Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Good Morning everyone… wat up? Okay, yesterday could have been better if I haven’t gone to the dentist and found out that I’m having surgery on my mouth next month! I know it’s still a month away, but I’m freaked out… Okay anyway, today I got ummmmmmmmmmmmm… no plans once again! ^^ YamiYugi1900 & I have been making funny Yu-Gi-Oh advice things, and I wanted to share a couple of ‘em:
Yamisgirl’s advices:

If you got an annoying sister like I do, make a NO SISTER sign and hit ‘em in the head with it ^^

When you see Yami Bakura grab a piece of meat with a fork, you might want to STAND BACK!!
YamiYugi1900’s advices:
Never show Yami Marik pictures any where he's insane… it may scare someone ^^

Note for the wise: when going to the memory world, make sure you don't run into Zork when he's mad! He's butt ugly!! O.O
Well, that’s all the news I got for now…. See ya all l8er…. buh-bye ^^
Ps. Here is Part 8 of the Yu-Gi-Oh Skit:
Our Skit (Part 8)
YamiYugi1900’s new part is: The Monster
Yugi: With the weather changing like this, something big must be coming....
Joey: You're right Yug'... I mean, how can it snow in the spring?! That's totally odd
Tristan: I don't know... That is odd ^^
T`ea: Hey! Look! It's hailing now!
Joey: Say what?! NO WAY!!
Joey: This is starting to freak me out!
Yugi: Yes way... look at the size of those ice pebbles!
Tristan: I don't think it's the weather that is causing all this...
T`ea: me either... it must be what Dark Magician Girl was saying yesterday!
Yugi: Ya! (Yami, what do you think?)
Joey: Then what is?!
Yugi: Don't you remember what happened yesterday?
Joey: O yea... that explains some things ^^
Yugi: Yep! Maybe we should stand AWAY from the windows...
Tristan: I'm with him...
*backs away from the window*
Yugi: That's better! I don't think the hail would break the windows, but it's possible
Yami: (Yes Yugi, you must be very careful... you don't want you or your friends to get hurt)
Yugi: (Okay Yami I will)
Yami: (good ^^)
Yugi: Guys... I want you to be careful when you are around me... I know it sounds crazy and all, but what ever it is I feel is interested in me....
T`ea: What?!?!
Joey: Yug' are you feeling okay? You're not making any sense at all!!
Yugi: I'm alright... I just want to warn you guys... I don't want to see you guys get hurt because of me...
Tristan: We'll be alright! Don't worry, if there is anything wrong I'm sure we'll handle it as a team!
Yugi: Thank you! You guys are the best! *wipes away tears*
Joey: No problem! We'll always be there for you. Remember our Bond of Friendship. It'll never be broken!
Yugi: I won't forget that! ^^
Yugi: Huh? *Millennium Puzzle starts to glow*
Yami: What's going on Yugi?
Yugi: (I don't know... but are you getting a strange feeling Yami?)
Yami: No... Well, a little. Do you Yugi?
Yugi: ( I am.... I think the puzzle is sensing it too... What ever is coming is coming right now!)
Yami: Well, we must get ready then... let me take over
Yugi: (Okay!)
Yami: Alright everyone... we better get to some where safe and quick!
Joey: Got it Yug'... whatever you say to keep us alive I'll do it!
T`ea: Will do! Come on! Let's go! *everyone runs to the basement*
Yami: Okay... I think we're safe here!
Yugi: I hope...
Joey: Why did we have to go in this dark smelly basement?!
T`ea: BECAUSE!!! No one would think we are down here! Does anyone go down here by the way Joey?
Joey: Ummmmm... not that I know of
T`ea: Perfect! That means no one or thing would want to come down here!
Tristan: Hope you're right T'ea
T`ea: Me too...
Yami: The best thing to do right now is to stay calm...
Yugi: It is...
Yugi: (I'm sensing what ever it is, is almost here Yami)
Yami: (thinking to self: I hope everything will be alright...)
Monster: GRAA!!! *outside of apartment*
Yami: (thinking to self: O great!)
Yugi: ( It sounds huge! Do you think we are ready for this?)
Yami: I think we are... *activates duel disk* Let's go Yugi!
Yugi: Right!
Monster: GRAAAAAAAA!!! *starts to blast stuff*
Yami: I'll take this thing down... *draws card* I summon my Queen's Knight in defense mode! (this should keep me safe for now...)
Monster: *blasts the queens knight*
Yami: Okay... that didn't help. Alright then... *draws another card* I put a card face down, and then I'll put Giant Solider of Stone in defense mode
Monster: GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *stomps on Giant Solider of Stone*
Yami: Not so fast... I play Mirror Force. It redirects the attack right back at you!!
Monster: GRAA!!! *takes hit, get destroyed and comes back* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! *swishes it's tail*
Yami: I guess Trap Cards don't work... (Yugi, have any ideas?!)
Yugi: (hm... Let's see... one idea is to... MOVE!!!)
Yami: Right... *jumps and saves self)
Monster: *tries to blast Yugi* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *thrashes about*
Yami: Thanks for the warning Yugi... now to stop this monster! *draws card* I put monster in Defense mode... (Yugi, are we are ever going to destroy it?!)
Yugi: Try stalling him with the Swords of Reveling lights for now...
Monster: GRA!!!! *blasts defense monster* GRAAAAAA!!!!
Yami: Yes, that will work.... and now I play Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for 3 turns! (This should help out a lot)
Yugi: The Egyptian god cards! Use them to blast that monster, then it should be destroyed!
Yami: I know, but they need sacrifices first and I only got one monster right now!
Yugi: Summon Kuriboh and activate your multiply card... use them as a sacrifice!
Monster: *frozen*
Yami: No Yugi, I know what to do now........ *shows Yugi the Monster Reborn Card*
Yugi: Okay...
Yami: If this doesn't work I'll use your idea... I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Queen's Knight, and then I summon my King's Knight. And thanks to this, I can also summon Jack's Knight. *Lightening hits above the sky* Now I sacrifice my 3 monsters to summon the almighty Slifer the Sky Dragon!
Yugi: Great! But that's not enough power... we need the other two!
Yami: As soon as I draw 'em I'll put them out on the field ^^
Monster: *frozen*
Yugi: Okay!
Yami: Now go Slifer, attack!
Monster: *wing gets destroyed*
Yugi: All we need to do is destroy the rest of it... but, It's going to be unfrozen in another turn!
Yami: Don't worry... I'll think of somethin'......... *draws RA* Nice, now how am I going to summon it? The only monsters I have are Kuriboh and other monsters that need sacrifices
Yugi: play pot of greed!
Yami: O, I knew that... I play Pot of Greed, this lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck.... *draws Dark Magician and Warrior Dai Grepher* How is this going to help?
Yugi:... hm.... summon Warrior Dai Grepher in defense mode, set negate attack down on the field... and.... this too *points at magical cylinder*
Yami: I play Pot of Greed, this lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck.... *draws Dark Magician and Warrior Dai Grepher* How is this going to help?
Yugi: Hm... play Warrior Dai Grepher on the field in defense mode... set negate attack, and mage's stone face down
Yami: Okay... *does everything that Yugi said to do* That might work!
Yugi: the monster is still frozen....
Monster: *frozen*
Yami: Aren't they supposed to be gone now?
Yugi: It's gone this turn
Yami: O, then why is he still frozen?
Monster: GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *unfreezes*
Yami: I guess I spoke too soon!
Yugi: Yep... okay... you should draw right about now....
Yami: Right... *Draws Feral Imp* Okay then, I'll put a card face down... I guess that's all I can do for now...
Yugi: WAIT!!! Have Slifer attack the monster again to weaken it first!
Yami: Okay... Slifer, attack again!
Monster: GRAAA!!! *loses other wing and gets paralyzed*
Yami: Cool!
Yugi: Good! That'll give us another turn!
Yami: Yup... Hey I wonder how the rest of the gang is doing?
*inside the basement* Joey: T'ea, what was that for?
T`ea: What?
Joey: You stepped on my toe!
T`ea: Sorry... I can't see around here! *walks into a pole* Uff
Tristan: We better be careful down here!
T`ea: Ya... *gets up* This place could be dangerous! Hey! I got something!
T`ea: *pulls out a lantern* I don't know why I had it in my bag, put I felt that we would need it...
Joey: Good, that will be useful!
T`ea: *turns it on* That's better!
Tristan: Yup... I wonder how Yugi's doing with that monster
T`ea: I'm sure he's beating it up right now!
Joey: Hope so, or we'll all be in danger!
T`ea: me too
*back with Yami & Yugi* Yami: Now I sacrifice my 3 new monsters to summon the Winged Dragon of RA!
Yugi: That's awesome! Okay! Have both Gods attack the body of the monster, aim for the pearl thing in the center!
Yami: Right... okay my gods, destroy that monster now!!
Monster: GRAAAA!!! *gets blasted and almost gets destroy and is paralyzed once again*
Yugi: That's great! Now, next turn, we need to get all the gods to attack!
Yami: Yup! *draws the last God Card* ALRIGHT! How am I going to summon it though?!
Yugi: okay... use premature burial to bring back your Dark Magician Girl, next activate mage's stone to summon Dark Magician... and activate Dark Magic ritual, and discard those to *points to two other monsters* and then Sacrifice them all to summon Obelisk the Tormentor!
Yami: Wow... you should do this duel for me!!
Yugi: haha...
Yami: * does everything that Yugi said* Now I bring out Obelisk the Tormentor! Now all of my beasts.... ATTACK AND DESTROY THIS BEAST NOW!!
Monster: ARGGGG!!! *gets destroyed and Yugi goes flying backwards*
Yami: Ack... that wasn't fun (Are you okay Yugi?)
Yugi: (I think so.... *tries to get up and falls back down* Uff.... maybe not)
Yami: *carries Yugi to the basement*
Yugi: (Yami, thank you... but It would be a lot easier if I just went to my soul room....*
T`ea: YUGI!!!
Yami: Hey, how's everyone doing?
T`ea: Okay... Yugi, what happened up there?
To Be Continued:
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