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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Friday, June 24, 2005

Hi everyone... wat up? Well, I guess I could talk about last night at the movies... Well, on a scale of 1-10 I think I gave the movie a 5. It was ok, but there was too much romance and too much talk about death and I thought it was kind of strange.And after the movie, my mom and I went to my grandma's house, and my 27 year old cousin Brian from San Diego was there!!! I had NO idea when he came, but I was so happy to see him. I mean, I haven't seen him since Christimas, and a couple of days ago he was in a car accident so I worried so much 'bout him!!! ^^ Well anyway, I can't wait unitl later on tonight for the concernt!!! I have to be dropped off at my friends house at 4. We'll go to dinner, and go to the concernt which starts at 6. I'll let you all know about it tomorrow. Well, better be going... l8er ^^

ps. Here is Part 2 of me & YamiYugi1900's skit (If you didn't read part one, it's posted yesterday so scroll down...)

Our Skit Part 2
YamiYugi1900 has the parts of Bobosa, Thief Bakura, & Mahado
Yamisgirl has the parts of the Pharaoh & Priest Seto

(And plus the same people that we had yesterday...)

(Gang walks up to the museum doors) Joey: Cool, so what do we do now?

(Yugi: I think we should tell them)

Yami: Alright then, we need to find the ancient tablet and there we'll find all the answers that we need...(Yugi, you did remember to bring the God Cards with you right?)

(Yugi:Yep! They're in our back pack, in the Egyptian box)

Yami:(Cool... let me get them out) *opens box and gets out the Egyptian God Cards*

T`ea:There's the tablet! I remember coming here before with you Yugi

Yami: Yes, I remember that exact day. It's the day where we met Merik's sister Ishezu

T`ea: Ya, and all of that battle city stuff started to come up...

Yami: That's right. It was fate that brought me to the Battle City Tournament of Kaiba's, and to defeat Merik's evil side forever.

Joey: You did some scary stuff in that duel Yug'... I thought you might never win!

(Yugi: Yami, we better get started! it's getting late...the museum is going to close soon)

T`ea: let's take a look... *everyone walks up to the tablet*

Yami: Ready Yugi?

(Yugi: Yep! just be careful)

Yami: Right... *holds up God Cards & the tablet opens up the world of the ancient past*

(Yugi: YAMI!!!)


Joey: I guess he's on his own now...

Yugi: Yami... no... it can’t be..... he's gone

Joey: Do you think he'll be alright in there?

Yugi: I hope so, but if anything happens, then his being will be lost and time will be altered.

Joey: You kiddin' Yug, right?

Yugi: No, I'm not... think about it... the Millennium Puzzle won't be here, he won't be rehencarnated... we won't be who we are either...

T`ea: Oh no.... *gasps*

Joey: We gotta help him!!

Yugi: What can we do... I don't think that we could time travel... do you have any suggestions?

Joey: Not that I know of...

Yugi: hm....

Bobosa: I think I could help....

Joey: SAY WHAT?! Who the heak are you anyway?

Bobosa: I am Shadi's hm... helper! I am the keeper of the Millennium items and I understand that the Pharaoh needs my help.

Joey: Looks like it to me...

Yugi: Bobosa... the pharaoh left us and we believe that he needs our help.

Yugi: How can we get there?

Bobosa: We are going to need the Millennium Puzzle and the Millennium Key to get there

Bobosa: *takes out a key and opens a compartment where the Millennium Key and scale are and takes out both items* Before we go, I must check and make sure that you aren't evil....

Joey: Hey, who ever said that I'm evil? I'm the nicest guy in the world

T`ea: Ya right...

Bobosa: Joey, you are okay....

Joey: Told ya!

Bobosa: T`ea you are okay, and Yugi is okay.... let's get started

Joey: What do we do now?

Bobosa: *puts away the scale and swallows the key* Okay, everyone, get into a circle and hold each other's hand

Joey: (thinking to self- Do I really have to hold Tea’s hand?)

*everyone grabs each other's hands... besides for Joey....*

Yugi: come on Joey! We need to do this!

Joey: Alright then Yug'

Bobosa: Yugi, activate your puzzle! *Yugi activates the Millennium puzzle and Bobosa uses the Millennium key and everyone is teleported into Yami's soul room*

Yugi: UFF!!!

*falls on the bottom of the pile with Bobosa on top of him and Joey smashed in between with T`ea on top*

Joey: Huh? Where are we? My head hurts...

Yugi: I think we are in the Pharaoh's soul room; I only been here a couple of times... can you get off of me Joey?

Joey: O, sorry 'bout that Yug'... I wonder where the Pharaoh is. Got any ideas?

Yugi: I don't know... I can't sense him at all... man! This place is big! Maybe we should start searching here!

Joey: With a place this big, it'll take forever to find him...

T`ea: Just do it! It may take minutes, it may take hours, but it's our friend’s life in stake! Don't you even care Joey?

Joey: You got a good point there T'ea. Alright Yug', lead the way buddie!

Yugi: Alright... *starts checking into rooms*

Yugi: Pharaoh? Where are you?!?!

Joey: Pharaoh... are ya here?

Yugi: I must warn you Joey, some of these rooms lead to dead ends... and weird places.

Joey: *almost falling into a ditch* Ummm... thanks for warning me there Yug'

T`ea: Watch it! *opens a door and looks down* Hi Yugi!

Yugi: Huh? *Sees Tea’s back at one of the doors and looks up to see T`ea in another door way* Um T`ea.... you better not step forward....

T`ea: Huh? *sees her back, and steps backwards* Man! That was scary!*

Yugi: I got an idea! *uses Millennium Puzzle

Joey: What is your idea Yug'?

Yugi: You see that the Pharaoh and I are connected with the Millennium Puzzle, so if I use it... then the door will be reveled!

T`ea: I think it's working! *points at a door glowing*

Joey: You're right... why didn't we do this before?

Yugi: Um... I just figured it out...

Yugi: and also, we had to kill some time

Joey: Yea... so now what do we do?

T`ea: Open the door of course! Yugi, you want the honors?

Yugi: Sure! Is everybody ready!?!?

Joey: You bet I am!!

Yugi: Okay *opens door and steps forward and goes into free fall*

Yugi: WAHHH!!! Hey! The view is pretty from up here!
*Bobosa follows and then T`ea jumps*

Joey: What is happening?!

*everyone lands to the ground on top of Yugi* Yugi: Uff....

Joey: You alright Yug?

Yugi: Yep... Ah, my puzzle! It's gone!

Joey: WHAT?! It can't be

Bobosa: Only one puzzle exists at a time, and the Pharaoh has it now....

Joey: Well, at least you know it's not gone forever
Yugi: Ya... let's go looking for the Pharaoh....

Joey: Ya! *starts walking through town*

*Back with Yami*
Simon: Pharaoh! Are you okay? This is not time to be sleeping!

Pharaoh: Huh? Where am I? And who are you?

Simon: You must not be feeling well, you are in the Palace of the city, and I am you helper! *reveals his faces.... surprisingly it looks like Yugi's grandpa*

Pharaoh: (thinks to self: What the?)

Mahado: Pharaoh, I need your permission to put more guards on watch

Pharaoh: Guards? Who are we guarding? Is someone trying to take over this city?

Mahado: A thief just broke into your father's tomb, and we fear that he is going to come after you, my pharaoh

Pharaoh: My father? O no!!

We got to stop him!!

*outside of the palace* Thief Bakura: Hehe... let me in! I have a royal meeting with the Pharaoh!

Guards: No, you can't!

Thief Bakura: Just watch me! MUHAHAHAHAHAH!!! *sends them to the shadow realm*

*back in the palace* Mahado: I'm sensing someone evil is coming

Pharaoh: We must stop this chaos once in for all. But how will we stop him?

Thief Bakura: I'm here! MUHAHAHAHA!!! I'm fit to be the pharaoh! Look! I'm covered with jewelry just like you Pharaoh!

Pharaoh: Stop this now!! You're so not going to get away with your plan!!

Thief Bakura: Hm... tisk tisk, that's not the way to treat a guest, especially when he's bringing gifts for you....

Pharaoh: ENOUGH!!

Priest Seto: Just take him on Pharaoh. He doesn't seem like a challenge at all...

Thief Bakura: I see that you don't want it... what a shame! After all I went through to bring you your dad... sorry if a couple pieces fallen off... it was a rough ride! *kicks a case over to the Pharaoh's feet* and yes... I must show you my power! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!

Simon: Oh no! *starts to cry*

Pharaoh: Humph...

Thief Bakura: Oh, has the pharaoh gone cold towards his OWN father... what a shame

Pharaoh: I'm not cold towards my father. He is a much stronger man than you are, and I'll stop you from getting any further than where you are now!!

Thief Bakura: Now that's the spirit that I want to crush! MUHAHAHAHA!!! Diabound! I summon thee!

Pharaoh: What is that?! How am I going to destroy it?

Mahado: I will protect the Pharaoh at all costs! I summon my own Ka, Magus of Illusion!

Thief Bakura: am I supposed to be scared of that wimpy thing?

Pharaoh: You should be...

Thief Bakura: How about some challenge for once! Oh well, MUHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Diabound! Destroy that little wanna be of a Ka!

*blasts Magus of Illusion and Mahado losses Ba* Mahado: Uff... *falls down

Priest Seto: I'll take it from here.... Evil Ka! By the power if the Millennium Rod, I cast you into the holy stone!

*stone breaks* Thief Bakura: You really thought that would work, didn't you! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Priest Seto: WHAT...!! I didn't work

Mahado: it's too big... *cough*

Pharaoh: How can a lowly thief have a holy sprit Ka... it's so strong!

Thief Bakura: Hahahaha!!! Don’t make me laugh!

Thief Bakura: All I have to do is be loyal to what you say is right! That is all that takes me to be "good" MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Pharaoh: Humph...

Thief Bakura: Is that the best you could do?

Priest Seto: I'll show you the true power of the Priests with the Millennium Items... I'm more than strong enough for someone like him. Stand Back!!

Thief Bakura: Just try! For the amusement! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Priest Seto: Galest Goras, I summon thee!

Pharaoh: Wow! It looks like they are playing a game of Duel Monsters...

Thief Bakura: Do you think that thing could beat me! Hahaha!!! This should be fun!

Siamon: Duel Monsters?

Pharaoh: O, never mind. I think I'm getting a little tired....

Thief Bakura: Hit me with your best shot!

Priest Seto: Galest Goras... snap his Ka into two!

*monster attacks*

Thief Bakura: You think that's going to work! MUHAHAHAHA You're sadly mistaken! Diabound! Break that little monster in half!

Priest Seto: How can this be?

Thief Bakura: I'm surprise you are still standing with that much Ba lost... Hump, when I said god, I ment it!

Priest Seto: (thinks to self: Impossible! How can I fight anymore?)

Thief Bakura: Just give in! You'll never win!

Pharaoh: He can't give in... There is too much at stake!!

Thief Bakura: Just try to win! It's impossible

To Be Continued:

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