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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Good Morning everyone… wat up? Okay, yesterday could have been better if I haven’t gone to the dentist and found out that I’m having surgery on my mouth next month! I know it’s still a month away, but I’m freaked out… Okay anyway, today I got ummmmmmmmmmmmm… no plans once again! ^^ YamiYugi1900 & I have been making funny Yu-Gi-Oh advice things, and I wanted to share a couple of ‘em:
Yamisgirl’s advices:

If you got an annoying sister like I do, make a NO SISTER sign and hit ‘em in the head with it ^^

When you see Yami Bakura grab a piece of meat with a fork, you might want to STAND BACK!!
YamiYugi1900’s advices:
Never show Yami Marik pictures any where he's insane… it may scare someone ^^

Note for the wise: when going to the memory world, make sure you don't run into Zork when he's mad! He's butt ugly!! O.O
Well, that’s all the news I got for now…. See ya all l8er…. buh-bye ^^
Ps. Here is Part 8 of the Yu-Gi-Oh Skit:
Our Skit (Part 8)
YamiYugi1900’s new part is: The Monster
Yugi: With the weather changing like this, something big must be coming....
Joey: You're right Yug'... I mean, how can it snow in the spring?! That's totally odd
Tristan: I don't know... That is odd ^^
T`ea: Hey! Look! It's hailing now!
Joey: Say what?! NO WAY!!
Joey: This is starting to freak me out!
Yugi: Yes way... look at the size of those ice pebbles!
Tristan: I don't think it's the weather that is causing all this...
T`ea: me either... it must be what Dark Magician Girl was saying yesterday!
Yugi: Ya! (Yami, what do you think?)
Joey: Then what is?!
Yugi: Don't you remember what happened yesterday?
Joey: O yea... that explains some things ^^
Yugi: Yep! Maybe we should stand AWAY from the windows...
Tristan: I'm with him...
*backs away from the window*
Yugi: That's better! I don't think the hail would break the windows, but it's possible
Yami: (Yes Yugi, you must be very careful... you don't want you or your friends to get hurt)
Yugi: (Okay Yami I will)
Yami: (good ^^)
Yugi: Guys... I want you to be careful when you are around me... I know it sounds crazy and all, but what ever it is I feel is interested in me....
T`ea: What?!?!
Joey: Yug' are you feeling okay? You're not making any sense at all!!
Yugi: I'm alright... I just want to warn you guys... I don't want to see you guys get hurt because of me...
Tristan: We'll be alright! Don't worry, if there is anything wrong I'm sure we'll handle it as a team!
Yugi: Thank you! You guys are the best! *wipes away tears*
Joey: No problem! We'll always be there for you. Remember our Bond of Friendship. It'll never be broken!
Yugi: I won't forget that! ^^
Yugi: Huh? *Millennium Puzzle starts to glow*
Yami: What's going on Yugi?
Yugi: (I don't know... but are you getting a strange feeling Yami?)
Yami: No... Well, a little. Do you Yugi?
Yugi: ( I am.... I think the puzzle is sensing it too... What ever is coming is coming right now!)
Yami: Well, we must get ready then... let me take over
Yugi: (Okay!)
Yami: Alright everyone... we better get to some where safe and quick!
Joey: Got it Yug'... whatever you say to keep us alive I'll do it!
T`ea: Will do! Come on! Let's go! *everyone runs to the basement*
Yami: Okay... I think we're safe here!
Yugi: I hope...
Joey: Why did we have to go in this dark smelly basement?!
T`ea: BECAUSE!!! No one would think we are down here! Does anyone go down here by the way Joey?
Joey: Ummmmm... not that I know of
T`ea: Perfect! That means no one or thing would want to come down here!
Tristan: Hope you're right T'ea
T`ea: Me too...
Yami: The best thing to do right now is to stay calm...
Yugi: It is...
Yugi: (I'm sensing what ever it is, is almost here Yami)
Yami: (thinking to self: I hope everything will be alright...)
Monster: GRAA!!! *outside of apartment*
Yami: (thinking to self: O great!)
Yugi: ( It sounds huge! Do you think we are ready for this?)
Yami: I think we are... *activates duel disk* Let's go Yugi!
Yugi: Right!
Monster: GRAAAAAAAA!!! *starts to blast stuff*
Yami: I'll take this thing down... *draws card* I summon my Queen's Knight in defense mode! (this should keep me safe for now...)
Monster: *blasts the queens knight*
Yami: Okay... that didn't help. Alright then... *draws another card* I put a card face down, and then I'll put Giant Solider of Stone in defense mode
Monster: GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *stomps on Giant Solider of Stone*
Yami: Not so fast... I play Mirror Force. It redirects the attack right back at you!!
Monster: GRAA!!! *takes hit, get destroyed and comes back* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! *swishes it's tail*
Yami: I guess Trap Cards don't work... (Yugi, have any ideas?!)
Yugi: (hm... Let's see... one idea is to... MOVE!!!)
Yami: Right... *jumps and saves self)
Monster: *tries to blast Yugi* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *thrashes about*
Yami: Thanks for the warning Yugi... now to stop this monster! *draws card* I put monster in Defense mode... (Yugi, are we are ever going to destroy it?!)
Yugi: Try stalling him with the Swords of Reveling lights for now...
Monster: GRA!!!! *blasts defense monster* GRAAAAAA!!!!
Yami: Yes, that will work.... and now I play Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for 3 turns! (This should help out a lot)
Yugi: The Egyptian god cards! Use them to blast that monster, then it should be destroyed!
Yami: I know, but they need sacrifices first and I only got one monster right now!
Yugi: Summon Kuriboh and activate your multiply card... use them as a sacrifice!
Monster: *frozen*
Yami: No Yugi, I know what to do now........ *shows Yugi the Monster Reborn Card*
Yugi: Okay...
Yami: If this doesn't work I'll use your idea... I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Queen's Knight, and then I summon my King's Knight. And thanks to this, I can also summon Jack's Knight. *Lightening hits above the sky* Now I sacrifice my 3 monsters to summon the almighty Slifer the Sky Dragon!
Yugi: Great! But that's not enough power... we need the other two!
Yami: As soon as I draw 'em I'll put them out on the field ^^
Monster: *frozen*
Yugi: Okay!
Yami: Now go Slifer, attack!
Monster: *wing gets destroyed*
Yugi: All we need to do is destroy the rest of it... but, It's going to be unfrozen in another turn!
Yami: Don't worry... I'll think of somethin'......... *draws RA* Nice, now how am I going to summon it? The only monsters I have are Kuriboh and other monsters that need sacrifices
Yugi: play pot of greed!
Yami: O, I knew that... I play Pot of Greed, this lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck.... *draws Dark Magician and Warrior Dai Grepher* How is this going to help?
Yugi:... hm.... summon Warrior Dai Grepher in defense mode, set negate attack down on the field... and.... this too *points at magical cylinder*
Yami: I play Pot of Greed, this lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck.... *draws Dark Magician and Warrior Dai Grepher* How is this going to help?
Yugi: Hm... play Warrior Dai Grepher on the field in defense mode... set negate attack, and mage's stone face down
Yami: Okay... *does everything that Yugi said to do* That might work!
Yugi: the monster is still frozen....
Monster: *frozen*
Yami: Aren't they supposed to be gone now?
Yugi: It's gone this turn
Yami: O, then why is he still frozen?
Monster: GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *unfreezes*
Yami: I guess I spoke too soon!
Yugi: Yep... okay... you should draw right about now....
Yami: Right... *Draws Feral Imp* Okay then, I'll put a card face down... I guess that's all I can do for now...
Yugi: WAIT!!! Have Slifer attack the monster again to weaken it first!
Yami: Okay... Slifer, attack again!
Monster: GRAAA!!! *loses other wing and gets paralyzed*
Yami: Cool!
Yugi: Good! That'll give us another turn!
Yami: Yup... Hey I wonder how the rest of the gang is doing?
*inside the basement* Joey: T'ea, what was that for?
T`ea: What?
Joey: You stepped on my toe!
T`ea: Sorry... I can't see around here! *walks into a pole* Uff
Tristan: We better be careful down here!
T`ea: Ya... *gets up* This place could be dangerous! Hey! I got something!
T`ea: *pulls out a lantern* I don't know why I had it in my bag, put I felt that we would need it...
Joey: Good, that will be useful!
T`ea: *turns it on* That's better!
Tristan: Yup... I wonder how Yugi's doing with that monster
T`ea: I'm sure he's beating it up right now!
Joey: Hope so, or we'll all be in danger!
T`ea: me too
*back with Yami & Yugi* Yami: Now I sacrifice my 3 new monsters to summon the Winged Dragon of RA!
Yugi: That's awesome! Okay! Have both Gods attack the body of the monster, aim for the pearl thing in the center!
Yami: Right... okay my gods, destroy that monster now!!
Monster: GRAAAA!!! *gets blasted and almost gets destroy and is paralyzed once again*
Yugi: That's great! Now, next turn, we need to get all the gods to attack!
Yami: Yup! *draws the last God Card* ALRIGHT! How am I going to summon it though?!
Yugi: okay... use premature burial to bring back your Dark Magician Girl, next activate mage's stone to summon Dark Magician... and activate Dark Magic ritual, and discard those to *points to two other monsters* and then Sacrifice them all to summon Obelisk the Tormentor!
Yami: Wow... you should do this duel for me!!
Yugi: haha...
Yami: * does everything that Yugi said* Now I bring out Obelisk the Tormentor! Now all of my beasts.... ATTACK AND DESTROY THIS BEAST NOW!!
Monster: ARGGGG!!! *gets destroyed and Yugi goes flying backwards*
Yami: Ack... that wasn't fun (Are you okay Yugi?)
Yugi: (I think so.... *tries to get up and falls back down* Uff.... maybe not)
Yami: *carries Yugi to the basement*
Yugi: (Yami, thank you... but It would be a lot easier if I just went to my soul room....*
T`ea: YUGI!!!
Yami: Hey, how's everyone doing?
T`ea: Okay... Yugi, what happened up there?
To Be Continued:
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Sad, Sad, News
I'm sorry to bring you guys this sad, sad news but it really makes me feel better if I tell you guys. Here it is:

Yes, I do have to go to surgery, and it's NO JOKE! It's for this one tooth that needs more covering to it ... They are going to take a part of my gum off the top of my mouth and put it on the bottom, and then it's going to be really sore for the next couple of days so now I'm really scared! I'm in such a mess right now that all I'm doing right now is crying all of my tears out, and talking to a few of my friends & YamiYugi1900... :(
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Hello ^^ (again)
Good Morning, and happy late 4th of July… lol. Okay, wat up ya’ll? Yesterday was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! My mom surprised me by having my friend Krista that I haven’t seen in like 7 years and the rest of her family. OMG… I haven’t seen her sisters in ages, and they have changed so much!!! I remember her sister Caitlyn with long hair and now she has like really short hair, and OMG she is good at flips and stuff like that. She was rocking on our trampoline! Then the other sister has changed so much too. She’s got curly hair and glasses, and she looks so mature! Then I’ve never seen the youngest sister ‘cause she’s only 6, and I haven’t seen this family in like 7 years so it was so cool to see ‘em again ^^ O, and we also had our neighbors over as well! Well, today is a free day without chores… YAY! I got no plans, but maybe later I’ll have my friend Carrie over. I guess it just depends on how tired I am. I went to bed at like 11 after the fireworks at 10 and I got up at 5:30. No, I’m not sleepy right now, but who knows? I get so bored so I might fall asleep while trying to watch TV (no offense YamiYugi1900… lol…. DON’T KILL ME!!!) O, speaking of TV, who saw the InuYasha episode last night? I was recording it on a video tape and it didn’t get fully recorded. The last thing I saw was Sesshomaru just entered his father’s tomb and found the sword and then InuYasha came in and noticed it… can any one tell me the rest from there? I would really appreciate it. Okay, that’s all the news I got for now… See ya all l8er… buh-bye ^^
Ps. Sorry that once again I’m unable to post up the next part of the skit. I’ve been soooooooooooo busy. I’ll try my hardest to get it up tomorrow. ^^
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Monday, July 4, 2005
200 hits
I got 200 hits this morning! I'm sooooo happy! YamiYugi1900 made this AWESOME background for me, and also a card thing (on my profile) Thanx a lot for those of you that take time to come to my site... you guys are the BEST!! ^^
(make sure you guys look at my other post below as well....)
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Happy Day
Hi, how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^ Well today is going to be SO busy for me! I’m only aloud on the computer until 11 today since we are having company over and EVERYTHING! And OMG… I was like sooooooooooooooo tired yesterday. If yesterday were the 4th I wouldn’t be able to make it! I tried to sleep in (I’m not a person that sleeps in like msyugioh123 does…. Lol) but I only slept in until 5:30! ARGH!! Okay anyway, yesterday was a fun day. My friend Jessica came over again and we played Life with her sister and my sister, and then Jessica and I played Sims on my PS2 for the rest of the day. Well, that’s all the news I got for now. O and Happy 4th of July everyone. Hope you all have a good day. See ya all l8er… (if I can) buh-bye ^^
Ps. I’m not able to post up part 8, but here is a survey you guys can take:
Aswer the Questions as your comment:
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
My New for Today
Good Morning everyone... wat up? Okay, yesterday was depressing. I got in a lil fight with my parents 'cause they are now giving me a time limit of how long I can use the computer for in a day. They gave my 4 hours, but they said if I was nicer to my sisters (yeah right)I can get an extra hour. I CAN NOT live without the internet so I don't know what I'm going to do!!! O well, today I'm having my friend Jessica over again, and then tomorrow we are going to the neighbors house to have a bq and then fireworks at night. Man, I really need to try to sleep in tomorrow. I woke up at 5:30 and if today were the 4th I wouldn't be able to stay up... lol. Well, that's all the news I got for now. See ya all l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. Part 7 of the Skit:
Our Skit (Part 7)
Yugi: Do you know what time we have to be at school by?
Yami: 8:45 at the latest... school starts at 8:55
Yugi: Thanks! *comes up towards Joey's apartment* We're here... so where's Joey?
Joey: Hey Yug'... you're a little late this morning. That isn't like you. Are you feelin' okay?
Yugi: Oh, hi! ^^ I kinda woke up late...
Joey: No worries... well we better get going before we're late!
Yugi: Yep! *start walking towards Domino High School*
Joey: Hey Yug'... did you figure out what happened last night?
Yugi: Huh?
Joey: Do you remember anything about last night? With the fog & everything?
Yugi: Oh...he he... I don't really know anything yet... What ever it was is a lot more powerful than what we faced though
Joey: WOW! Sounds serious! Look we're here *arrives at school*
Yugi: Good! We made it before the bell
Joey: Yea... now where's T'ea?
T`ea: Hi guys! *runs up to Joey and Yugi*
Yugi: Hi T`ea
Joey: Hey T'ea... what time did you get here?
T`ea: A couple minutes before you guys...
Yugi: Do you know where Tristan is?
T`ea: Nope... I think he's coming
Tristan: *runs to gang* Sorry I'm late guys... so what's up?
Yugi: Good thing you got here! The warning bell is going to ring soon
Tristan: Well, we better get going then... *gang walks inside*
Yami: (Did you remember to pack up your math homework?)
Yugi: (Yep! ^^)
Yami: (Great ^^)
*bell rings and school is let out* Joey: YAY! Glad that's over with... that was the worst day of school ever, and we got SO MUCH homework!!
Yugi: Ya... *lugs heavy backpack up* Man! Can our teachers give us a break for once!!!
Tristan: Yea... they are trying to kill us with all this stuff! How much more of this do we have to live with?!
T`ea: Dunnow... I think this will take for hours to finish it!
Tristan: Well then what are we doing here? We better get going!
Yugi: Ya... I think we should
Joey: Well, see ya all later then
Yugi: Later! *everyone starts walking home*
*back in Yugi's room* Yami: Yugi, sorry about all the work you got ^^
Yugi: It's okay! *start to tug at the really huge packet of Science*
Yami: Man, do you have like a test tomorrow or something?
Yugi: Nope! Just torture! ^^ *manages to get the packet out and flies backwards* Uff...
Yami: You okay?!
Yugi: I think... *gets up and walks towards desk* It can’t be that bad....
Yami: Good Luck
Yugi: Thanks! I think I'm going to need it at this rate! *starts to answer the questions in the packet*
Yami: Yes....
Yugi: Yes what?
Yami: Yes that you need luck ^^
Yugi: Oh... *manages to finish packet* That's over with...
Yami: That's great!
Yugi: Now for the rest of it.... *tugs out a huge algebra text book* Great more of this stuff....
Yami: he... sorry about that
Yugi: It's okay..... *flips open the textbook and starts to work*
Yami: *walks around and picking up Yugi's clothes on the floor so Yugi can work on homework*
Yugi: Thanks Yami! *finishes up last couple quadratic formula questions*
Yami: No problem
Yugi: Finally done! ^^ *pulls out another textbook* Ugh...
*a couple hours later....* Yugi: DONE!!! YES!!!
Yami: How much did you say you have again?
Yugi: how much of what?
Yami: homework
Yugi: Enough to kill a man
Yami: he... poor you!
Yugi: Thank God I finished it! Ya! *falls backwards on chair* Uff....
Yami: *helps Yugi up* You need a break
Yugi: Thanks! ^^ I wonder if the other's finished their work load today...
Yami: If you did, I bet they did!
Yugi: Maybe Joey wouldn't of... he's slower than me!
Yami: Yea... I was just going to say that!
Yugi: Haha! I could read your mind now! Kidding! ^^
Yami: I bet you can Yugi. Our sprits are connected. You probably know everything I do ^^
Yugi: Probably.. *walks over to bed and sits down* we are connect as both partners and friends
Yami: That's right...
Yugi: Man! Trying to save the world and survive school is tough....
Yami: I can feel your pain
Yugi: Ah, I know… Do you think there is something worst than Zork out there?
Yami: I don't know... maybe. I don't think we'll ever know
Yugi: I guess you're right... Yami?
Yami: Yes...?
Yugi: Do you think we will always be together forever?
Yami: I bet we will Yugi, and if not it'll have to be a major reason
Yugi: Ya.... *phone starts to ring*
Yami: You might want to get that...
Yugi: I'll get it... *gets up and picks up phone* Hello?
Joey: Hey Yug'... did you get all of your homework done?
Yugi: I finished a while back... and you?
Joey: I just did now... anyway, have you noticed anything odd about today? I just want to make sure we're safe!
Yugi: Nope... nothing odd, unless if you want to count our teachers swamping us with homework odd
Joey: Well, yea... that too, but I mean any other odd things
Yugi: Nope.... I haven't
Joey: Cool... here T'ea wants to talk to you *gives phone to T'ea*
T`ea: Yugi?
Yugi: T`ea, what's happening....
T`ea: I manage to finish the homework pile.... did you?
Yugi: Ya... I did....
T`ea: That's good... look.... there is something going on again...
Yugi: What? Again!
T`ea: Go over to Joey's apartment... there is something we have to show you
Yugi: Okay... I'll be there! *hangs up the phone* Yami, let's go!
Yami: Should we tell Tristan before we go?
Yugi: Okay.... *picks up phone and dials Tristan's number*
Tristan: Hello?
Yugi: Hi Tristan.... There is something happening over at Joey's apartment...
Tristan: Should I come over then?
Yugi: I think you should! I have to go right now... get there as soon as you can!
Tristan: Sure... I'll be right over
Yugi: *hangs up phone* Let's go Yami!
Yami: Right...
Yugi: *speeds out of room and out of the house* I'm glad I brought my coat with me! It's freezing!
Yami: Yea... it probably has to do somethin' with what is going on
Yugi: Yep! *shivers* At least it's not windy
Yami: Yup...
Yugi: *continues to run to Joey's apartment and arrives shortly*
Joey: Yug', great you're here!
Yugi: Joey.... you forgot to tell me about the weather!!!
T`ea: I'm glad you made it.... we should go inside before we freeze!
Joey: Hey, I didn't know that it was this cold. We were inside!
Tristan: *runs over to gang* Hey guys... man, why is it so cold?!
T`ea: Dunnow... but let's go inside! I'm freezing my head off... *gang runs inside apartment*
Joey: Ahhhhhhhh... that's better!
Yugi: ya.... *starts to snow outside*
Joey: Wow, and I thought it was Spring!
Yugi: Ya... It is
To Be Continued:
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hi, how is everyone doing? Good I hope. Well, I guess I can tell you all about yesterday. I didn't have my friend Luren over. Instead I had my friend (neighbor) Jessica over. We had so much fun! She came over and played Sims on my PS2, and then we went in my pool for a lil while, but then Christen (my lil 6 year old sister) was bugging the heck out of us so we got out of the pool and hid in my room. Then we did a bunch of other stupid things and that's it. Well, I got no plans today except for my mom invited our neighbors over, and plus I got paino lessons today. I guess today I get to learn pedal ^^ Hopefully that won't be hard! Well, see ya guys l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. YamiYugi1900 & I finally got more members for our clubs!!! I want to give thanks to YamiYugi1900, zakku, Pugi Muto,Triplegirlz2,& Obcessedonpokemon for becoming members of my club yesterday! O, and sorry that Part 7 isn't up yet... It'll be ready by tomorrow ^^
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Hi everyone, how is everyone doing? Good I hope. Well, yesterday was just another fun day chatting with YamiYugi1900, but I kept getting interrupted by my parents. They are making me do all of these stupid chores, and it feels like I can NEVER sit down!! O well... anyway, I just want to remind everyone about the clubs of YamiYugi1900's and mine. We really need more members! Okay... let's see ummmmmmm... today I might have this one girl Lauren over at my house today. She's so nice, and OMG... she's going to the same school as me next year!! YAY... another friend finally! lol Well, that's all the news I got for now. I'll check up all of you guys l8er... buh-bye
ps. Here is part 6 of the Skit:
Our Skit (Part 6)
YamiYugi1900’s new part (s) are: Dark Magician Girl & Yugi’s Mom
T`ea: I think we should go inside... what do you say ^^
Yami: Good idea...
T`ea: It's coming!!! RUN!!!
Yami: Quick everyone... get inside!
*everyone runs into the apartment buildings* Joey: That was close!
Tristan: What do we do now?!
(Yugi: Yami! Look outside!)
Yami: *walks and looks outside a window* Huh? What is that?!
T`ea: What ever it is... I don't want to find out
Yami: (Yugi, does any of this have to do what happened today?)
(Yugi: don't know....)
(Voice inside Yugi/Yami's head: Pharaoh!... help us....)
Yami: Who said that?
(Voice getting closer: Pharaoh...we need your help.......please find me.....)
(Yugi: Ya! Who ever it is needs our help... but where is the voice coming from)
Yami: It sounds like it's coming from inside of the Puzzle...
(Yugi: The puzzle... if it is, activate it!)
Yami: Alright *puzzle activates*
*the puzzle activates and Dark Magician Girl appears* Dark Magician Girl: Pharaoh! Thank God you found me!
Yami: Yes, now tell us. Why did you bring us down here? Is your world in danger again?
Dark Magician Girl: I had to communicate to you... the world is once again under attack... someone is stirring up trouble not in just the dominion of the beast, but once again in the human world.
Yami: Dark Magician Girl, do you know how this all began?
Dark Magician Girl: Indeed I do... All of this chaos started today... Darkness started to cover our land... and we didn't know what to do... so I felt it was necessary to communicate to you...
Yami: Do you know who started it?
Dark Magician Girl: I'm not certain right now... it's only the beginning... anyone could be behind this
Yami: (Yugi: Do you have any clue 'bout this?)
(Yugi: I think I do... do you remember facing Zork before... in your past?)
Yami: (No, I don't recall that at all)
(Yugi: Well... I'm picking up a kind of feeling that I had when we were back in the memory world when Zork was summoned)
Yami: (Nope... don't remember)
(Yugi: Well, if you did.... I'm thinking that what ever is out there that we have to face, it's going to be stronger than Zork that Theif Bakura summoned ........)
Yami: (O yes, now I remember... that would not be good if he came back!)
(Yugi: we should tell Dark Magician Girl about this!)
Yami: (Alright…) Dark Magician Girl, we might know who is causing this...
Dark Magician Girl: Really... you do?
Yami: We think it might be someone from the ancient past
Dark Magician Girl: Of course! It would make sense...
Yami: Yes... so how are we going to stop this?
Dark Magician Girl: You still have the Egyptian Gods right?
Yami: Yes... they are actually right here *pulls God Cards out of backpack*
Dark Magician Girl: It's critical to have the God cards with you at all times! Do you understand Pharaoh?
Yami: Yes, I understand...
Dark Magician Girl: I will leave you now... I think I kept you long enough... Thank you for your times... and remember, I'll always be here for you! When ever you need me, call for me, and I'll be there for you... take care! *disappears back into the puzzle*
Yami: (Well, should we tell everyone else 'bout this?)
(Yugi: I think so)
Yami: (Let's go) *Yugi is now in control, Yami is back in the puzzle*
Yugi; (thank) Come on guys! I think the fog cleared up! We have to get home!
Joey: Are we safe Yug'?
Yugi: I think we are! *looks at watch* O.O ! It's 1:00 am
Joey: OMG... your kiddin' right? *yawns* I'm so tired... let's go catch some z's
Yugi: I'm not kidding! *yarns* We better get going home
T`ea: Ya, and we have school tomorrow... I'll see ya! *runs home*
Joey: See ya Yugi!
Yugi: See ya Joey!
Yami: (Yugi, what if your Grandpa catches you out this late?)
Yugi: ACK!!! You're right Yami! *starts to run home* At this rate, I'll get grounded
Yami: If you get grounded, blame it all on me ^^ I'm the one that dragged you out here...
Yugi: Haha... I can't do that! You're my friend... and plus... we have to keep quite *starts to sneak upstarts*
Yami: ( thinking to self: That's the Yugi I know...)
Yugi: (Have I ever changed) *opens room door quietly and sneaks back in* Glad that's over with...
Yami: You REALLY need rest Yugi. You're going to mess tomorrow. I'll get you up later since it's really late... I promise you won't miss school ^^
Yugi: Thanks! *falls asleep onto bed without changing*
*Yami picks up Yugi and tucks him into his bed*
Yami: (thinks to self: I don't think I can rest... is Zork really coming back?)
Yugi: *yawn* Yami... stop it... I could hear everything you say in your head....
Yami:. You're right. I can't hide anything from you can I?
Yugi:.... try to get some rest Yami.... you could ponder about this during one of my social studies classes
Yami: Alright then... *goes to sleep without changing as well...*
next morning.... Yami: Yugi, you need to get up. There is 45 mins. before school *shakes Yugi until he wakes up*
Yugi: I'm up! *yawns* WAHH!!! I'm awake! I'm AWAKE!!!
Yami: Yes Yugi, there is no need in yelling
Yugi: *falls over from being shaken too much* Uff...
Yami: Sorry about that...
Yugi's mom: *calls from downstairs* Yugi? Is everything alright?
Yugi: Everything is okay mom! ^^ I'm fine! Ah, everything's packed! ^^ now... time to change... huh? *looks down to see that he's already changed*... okay
Yami: Yea.. you fell asleep without unchanging last night
Yugi: Oh... hehe...
Yugi's Mom: BREAKFAST!!!
Yugi: okay... let's go! ^^
Yami: Okay... ^^
Yugi: *grabs backpack and runs down the stair case and into the kitchen* Good morning Grandpa!
Yami: Yugi... do you have the God Cards with you?
Yugi: *starts munching on a piece of toast* (yep... it's in my backpack)
Yami: Good... *starts thinking about Zork again*
Yugi: *starts to cough* (Yami, stop it! I said during school) *gulps down a glass of juice*
Yami: I'm not doing it during school... you're going to school to learn and not to learn what I'm thinking about
Yugi: (fine! Can you at least not do it during breakfast... you're going to make me choke)
Yami: Sure thing Yugi...
Yugi: (Thanks Yami! ^^) *starts to eat another piece of toast*
Yugi: (Yami, what time is it?)
Yami: *Looks at watch* 10 mins. before 8
Yugi: ACK!!! Got to go mom! *runs out of the house
To Be Continued:
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hello, how is everyone doing? Good I hope... Well, yesterday was a really fun day. I got to see my BFFL Allie, and we had fun! We went to Kholes for a lil while, and I'm not a big shopping person, but when it comes to either Old Navy or Kholes, I'm wild! After that we got lunch at Taco Bell, then we went to her house and played with her cute lil puppy Rosie! We made her do all of these stupid trick, and we even made her run under Allie's bed... soooooooooo funny! Then we went in her pool for like 30 mins and yup, that's it! I get so happy when I see her ^^ Other than that when I got home, I spent the rest of the day chatting with YamiYugi1900, and doing stupid and funny things with her... We love to be stupid! lol... I am like not tired today. YEAH... I got some sleep for once! I'm hyper right now... *runs around in circles... hehehe* O, and I got no plans today except for talking another long day with YamiYugi1900.. that always makes my days better! Well, that's all the news I got for now... See ya all l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. Sorry that I'm unable to post up Part 6 of the Skit... I'll get to it ASAP!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Hello, wat up? Well, yesterday was a good day, but it got really bad in the end. It has to do with my 2 best friends, but I don't really want to give you guys all the details... but we're fine now ^^ I got so mad last night at our next door neighbors. Last night at 9 when I was trying to get sleep, and our next door neighbors were mowing the grass until like 9:30... AHHHHHHHHHH! I can't live for another night without sleep. I'm already falling asleep in front of the computer again and I just woke up.... O well! Well, I got no plans today so I might just be on here all day again... Well, that's all the news I got for now. Talk to you all l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. Here is part 5 of the Skit:
Yu-Gi-Oh Skit (Part 5)
Yamisgril’s new part is: Tristan
YamiYugi1900's new part(s) are: Grandpa & Yugi's Mom
Yugi: Someone did this! What is happening! *starts to look around*
Grandpa: Yugi? What's wrong?
Yugi: Nothing.... It's just, my algebra is done, and I didn't do it... you know anything about it?
Grandpa: Get some rest Yugi!
Yugi: Okay... I guess I will, good night Grandpa
(Yami: Yugi... are you sure you want to rest when you know there is something strange going on?)
Yugi: I guess we have to Yami... what ever is happening it happening for a reason... *takes another look at the homework* Huh? Look! *pulls of a post it* I didn't see this before...
Yami: *looks* Huh? You're right Yugi...
Yugi: ARG!!! Grandpa did it! -_-()
Yami: Are you sure of that?
Yugi: Then who else?
Yami: I don’t know... it wasn't me!
Yugi: I know you couldn't of done it.... maybe, it was… Rebecca... but I don't even know if she's been around... this is hurting my head!
Yami: No, it can't be. Yes, she could of done this work but we would of seen her. Besides, isn't she on a trip with her Grandfather?
Yugi: I guess you're right Yami...
Yami: Yea... you should get some rest and then we'll continue tomorrow. At least you know you don't have to stay up late doing it...
Yugi: Haha.... funny Yami... night
Yami: Good night Yugi...
Later that night* Phone: RING... RING... Yugi: *wakes up* Huh? *picks up phone* Hello?
Joey: Hey Yug' sorry to call you at like 11 o’clock at night, but there is something strange is going on... You might want to come over and check this out
Yugi: *yawns* Okay... are you sure you can't wait?
Joey: Ummm... I dunno Yug'. This probably could be bad. T'ea is here right now too... here you talk to her *gives phone to T'ea*
T`ea: Yugi! Something is happening! I don't know what to do!
Yugi: T`ea!... I'll be right there!
Yami: What did she say Yugi?
Yugi: We better go Yami!
Yami: Okay... sure thing
*arrives at Joey’s apartment* Yami: We're here... I better take over since there is something really bad
Yugi: Sure! *activates Millennium Puzzle*
Joey: *runs to Yugi* So glad you came Yugi!
T`ea: *runs up to Yugi as well* I was worried that you wouldn't make it
Yami: What is going on anyway?
Joey: it's with our school work. It's all of the sudden done, but now we don't know who did it...
T`ea: Ya... and I didn't even do it! All I did was look down at my homework and there it was... done! *holds out Algebra homework*
Yami: Yea, same thing happened to us. I asked Yugi if he wanted me to do it for him since he already had a hard enough day and then we looked down and it was all done!
T`ea: We called Tristan, and he should be here soon. Finally! He's here! What took you so long Tristan?
Tristan: I got lost
T`ea: How do you get lost... You always go to Joey's apartment!
Tristan: Well, why don't you explain all the fog over there... *points to the fog up ahead*
T`ea: Okay... I didn't see that before....
Yami: Whatever is going on... it's getting worse!
To Be Continued:
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