Wednesday, July 13, 2005
My Long, Long Post... hehehe ^^
Good Morning everyone… wat up? Well, this morning has been a lil off for me, but don’t worry I’ll get through my day! The reason why I’m in a lil bad mood right now is because I was woken up by this really loud bird that was by my bedroom window… hehehe. I guess that bird was my alarm clock for the day… lol. (Note: I don’t use alarm clocks ^^) Well, today I got no plans… Yay (I think…) Yesterday YamiYugi1900 and I were looking at cute pics of my hamster Mocha. I found this one pic of him with my Yu-Gi-Oh pillow and I came up with a funny advice with it! Here it is:

Note: You can love Yami, but don't get your "paws" over him... HE'S MINE!! (lol)
YamiYugi1900 says: AWWWWW!!! Don't ya just want to hug him! ^.^
Yamisgirl says: YES!! I love my Mokie *hugs him* (Note: I call my hamster Mocha Mokie after Mokuba ^^) lol (O, and another thing: IT’S NOT A RAT!! IT’S A HAMSTER!!) lol
Hehe.. well, I guess that’s all the news I got for now. I hope everyone has a good day… see ya later. Buh-bye ^^
Ps. I get to see Allie tomorrow!!
Ps #2: 3 more days until the 6th Harry Potter book comes out!
Ps #3: I think YamiYugi1900 still wants a Netnavi, but now I’m starting to think she wants my hamster more! BACK OFF!! HE’S MINE!! (lol)
Ps #4: I've been hearing some of my friends on the Otaku get hurt lately and this message here is for all of you guys and for my good friend msyugioh123: Snap out of it!! You guys are NOT ALONE! I’m going to be right by your side for as long as you need me! I know you feel down, but I’m here to help, and don’t say you don’t have any friends because you have me. I love all of you guys and msyugioh123, and if you guys need ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING at all… give me a Buzz! *starts to cry* I just don’t want seeing anyone get hurt so just keep this message in mind, and if you guys need me to I’ll pray for you everyday for your days to be filled with the light and not the darkness! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! *starts to really cry now*
Ps #5: Here is Part 12 of the skit:
Our Skit (Part 12)
YamiYugi1900's new part: Apep
Yugi: Okay.... *takes Ra out from pocket and adds him to the deck* Now it's all up to fate....
Yami: Yes, and the Heart of the Cards will guide us as well
Yugi: And destiny is on our side.....
Yami: Yes... *gets off of chair* nothing can hold us back from that
Yugi: Yep.... *T`ea, Tristan and Joey return from downstairs*
T`ea: Yugi?
Yugi: *turns around* Hey, you guys ready?
Joey: You bet I am Yugi! *grabs duel disk out of backpack*
Yugi: Always prepared... aren't you
Joey: That's right Yugi... I'm always prepared to help a buddy out ^^
Tristan: And we will stand by you
T’ea: No matter what!
Yugi: So I guess there is no escape from you guys, huh?
Joey: No way man... there is no way you are going to talk us out of helping you out. We just won't listen
Yugi: haha... you really thought that I would try to do this without you! It's basically impossible to do that... and I should know!
Joey: Yea... that's right
*ground starts to shake* Yami: (It's happening... ready Yugi?)
Yugi: (Ya....) Ready to get out of here....
Joey: *getting moved by the ground shaking* Let's get outside Yug'! *everyone runs out of Yugi's room and out of the house*
Tristan: This seems to be a big E...ar…..t…...h...qua....ck! ACK!!! *falls over*
Joey: Yea... it does *helps Tristan up, but falls down as well*
T`ea: *falls over as well* Maybe it's not a good idea to stand....
Joey: Yea.... *gets up* Lets try to find this thing *starts to run*
Yugi: Ya! *runs after Joey*
T`ea: I'm coming *runs after them*
Tristan: HEY!!! Wait for me! Woooo! *runs after them*
Yugi: It seems close! I could sense it!
Joey: Hmmmmm... Look! *points to something behind a building*
Apep: *hisses and sticks out tongue*
Joey: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Is that him Yug'?
Yugi: Ya! It's a lot bigger than I thought!
T`ea: EU! It's a giant snake!
Yugi: (Is it time yet?)
Yami: (Yes... let me take over Yugi)
Yugi: (Okay!) *activates Millennium Puzzle*
T`ea: Ya... even if you have to face that... *points at snake thing*
Tristan: Don't worry, we're here for ya!
Yami: Thanks... *looks at Apep*
Apep: *turns head ands spots Yami* Sooo.... you are the one.... Pharaoh that I was ....ssummoned to kill! Oh, this ssshall be fun!
Yami: Hmmmmm... *activates duel disk and draws 5 cards*
Joey: *does same as Yugi*
Apep: two on one eh..... we this sshall be delightful...
Yugi: (Ready for this... here we go!)
Yami: (Right) Let’s do this Apep!!
Apep: Ready to be sent to the ...underworld I see! Let's see how you fair against this!!!..... *starts glowing*
Yugi: (What's happening) *starts to sneeze like crazy*
Yami: *sneezes like crazy as well* (I don't know Yugi, but I know it's not good!)
Joey: *hears Yugi sneeze* You okay man?!
Apep: MWHAHAHAHAHA!! What you have there pharaoh is going to be your downfall! *whips tail around*
Yami: What do you mean? *starts to cough like crazy*
Apep: Hump... You didn't notice when you went to the exhibit in the museum that I attacked you? Now you are weakened and ripe for the beating! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yami: (thinking to self: So that's how this all started!)
Yugi: (Just by going to the museum caused this whole thing to happened... and it was planned all along by Apep)
Yami: Argh... Alright, your first mistake was to cause all this, your 2nd is to even be here... Joey and I are going to wipe you out, and it starts right now!! *draws another card*
Apep: Hahahaha!!1 Nothing in you deck of cards could stop me.....\
Yami: Hmmmmmmmm.... (What to do?) *notices trap hole card* (Hehe... I got an idea...) First I'll put one card face down, and next I'll put a monster face down in DEF mode and end my turn... Now Joey, do your stuff
Joey: Right Yugi! *draws card as well* I'll place 2 cards face down, and I'll summon my Armored Lizard in ATK mode. [1500/1200] That's all for now...
Apep: BWHAHAHAHA!!! is that all you could do? *spits poison and destroys Yugi's face down defense monster*
Yami: Argh... My Giant Solider of Stone is gone
Apep: And that's not all! *trap hole disappears as well*
Yami: Huh How did you do that?!
Apep: The poison destroys not only the monster but any trap or magic cards you have on the field... Now you are the one endangered!
Yami: (thinks to self: Great... that leaves me empty handed)
Apep: *whips tail around*
Yami: *Gets hit by tail, and falls down*
T`ea: Yugi!!!
Yugi: (Are you okay?)
Yami: *gets up* (I'm fine Yugi, ugh... don't worry) *coughs* It's time for me to take care of this right now!! *draws card*
Yugi: (Okay Yami...)
Yami: (thinks to self: Okay... what should I do if most of my cards are useless?)
Yugi: (I got an idea Yami!)
Yami: (Huh? What is it?)
Yugi: (Didn't you notice the weak spot... it only could really do is attack by itself... just like that monster we faced before...)
Yami: (Huh? O yea… right, so what cards should I use to do that since I don't have anything to summon the gods with yet?)
Yugi: (here... *points to the Kuriboh and multiply cards* we are going to need this for defense... since it could only attack one monster at a time... and this should be good *points to mirror force*
Yami: (Hmmmmmmm… yes... alright then) *plays everything that Yugi said to* That will end my turn *looks at Joey* (thinks to self: I'm counting on you as well Joey)
Joey: Alright you over grown snake... my move!! *draws card* First I shall sacrifice my Armored Lizard, so I can play my Red Eyes Black Dragon in ATK mode [2400/2000] Then I'll add this, my Dragon Treasures magic card... this increases my Red Eyes ATK points by 500 making it 2900 ATK points now... And that's all for now
Yami: Nice move Joey!! That should help!
Apep: ... is that the best you could do?
Joey: Say what?
Apep: *larches forward and destroys Red Eyes Black Dragon*
Joey: NO! Red Eyes!! *lp goes down to 2900*
Apep: *chuckles* You really thought that would work!
Yami: Joey!! Are you alright?
Joey: Yea... I think so, but now my life points are down to 1100!
Apep: MWHAHAHAHA!! You really thought.... that was going to work... *whips tail around*
Joey: (thinks to self: Actually, I thought it would)
Yami: Alright then...... my move!! *draws card* (thinks to self: What should I do now?!)
Yugi: (Okay... we need to get the god cards out on the field as quick as possible!)
Yami: (Hmmmmmm... yes, at least he hasn't destroyed any of our cards from our last turn and poor Joey is about to loose... how do I get the gods summoned?)
Yugi: (Hmm... play Pot of Greed… I have a feeling Slifer is about to come up)
Yami: (Alight then...) I play Pot of Greed which lets me draw 2 cards from my deck (Come on Heart of the cards... guide me) *draws up Magical Hats and Slifer* (Alright... did it ^^)
Yugi: (Great... now... hmmm.... since we have so many Kuriboh’s right now... we could sacrifice three of them to summon Slifer....)
Yami: Alright... *does what Yugi says* Feel the power of my Egyptian god, Slifer the Sky Dragon!! [4000 ATK]
Apep: Impressive Pharaoh... but you really do think that could destroy me so easily!?!?
Yami: We'll soon find out... GO SLIFER!! ATTACK AEPE NOW!!
Apep: *goes flying into a building and slithers back* Hehe... Not bad! .... but didn't work! MUhaHahHAHAHAHAhahah!!!
Yami: (thinking to self: Did it take any damage at all?)
Yugi: (Yes it did Yami... look at its tail... notice it's not moving...?)
Yami: (Wow.... it's not! Slifer must have done something to it)
Yugi: (Yes... Slifer's attack is paralyzing it... we have a chance to beat it)
Yami: (Yes....)
Joey: Awesome move there Yugi!
Yami: Thanks... *looks at Apep*
Apep: *unable to move* What did you do you nasty Pharaoh!?!?
Yami: Hehe... having a hard time moving? I'm soooooo sorry to hear that, perhaps this wouldn't of happen if you didn't try to mess with me
Yugi: (haha! Great taunting Yami!)
Yami: (Hehe… Thanks) Okay... with that I end my turn, and I'll let my friend take over *looks at Joey*
Joey: My pleasure Yugi... alright *draws card* (thinks to self: Man, with only 1100 lp left, and no good cards in my hand I'm done for....... Ugh... what am I going to do?! O, I got it....) First I play my own Pot of Greed Card... (Hope this works) *draws up Grave Robber and Time Wizard* Hmmmmmmmm... Okay, now I summon my Baby Dragon in ATK mode [1200 ATK], and then I'll throw down my Time Wizard as well... Alright, (hope this works) GO TIME WIZARD!!
*Time Wizard doesn't land on a skull*
Joey: Alright!! Alright Apep, you're toast because now my Baby Dragon is now a Thousand Dragon!
Apep: *buried under ground*
Joey: Alright, that's enough damage for now... I end my turn ^^
Yami: Nice move Joey!!
Yugi: (Don't be too excited... Apep went underground... he could strike anyway Yami... best to be on your guard)
Yami: (Right.....Alright then, I just need Slifer to attack again and to get Ra out if I can)
Yugi: (I think that Ra is close to the top of the deck... all we have to do is believe)
Yami: (That's right... The Heart of the Cards will guide us) *feels the ground move again*
Yugi: (MOVE IT!!! Apep is right blow us!)
Yami: (Right...) *stands back a bit and looks down*
Joey: *does the same*
*ground rumbles more*
*Yami and Joey both fall to the ground*
Yugi: (Yami! You're okay?)
Yami: *unable to get up; tires, but fails*
Apep: *comes up from ground a foot away from Yami*
Yugi: (That was close!)
Apep: Better luck next time! *sneers and then goes back to his position*
Yami: *still on the ground* (Yes...)
Yugi: (Let me help you there *helps Yami up*)
Yami: *gets up* (Thanks Yugi...)
Yugi: (No problem... Joey's still on the ground though... I mean... face down on the ground)
Yami: *goes to Joey* Joey, are you okay? *picks up Joey*
Joey: Yea... I'm fine, my face really hurts from that fall though *gets up*
Yami: Well, glad to see you're okay...
Yugi: (It's our move.... let's see if destiny is on our side! Come on Winged dragon of Ra!)
Yami: *draws card and looks at it with a smile on his face*
Yugi: (Great! That's it! Exactly what we need to win this duel!) *sneezes*
Yami: *sneezes as well* (Yup ^^) *summons the Winged Dragon of Ra* Ready Apep? Your destruction starts now!!
Apep: What do you have up your sleeve? Is it another one of those stupid tricks that you were doing before?
Yami: Hehe… I think you’re sadly mistaking... It's my Egyptian god Monster, the Winged Dragon of Ra!!
Apep: Hehe... now the battle shall get interesting!
Yami: Yes, it shall... now go my gods, ATTACK HIM NOW!!
Apep: We'll see about that! *larches himself at Ra*
Yugi: (Yami, get Ra into Phoenix mode... it'll be a lot safer with more damage!)
Yami: (Okay Yugi...) Now I shall transform Ra into his all powerful Phoenix mode!! *Ra turns to Phoenix mode*
Apep: Uh oh.... ARG!!! *gets burned to a crisp*
Yami: Ra... Finish him off!!
Joey: Alright... we did it Yug'!
T`ea: Yay! The evil Snake is gone!
Tristan: High Five! *does a high five with T`ea*
Yugi: (You did great Yami...)
Yami: (Thanks you did too...uhhhhhh) *collapses on the ground*
Yugi: (Yami! uuhh...) *collapse onto the ground as well*
Joey: *notices Yugi on the ground and runs to him* Yugi!! *picks him up* Are you okay? Say something please...
T`ea: Oh no! *runs up to Joey*
Tristan: No!!! It can't be! *runs up to them*
Joey: I think he may be okay. He just fought one of the toughest duels of his life, and now the best thing he needs is rest... and plus since that monster is gone, Yugi will be fresh as new tomorrow...
T`ea: I guess you are right.... *looks where Apep was destroyed* Do you think they would notice that snake print on the ground... it's pretty big....
Joey: Maybe...
*Ra soars above them and the outline of Apep disappears*
Tristan: Now that was freaky... do you think Kaiba would call it one of those "hocus pokus magic tricks"
Joey: Probably... I wonder if he even noticed all of this happened *stands up and puts Yugi on his back*
T`ea: come on... we should bring Yugi home...
Joey: Right *starts to carry Yugi home*
T`ea: *follows them*
Tristan: Coming! *runs behind them*
*at Yugi's house and in his room* Yami: *starts to stir*
T`ea: Yugi? Are you okay?
Yami: *wakes up* Huh? T'ea... is that you? *blinks a couple of times*
T`ea: Yugi! You're okay!
Yami: What happened? Did we defeat Apep? *holds head*
Tristan: You fainted after Apep was destroyed....
Yami: Oh.... *takes a couple of deep breathes* (Yugi, are you okay?)
Yugi: zzz....zzz...zzz
Yami: (hehe... Yugi?) *taps Yugi in the arm a couple of times*
Yugi: *mummers* (stop it...)
Yami: (thinks to self: He'll be alright ^^)
Yugi: zzz...zzz...zzz
Joey: Glad to see you're better Yugi! ^^
Yami: Yea... thanks
T`ea: I'm glad that you are better... we were worried about you...
Yami: Oh... I would feel the same way if this would have happened to you guys too
Tristan: We know that Yugi....
Yami: Yes... I bet you already did *yawns a couple of times*
T`ea: I think you should get some sleep Yugi
Joey: Yea... do you need us for anything before we go?
Yami: No, I think I'll be just fine... a little more rest and I'll be up in no time ^^
T`ea: That great... There's school tomorrow again... so call us if you need anything before then
Yami: Yes... I will! Do the same for me okay?
T`ea: I will...
Joey: Yea... me too Yug'
Tristan: *Yawns* I will....
Yami: Okay... now you guys better get going. You need your rest too you know...
Tristan: I'll see you tomorrow! *grabs pack* I still have to study... hehe...
T`ea: Don't we all?
Yami: Hehe... can't argue with you there
Joey: Yea, I bet we'll do fine... no worries ^^
T`ea: Ya... maybe we should get going...
Joey: Yea... okay, get some rest Yugi and get well soon
Tristan: and remember to call us if you need anything
T`ea: We'll do anything for you
Yami: Alright... same here
T`ea: I better get going... I told my mom I'll be home by dinner time....
Joey: Yea... I need to get going too *grabs backpack* See ya tomorrow Yugi! *pats Yugi on the head and leaves*
T`ea: I'll see ya! *grabs bag and walks away*
Tristan: Go to go! I'll see you tomorrow Yugi! *takes pack and runs out of the house*
Yami: Ahhh... *closes eyes and starts to go to sleep*
*the next morning at 6:35 am* Yugi: zzz...zzz ... huh? *wakes up and notices Yami is still in control*
Yami: *still asleep* ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...
Yugi: *activates Millennium Puzzle and takes over* Uff* falls off bed*
Yami: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz *rolls over in bed* (lol)
Yugi: Huh? *notices that he was already dressed and the duel disk was still on* Hmm... *walks over to closet and takes off duel disk and hides it*
Yami: Zzzz...zzz...zzz (lol ^^)
Yugi: *turns around and walks over to Yami* Time to wake up! *nudges Yami in the arm*
Yami: *opens an eye* No Yugi please, give me 5 more mins..... uhhh *falls back to sleep*
Yugi: Hump... *walks up to Yami and activates Millennium Puzzle and makes the puzzle shine in his face*
Yami: *scrunches eyes* Ahhhhhhhhhh... Yugi don't! I just woke up!! That's way too bright to be shinning when I just get up!!
Yugi: hehe... *runs and packs backpack* Next time, don't fall asleep with our duel disk on....
Yami: *Yawn a couple of times* Well, that wasn't my fault... I was tired... Can I go back to sleep now? *lays down on pillow*
Yugi: Fine... but at least go to your soul room for now... I don't feel like my mind split during class
Yami: Alright... *goes to soul room and falls asleep again*
Yugi: I guess I'm done packing... *takes backpack and walks down the stairs to the kitchen*
Grandpa: Good Morning Yugi....
Yugi: Good morning Grandpa.... *grabs some breakfast*
Yami: *in soul room* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (lol)
Yugi: *finishes breakfast as Yugi's mom comes into the kitchen*
Yugi's mom: Good morning Yugi... are you feeling okay?
Yugi: Ya mom... I'm fine....
Yugi's mom: Okay....
Yugi: *gets up and goes out of house*
Yami: *wakes up in soul room* Uhhhhhhhh... *yawns and rubs eyes*
Yugi: *thinking* (I shouldn't of been so hard on Yami... he's been through a lot... I'll apologies after school)
Yami: *comes out of soul room* (Huh? Did you say something Yugi?) *yawns again*
Yugi: (You're awake! Did you get a good sleep?) *reaches Joey's apartment*
Yami: (Yea... I really only needed a few extra mins to wake up slowly)
Yugi: (That's a relive! Yami, I'm sorry about what I did this morning... sorry for being rough on you)
Yami: (No, don't apologies... you didn't hurt my feelings or anything)
Yugi: (Oh… okay Yami)
Yami: (Yea... it's all good ^^)
Joey: *comes up to Yugi* Hey Yug', what up?
Yugi: Oh, Hi Joey!
Joey: *starts walking to school* How are you feeling?
Yugi: A lot better than yesterday! That's a fact!
Joey: That's great Yugi! ^^
Yugi: Ya... now, we have finals coming up! What a drag!
Joey: Hehe… ya, I tired to study last night, but I fell asleep
Yugi: I wonder how hard the finals are... I hope they aren't going to be like the midterms
Joey: Yea.... but we still got 3 extra days to study. All we're going to be doing in class today is reviewing for Thursday and Friday
Yugi: At least we have that... unless... something else comes about! *looks up at the sky while walking*
Joey: Why? Is there something else that's troubling you Yug'?
Yugi: Ah, it's just my imagination again... don't worry about me....
Joey: Alright... *arrives at school and notices T'ea and Tristan*
T`ea: Hey there! *waves hand and runs over to Yugi and Joey*
Joey: Hey T'ea!
Tristan: You made it! *runs up to them*
Joey: Yup… and Yugi is back and feelin' better! ^^
Yugi: Yep!
Tristan: Well, I fell asleep while studying last night... any of you guys did the same?
Joey: Yup... I did too ^^
T`ea: I managed to study for the history exams, but nothing else...
Joey: Glad to hear it... *looks over at Yugi and remembers he hasn't studied at all* Don't worry Yugi, we'll help you study
Yugi: Thanks you guys!
Joey: No sweat that's what friends are for ... *looks at watch* Ahhh! Late bell is going to ring in 3 mins! *runs into the school*
Yugi: ACK!!! *runs after him*
T`ea: Don't forget me! *chases them*
Tristan: Why me! *runs after them*
To Be Continued:
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