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Friday, June 30, 2006
Life Sucks
I’m probably not going to be updating for a while. Something happened between YY1990 and I and I’ve been in tears for four hours now… nonstop. Well, it’s not just that. That’s the main thing… but my day has also been a mess along with this week. Nothing is going well for me anymore and as of now I do not believe that there is such thing as hope.
If you need to reach me, I’ll be on my instant messengers, and I will continue to update my wallpapers… so you guys can check them out if you want to. Well, I hope everyone is doing better than I am. Have a good day…
Ps. Nothing that bad happened with YY1990 and I, but I am pretty upset. Her mom said yes that we can see each other and all… and it all changed today to a no. I got so upset, and now I can’t stop crying. I hate that. It happens EVERY TIME!!! Whenever I try to plan something it NEVER works out!!! That just proves that am the loser that I always will be…
Ps #2. It’s not the new day over here. It’s only 9pm
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Long Time No See! ^^;;
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I’m soooooooooo sorry for not updating in a while! I’ve been busy like CRAZY, and I’m soooo sorry for not getting to any of your sites in ages. Same reason. Last week was just summer school going into a bunch of chaos and stress.
The weekend was a lot of fun. My cousin came down from San Diego with his new girlfriend and my uncle and aunt that don’t live around us also came down. We had a party for my cousin and uncle’s Birthday. It was a ton of fun!!!
This week is nothing but CRAZY!! Summer school is indeed one of the reasons. The other reason is YY1990. I totally forgot that her and her family was coming down here and it’s FIRDAY!!! Last night we were on the phone for an hour trying to plan a way how we can see each other. Well… then again, we got cut off SEVEN TIMES!!! It was crazy!! The forth time I picked up my phone and said, “Dude!! You need a new phone!!!” She laughed and blamed the service… so I went along with it… lol. ANYWAYS… she’s going to talk to her mom some more and she’s going to call me later today around two. Man… I hope things work out!!!
I only have one ½ more weeks of summer school! My last day is the 7th… the same day when the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie comes into theaters. Man… I want to see it sooo badly! My does too so we might go when it comes to the theaters.
Well… gotta go. I got summer school today. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!! Can’t wait to see ya if we can!
Ps. I’m planning on changing my site theme on the 7th once I’m out of summer school!
Pps. If not yet… check out my new wallpapers. Thanks!
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. I’m really sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I’m really, really, really, really busy with summer school projects/homework/etc. so forgive me!! I’M SORRY!!! T_T
I’m really tired. I stayed up ‘til eleven thirty last night with my folks and watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the third time since the second one comes out to theaters the day I get out of summer school. So yea… that was fun. The not fun part about it was we had a really bad skunk attack over at the creek. It was so bad that we think we could have one in our backyard… so I had to sleep last night with a strong smell of skunk in my room. Not fun but at least the smell is gone now
Today I’m going to be really busy finishing up my project for my Reading/Study Skills class then I also need to study for my math exam that’s tomorrow. YY1990 helped me out a bit last night, and I hope we can do some more today as well
Today is Father’s Day. We’re having the whole family over for the afternoon and the evening. I’m not going to stay down the whole time. I don’t get in the middle of some stupid stuff that usually goes on… so yea… (long story)
Well, I need to get going. This post is getting long, and I need to work on this stupid newspaper stuff again. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990! *huggies*

Today is Father's Day! Give your dad the day he deserves!
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Wallpapers (http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/artist.php?id=90268)
I really don't have time to post, but I'll give you all something to do. Go see the new wallpapers I posted up! Thanks, and I promise an actual update will be up tomorrow!
Have a good day everyone!
Love ya YY1990!!
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Thank You for the 1400 Visits!

Thanks everyone!
That's all I got time for. I have a quiz in my summer school Pre-Algebra class, and so far it's not going well at all. Gets me really worked up and stressed. Oh well, I hope you all have a good day! Take care
Love ya YY1990!
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. I’m exhausted. I went to bed at ten and I woke up at 5:30. I just came back from watching Cowboy Bebop which I found a bit freaky. Some kid was using his brave waves to bring this so called “soul with no body” that held this group called Scratch. God, heaven, hell, reincarnations… this is what this guy kept mumbling about… and it was pretty much an illusion. So yea, it was a freaky episode. Oh yea… and I ended up crying during Yu-Gi-Oh. Not until the end though before Yami left. It was indeed sad, but the ending got better when Yugi said, “The end of an adventure is the beginning of a new one.”

I feel really bad for my friend Allie, her sister, and the rest of the family right now. I didn’t find out ‘til yesterday but I guess Allie’s little sister, Anna, had put a blanket over her lamp while playing in her room. She had left her room a while back with Kim (mom) while Allie came home to take a shower. During this time, Allie’s brother Michael and Dave (dad) left for baseball practice. Allie gets out of the shower a few moments later telling Kim that something smelt really bad. Kim tells her it’s the pizza that she just put in the oven, but Allie jumps back saying that it smells worse. Kim looks up the stairs to see smoke. She told the kids to get outside and she got Rosie (dog) and headed outside with them while calling 911. For all she knew, the computer was going to blow up. When they were heading outside, Michael and Dave were coming home… just in time with the fire department. Later, the family found out it was Anna’s room that caught on fire. Her room is a mess and has a strong smell of smoke. Her curtains ended up catching in flames, and the air vents in her room are black as well as some of her clothing and bedding. Kim plans to redo her room as soon as possible, but for now Anna stays in the big area of the hallway upstairs. So kiddies, do not put blankets over lamps… weather on or off! You never know what could happen. Of course, Anna never knew. She’s only seven… will be turning eight in a few months. I hope it’s not too much to ask, but keep Allie, Anna, and the rest of the family in your prayers. It’s going to be a lot of work for Kim, and I wish everyone the best to get out of this sudden predicament…
Well, yesterday was an okay day. The little pool/dinner deal was actually kind of fun. I only went in the pool for forty minutes. Man was it freezing outside! It was around the 80’s but I felt pretty cold. Oh well…
I’m really happy! I found some programs hidden that I didn’t even know I had. They ended up being photo programs, and I did many tests with different images, and ended up making some cool stuff! Maybe I might post some up later! Oh yea… and my avi is one of the new images I made! ^_^
I’m really worried about YY1990. We haven’t talked since Thursday, and she usually tells me when she’s not going to be online. I just hope everything is alright. Oh yea… another thing: YY1990’s dad ended up getting diagnosed to prostate cancer. I guess it runs in the family… according to YY1990. He goes into surgery on the 21st of this month which is next week. Please keep him your prayers as he goes through this. I know it’s a lot of handle for YY1990 and possibly for her brother James as well, but if she knows that you all have him on your thoughts she might feel better
Today is my last day off before summer school. Today my mom, my dad, and I are going to do a test drive to the school (the boy’s school) so we’ll know where to go for tomorrow and the rest of the summer school hours. Other than that, I’m going to be as lazy as ever… lol! ^_^ Might be working on my stuff for Sesslover’s18’s contest. I’m going to submit wallpapers and avatars. I don’t care if I win anything; I just want to have fun with all my graphics! Like I said… I love graphic designing, and that’s all I did yesterday morning after piano lessons! If you’re interested… go to her site. I bet she would really appreciate more members! ^_^
Sorry that this post is long. A lot has been going on. Well, I better leave you all with this. I got an InuYasha summary for sugar_high_nut to finish. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1900!! Please come back on soon!! *hugs*
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
New Theme ^_^
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well, my theme has changed! It’s my summer theme… actually… InuYasha Summer Theme to be exact! ^_^ The only problem is that my avi that I made won’t come up, so I’m stuck with my Megaman avi until I figure out how to fix it and all… lol
Well, yesterday was a really, really boring day!! I had nothing to do!! I even got kind of grounded for a while >.< Then I was back online around seven and then I talked to sugar_high_nut for the rest of the evening. We had awkward, and random conversations… ^^;;; long story
Well, this morning I have piano lessons. Today we are also going to have this party/dinner thing for my mom and dad’s friends and some little kids… so I’ll be stuck with that (BORING!!!). Other than that… I’ll just be here all day
Today is the last episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh well… at least I’ll have Cowboy Bebop to look forward to watch tonight. I also got a request to write a summary on the InuYasha re-run that’s on tonight for sugar_high_nut so I’ll be working on that as well. Yay me!! ^_^
Well… got to go! I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!! *huge hug*
Ps. The section with all your buttons is currently down, and will be back up as soon as I fix that as well. Sorry about that...
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope!
I finished my book yesterday… Yay! I was going to work on my report, but the outline doesn’t make any sense, so I’m going to wait until my parents can help me out a bit
Today I’m probably just going to be on the net all day. I got nothing else better to do… so yea. Oh yea… I might change my theme tomorrow so keep your eyes out! ^.~
A lot of people on this site (the ones I talk to on MSN) are requesting that I should put up the little role playing story that me and YY1990 work on. It’s over 300 pages so I’m not too sure… lol. I’ll have to ask her and see what she thinks about it. If not, then if you have MSN… I can share you the documents and you can read it
Umm… I don’t know what else to talk about… so here are some more questions for you all to answer if you want
1. What was the first anime you discovered?
My Answer: Pokemon… that was back in first grade
2. Got any pets?
My Answer: I got a hamster named Mocha, then we also have a bird and this huge aquarium which is my dad’s ^^
3. You know the last episode of Yu-Gi-Oh is tomorrow, right?
My Answer: Yes!! I’m soooo sad!! Plus… InuYasha ends in eleven more episodes! Grr… all of my favorite anime is coming to an end!!! No fair!
4. Got any anime “bushies”?
My Answer: Yes, I got…. Yami, Inuyasha, Chaud, Lan (and both of their net navis ^^;;), and Kurama!!! ^_^
Alright, that’s all I got time for now! I hope everyone has a good day! See ya all later!
Love ya YY1990!!!! ^_^ (We need to talk about stuff before you come over darn it!!!)
--- yamisgirl is signing out ---
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. I’m not doing so well, but I’m well enough to post. I’ve been really down since last night… and I couldn’t seem to cheer up. Most likely because YY1990 didn’t really help. I actually lied to her saying that I was going to get offline, but the truth is I was too down to talk to anyone really… so I just sent her packing. I still can’t help but feel a bit mad at her for not even trying to help like she always does. Oh well… I guess I deserve it… in a way…
Well, yesterday was alright. I spent 5-6 hours reading my first summer reading book, then the rest of the day I was pretty much lazy. I also went to this graduation of my friend’s. It was alright. We ended up having dinner at the school since there was sooo much food, so that was cool…
Today I plan on finishing my book and maybe even start working on the report. Other than that, it’s pretty much going to be a boring, lazy day again
Well… I don’t know what else to talk about… so here are some random questions you can all answer if you want
1. Do you know anyone from your school that has an otaku site?
My Answer: My old school: mirokus daughter and vulkingzor. New school: Doubt any of the girls do…
2. Do you have an anime character that you relate to?
My Answer: I got two: Kagome from InuYasha and Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion, but I’m more like Kagome in a few ways
3. Yu-Gi-Oh OR InuYasha?
My Answer: You don’t have to ask me twice! InuYasha all the way!! WOOT!
4. Okay… last question: What song are you listening to?
My Answer: Digital Love by Daft Punk… WOOT!!
Well, I have to go back to reading now. I hope everyone has a good day!
YY1990, I’m sorry for everything, but you know I still love you more than anything! *huge hug* Have a good day…
--- yamisgirl is signing out ---
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I’m doing well now myself. Sorry about all that, and sorry for not posting again. I was kind of in a stuck position. Now I got summer reading to do. I have to read three books and write three reports before school starts on the 24th of August. Right now I am currently reading the book known as Marley & Me. It’s okay, a bit strange though. It goes from talking about a dog to s**, to other weird things, then back to the dog. I’ve only read half the book, and I plan on finishing it by tomorrow so I can start reading this other book called Crooked Little Heart
Well… nothing much has gone on lately. Well… then again, a lot has been going on, but I really don’t want to get into detail. I’m just glad that I’m okay and happy now! That’s all that counts right? ^^
Oh yea… you know what I’m really, really mad at right now? Kikyo. I HATE her character! Absolutely stupid! The InuYasha series is fine without her. The other day I was watching the first season box set of InuYasha, and I was watching these old episodes with Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kikyo. While watching, I recorded some of the stuff she said to Kagome and Inuyasha to YY1990 just to show her what her personality is. I think she agrees with me… she stinks. So, watching last night’s new episode of InuYasha this morning, I was mad to see that she’s alive AGAIN!! Why can’t she just die and stay dead already!!! She doesn’t help the gang kill Naraku or anything! What’s her purpose? It’s just going to put both Inu and Kagome is misery again, and that’s not fair for them! Oh well… any of you that disagree and hit me and kill me now >>;;
Well, I really need to get back to my book now. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!! *huge hug*
--- yamisgirl is signing out ---
What Do You Look Like, Anime Style!?
(blue)This is what you look like, Anime Style. Your Personality is also connected to this look. Your birth month tells us that you are good looking, and very determined, but keep your feelings inside, and won't let them out.When you do this, your rage bottles up til you explode in rage, or tears. This could mean danger for the ones you love, but often you can't bring yourself to endanger the ones you care for.You like to be alone. Take this quiz!
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