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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
News for Today...
Hello friends of mine! I don't really have a lot to say, but I'll fill you in 'bout what is going on this week... Well, my next door neighbors just left to Kentucky and I get to take care of their dog Pebbles until Saturday, and then on Thursday night, I get to go to the movies with my friend Allie. I think we're going to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I don't think I want to see it, but my mom is making me ^^ I am REALLY excited about Friday night... I get to go to a concert with my friend Kristina & her other friend Tiffany. Lots of exciting things are happening!!! Well, that's all I got in store for now. Talk to you all l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. I'm starting to make a fan site for Yu-Gi-Oh & InuYasha. They won't be ready until like Saturday. I'll give you the links to 'em, and I hope you'll have time to check 'em out ^^
Oh, 1 more thing... you guys know zakku right? Well, it's finals time for him, and you guys remember how stressful it was for me and I just wanted to ask you guys if you wouldn't mind going to his site or PM him and let him know that he'll do good! ^^ I KNOW you'll do good zakku!
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Hello & Good Morning ^^
Hi peoples, wat up? Well, I guess I can tell you about yesterday at my Aunt's house. We were the last ones that arrived, and felt really stupid 'cause we live like 2 mins away from her on car and 10 if you bike ride there, which I sometimes do, but not yesterday ^^ Anyway, we got there and I snacked on so much spiniach dip and carrots with my mom & grandma. Then I went to look at their new designed backyard and it's soooooooo kewl! She got a new pool and a bq!! Well, I forgot to bring my suit so my sisters got to go swimming with our younger cousins, but I was having fun anyway playing with my cousins grandpa. We were playing with one of those footballs that you get wet and then you throw it. My pants got sooooooooo soaked 'cause he kept thowing the ball that low!!! UGH... Well, we had hamburgers & hot dogs for dinner (I had a hamburger) and then we had these huge sundays that my mom made. Soooooooooooooooooooo good, but then I got kind of sick after words 'cause well, you guys remember my grilled cheese story right? Yup, it happened again... I got too carried away with the dairy... lol Well, I'm feeling great right now so it's not as bad as it was last time ^^ Well, that's all the news I got for now. I'll probably post some more up l8er... buh-bye
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Good morning! Wat up? I just got up like 20 mins ago, and I have been able to check out everyone's site! Well, today is Father's Day *runs and gives hug to dad ^^* and in the afternoon we are going to go to my aunts house with the rest of the family and celebrate! O, and if you haven't noticed I've been adding things to my site, and I'm also in the middle of making a new background, so I'll post that up when I'm finished with it. Well, that's all for now. Talk to you all l8er... buh-bye ^^
ps. For any of you who asked about that one InuYasha clip, you can find it at www.inuyashanetwork.vze.com and you find it under "inuyashacries" Hope you guys check it out...
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Anime Music Video
I'm trying to make an anmie music video. Do any of you guys of any ideas of programs that I can use where I can slice clips from a DVD? I tried this one program, but it's not working... Tanx for helping out if you guys of any ideas! ^^
ps. I just saw a Japanese clip of the InuYasha episode where InuYasha cries for the first time... so funny!!! *_^

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Good Morning!
Hello peoples! Wat up? I finally got somethin' to post up. Well, yesterday I finally found somethin' to do. My next door neighbor came over, and we were messing around with my hamster... he was soooooooooooo funny! ^^
This morning, I woke up at 4 but I couldn't get on the internet until now 'cause my dad set a time limit on my computer, and I don't know how to take that off! UGH! Okay.... another good thing about today, or should I say tonight, tonight is anime night! I'm sooooooooooooooo happy! Well, that's all the news I got for now. See ya l8er... Sayonara! ^^
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Friday, June 17, 2005
I ended up getting kind of sick so now I can't go to my friends party, but my mom did say that we could go see a movie or somethin' once I get better! ^^ OMG... this weather is driving me nuts! No, it's not raining, but it's only 2 and it's already really, really dark. There is nothing to do, and I'm sooooooooooooo dain bored! Hopefully I find something to do soon... :( Ja ne!
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Hello... wat up? Today is supposed to be my friend's b-day party, but it's really cold & kind of raining outside so hopefully it doesn't get cancled. I ended up busy today so I can't go to the first part of the party, but I'll try to go to the 2nd part of it. Today is also my dad's last day of work, and then he gets a 3 week break!!! I'm so excited! Well, better get going. I got lots to do this morning... l8er ^^
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Konnichiwa... Watashi wa yamisgirl. Douzo yoroshiku?... Sorry I just kinda learned Japanses, and now I'm all crazy about it. Okay, the message above in English says: Hi, my name is yamisgirl. How do you do? Hehehehehehehehe... Well, I don't really have much to talk 'bout since it's only 5 in the morning and there is like nothing going on, but I'll probably post somethin' exciting later... O yea, I know somethin'. Tomorrow is my friends b-day party. YAY! Well, that's all for now... Ja ne! (See ya!)
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Good Morning!
Hi, wat up ya'll? I have nuffin to do today, and I was like bored to death yesterday. Well, I'm really happy 'cause today is my friends 13th birthday and her SunSplash party is on Friday. My mom & I are going to the mall either today or tomorrow to get her gift. I already know what to get her, but I'm going to say anything 'cause sometimes she comes here and looks at my site. Well, that's all for now. Talk to you all l8er... buh-bye
ps. I love these InuYasha pictures:

O, and I also LOVED the episode that was played on Adult Swim last night... Sesshoumaru scaring those two wolve people or whatever their name are (lol) ^^
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I finally figured out how to use Image Shack. I got the things posted up that YamiYugi1900 & YamiLover03 made for me yesterday & I also put the background on that I made yesterday. Isn't it kewl?
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