* MAN!!! THAT'S FREEZING!!! *splashes out on the floor for a couple*
Joey: *keeps laughing*
Yugi: *falls on the floor laughing hysterically*
Tristan: What was that for T`ea?
T`ea: You did tell me to dump a bucket of "freezing" cold water on you... so I did
Tristan: MAN!!! That's cold! *grabs a towel and starts to dry off a bit*
Joey: Now you know Tristan... hehe (He better not start complaining about me)
Tristan: *dries off hair and it turns into a ball of fluff*
Joey: o.o *laughs hysterically*
Yugi: *starts rolling on the floor laughing hysterically*
T`ea: *takes a look at Tristan and starts to laugh along too*
Tristan: Huh? What's so funny?
Joey: You're hair.... *laughs some more* It happened again....
Tristan: Huh? *looks into the mirror* ACK!!! *pulls out a comb and tries to get it back to normal*
T`ea: *starts to mop up the floor where Tristan was*
Yugi: *stops laughing* Oh ya... I forgot to give you something Joey!
Joey: Huh?
Yugi: *pulls out the games that T`ea and he bought* We got these for you when you get bored... oh ya.... *pulls out Joey's Gameboy Advance* Here...
Joey: Wow! Thanks you guys... you didn't have to get these for me
T`ea: We know. You looked sooooo bored though... and we thought that you needed a game or two to play
Joey: *starts to get tears in eyes* Thanks guys... you guys are the best *holds out his arms for a hug*
Yugi: Hehe... *gives Joey a hug*
T`ea: *hugs Joey as well*
Joey: *pats T'ea and Yugi on the back and lets them go and wipes his tears away*
Tristan: *fallen asleep once again on a chair with the towel that he was using to dry himself off*
Joey: *looks at Tristan* T'ea will you do the honors?
T`ea: Uh.... *looks at Yugi and sees him gone*
Joey: Huh?
Yugi: *reappears behind Tristan with a big bucket of water and ice cubes*
Joey: hehe... *starts to laugh*
T`ea: *grabs her things and steps back*
Yugi: one.... two.... THREE!!! *dumps the bucket of Ice and water on Tristan's head and hides the bucket*
Tristan: *wakes up the instant that the first Ice cube and water drop hit him* ARG!!! *gets covered in water and ice cubes* Thaaatt'ss ccoolllddd....
Joey: *laughs so hard*
Yugi: *runs behind T`ea and Joey laughing really hard*
T`ea: *bewildered by the look of Tristan and starts to laugh along with the others*
Tristan: *soaked with his hair falling over his eyes*
Joey: *gives Yugi a high five when Tristan doesn't look and keeps on laughing*
Yugi: That was brilliant!
T`ea: *keeps on laughing*
Tristan: *looks over to T`ea with his hair in his eyes* T`ea? Did you do this? *tries to dry himself with a wet towel*
T`ea: *continues to laugh* So you thought the master mind was me? *laughs some more*
Joey: (hehe... wait until he finds out it was Yugi)
Tristan: It isn't? then..... it must be.....JOEY!!!
Joey: What? How could it be me? You are way over there and I'm stuck in my bed. Of course it wasn't me!!
Tristan: Then.... it must have been... Uh...... but... he'll never do it though
Yugi: What?!?! You think it's me?!?!
Tristan: It's the Nurse! That's it! I figured it out!
Joey: *starts to crack up*
T`ea: *tosses Tristan a towel and continues to laugh*
Tristan: What? It's the nurse!
Yugi: No...
Tristan: Then who is it?
Yugi: It is I... the King of Games!
Tristan: I never saw it coming! *stands up and the water that was on his lap falls to the floor* Congratulations, you beat...uh.... the ....best of the bystanders...yea....the best of the bystanders
Yugi: Uh... what ever you say Tristan!
Tristan: *starts to dry off as the phone rings*
Joey: *answers it* Hello?
Serenity: Hi big brother
Joey: Oh... hey Serenity!
Serenity: How are you doing? I just thought to call up and say hi
Joey: I'm doing just fine... how about you sis?
Serenity: Not bad myself... so, how's your leg
Joey: My leg is doing better I think... the doctors said I can possibly get out of the hospital in like 2 days
Serenity: That's great Joey! I should stop by one day
Joey: Sure thing...
Serenity: Oh ya... I just got my first dueling deck... and I thought that I'll show it to you one day
Joey: That's great Serenity!! I can help you out with getting some new cards as well....
Serenity: Thank you so much Joey.... *brushes tears away while on phone* I really appreciate it!
Joey: *starts to get tears in his eyes as well*
Serenity: I better let you get some rest... after all, the more rest the better! *continues to wipe away tears* I'll see you soon Joey!
Joey: *wipes his tears away* I'll see you too sis. Love ya, and take care okay?
Serenity: Same here! I'll come by around two o clock tomorrow... I'll see ya Joey!
Joey: You too.... bye Serenity!
Serenity: Bye Joey! .... *hangs up*
Joey: *hangs up as well and wipes his tears away*
Tristan: *continues to fusses around with hair*
Yugi: So who called?
Joey: It was Serenity
T`ea: No wonder why you are in tears... if it was someone like Tristan over there.... you would be yelling
Tristan: Hey, watch it! *has a towel over his head*
Joey: Hehe....
Yugi: *watches T`ea and Tristan fight*
Joey: *watches as well*
T`ea: You so do
Tristan: NO I don't!
T`ea: Remember when you tried to go out with Serenity, but then you told Joey?
Tristan: So? He was having a bad day! Aren't I right Joey?
Joey: *starts to doze off but then hears Tristan* Huh? What?! What about my bad day?
Tristan: The day I told you that I went out with Serenity..... weren't you in a bad mood then?
Joey: Huh? I don't remember....
T`ea: See! *continues to yell at Tristan and he yells back*
Yugi: What have they got themselves into? *looks down on the ground*
Joey: Hmmmmmmm... *yawns*
Yugi: *sits down on a chair and watches them fight*
Joey: Why are they talking about me in the first place? I didn't do anything...
Yugi: dunnow...
Joey: *yawns again and starts to doze off*
Yugi: *sits back in chair and continues to watch them duke it out*
A hour later: Yugi: *slumped forward on the chair... snoozing*
Joey: *asleep on his bed*
T`ea: That so did not happen!
Tristan: Yes it did!
T`ea: NO it didn't!
Tristan: YES IT DID!!!
Joey: *wakes up from the yelling* Guys.... *yawns* Can this fight end now?
T`ea: *falls back down in chair* I had enough fighting... Joey's right
Tristan: *doesn't hear Joey* So I'm right huh! How the mighty had fallen!
Yugi: *wakes up and walks away to get something*
Joey: Huh? Where are you going Yug'?
Yugi:*comes back with a water balloon and aims it at Tristan* THAT’S ENOUGH!!!
Tristan: *gets soaked by water balloon* [then again... he was already wet] Yugi?
Yugi: You have to control your anger Tristan... *walks over and grabs a mop*
Tristan: I understand Yugi.... *looks at his front* Now I'm soaked... be right back! *grabs backpack and goes to the bathroom to change*
Yugi: *starts to mop up the floor*
Joey: *starts to laugh a bit*
Tristan: *comes back in a dry shirt with a part of the balloon stuck in his hair still*
Tristan: *comes back in a dry shirt with a part of the balloon stuck in his hair still*
Yugi: *cleans up the floor and puts the mop away*
Joey: *looks outside the window*
Tristan: *looks at himself in the mirror and starts to yank at the balloon that was stuck in his hair*
Joey: *watches the sun set*
T`ea: *watches along with Joey*
Tristan: *manages to yank out the balloon and starts to add gel to his hair to make it go back to normal*
Yugi: *sits down in a chair besides Joey*
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Yugi: *starts to nod again*
Joey: *starts to doze off again while looking out the window*
Tristan: *used half of his hair gel and made his hair back to normal*
Joey: *fell asleep* Zzzzzzzzzzzz....
T`ea: Maybe we should take Yugi home... he's asleep again
Yugi: zzz....zzz...zzz
Tristan: Okay T`ea *grabs backpack and tosses it onto his shoulder*
T`ea: Good bye Joey.... *puts another card on his bed side*
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzz
Tristan: Good bye Joey... I'll see ya soon! *walks out the door and forgets about little Yugi*
T`ea: Tristan! Wait! *heaves Yugi onto her shoulders*
Yugi: zzz....zzz...zzzz
T`ea: Oh well.... Get some rest Joey! I'll see ya tomorrow! *walks out of the room with Yugi on her back*
When T'ea got to Yugi's house: T`ea: Hello Mrs. Mutou...
Yugi's Mom: Hello T`ea, thanks for bring Yugi home... I could have got him
T`ea: It's no problem....
Yugi's mom: Here.... *helps T`ea with the door to Yugi's room*
T`ea: Thank you Mrs. Mutou.... *lays Yugi onto his bed and walks out of the room*
Yugi's mom: Any time... do you want to stay for supper?
T`ea: Sorry, but I have to get going... bye Mrs. Mutou
Yugi's Mom: Bye T`ea
Back to Yugi in his room: Yami: *wakes up* Huh? We're back home now..... *looks over at Yugi*
Yugi: zzz....zzz....zzz
Yami: Hehe... better let him sleep *walks over to Yugi's desk*
Yugi: *starts to stir a bit*
Yami: *doesn't notice Yugi and looks at duel deck*
Yugi: *wakes up and wonders where he is*
Yami: *looks at god cards*
Yugi: *scratches his head and tries to remember how he got back to his room from Joey's hospital room so quickly*
Yami: *turns around and notices that Yugi is awake* Huh? Yugi, what are you doing up?
Yugi: Hmmm? Hey there Yami? Do you remember how we got here?
Yami: No.... I don't know Yugi *goes back to looking at deck*
Yugi: Oh... okay... *gets out of bed and puts away jacket and checks on his duel disk*
Yami: So, how was the visit with Joey?
Yugi: It was okay... I got Tristan with a bucket of ice water and a water balloon *gets up from checking on duel disk*
Yami: Oh... bet he got mad huh? *starts to read a book*
Yugi: Not really.... He had a rough time trying to fix his hair though *starts to laugh as he cleans up the room*
Yami: Hehe... *looks up from book* Need any help there?
Yugi: Na.... I'm okay *starts to run around, picking up clothing*
Yami: Okay.... *looks at clock and notices that it's 3:30 am* Man, it's early *goes back to his book*
Yugi: Wow! I slept in for that long... weird.... *puts away the clothing as starts to vacuum the floor with his small handheld vacuum*
Yami: *continues to read book*
To Be Continued:
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