Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, I have had an off morning. Here is an advice to explain it all:

Yea.... I guess he got out of his cage somehow and then he ended up in Christen’s (my 6 yr old sister) room. She woke up (this all happened at like 5:30 in the morning) and she noticed him crawl under her bed, and then she got my parents (that were already awake) and told them that my hamster got out. Then my dad went to my room and woke me up... (I was out of it!! I was up for like an hour {2-3} 'cause I woke up from some strange noises so I was sound asleep when he came in my room) and then it toke forever for me to wake up! Then I went to my sister's room to get him from underneath the bed. Then I toke him to my room, fixed his cage (there was an opening in the back where he escaped) and then now he's doing fine. He's asleep right now ^^ I just remembered… one time I lost him and he was behind my dresser!! I had to take everything off of it and move my bed and everything until I got him out x.x It was soooooooooo hard, but thank God he didn’t do that this time!! Well, in other news yesterday YamiYugi1900 and I were working on our skit ALL DAY!! It was so much fun, and we caught up a lot on it too! Well, that’s all the news I got for now… see ya all l8er… buh-bye!
Ps. What do you guys think of the avi I made? Well, I didn’t do it alone. I got help from 2 of my great Otaku friends Kagome_Mokuba & YamiYugi1900. I love you guys!! *hugs them both*
Ps #2. I’m sooooooooooooooo tired!! I was planning to sleep in until 6:30 today, but then my dad had to wake me up, and tonight I was planning to stay up a few hours and catch up on my Harry Potter book (I’m on page 214 right now) I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow or try to get a nap in today x.x
Ps #3. Here is Part 19 of the skit:
Our Skit (Part 19)
At the Hospital: Doctor: Mr. Mutou... it looks like your arm is healing up a bit. We will be able to take the cast off in a week and a half
Yugi: Thank you doctor....
Doctor: No problem... I'm here to help the hurt and sick. That's my job. Come back in three more days so I could make sure nothing is going wrong with your arm...
Yugi: Okay!
Doctor: I'll see you soon
Yugi: *gets up and walks out the door* Okay... now it's time to meet Joey....
Yami: (So how are you doing Yugi?)
Yugi: (Great... we will be in fighting shape in no time!) *starts to run down to Joey's room and takes a wrong turn*
Yami: (That's good) *notices that Yugi took a wrong turn* (hehe...)
Yugi: Hmmm... ACK!!! *starts to run in the opposite direction and runs into Tristan on his way to Joey's room*
Yami: (ACK!!) *falls down as well*
Tristan: Hey! Watch it there... oh it's you Yugi! Here let me give you a hand! *picks Yugi off the ground*
Yugi: Thanks Tristan.... I accidentally went down the wrong hallway!
Tristan: Same here... Joey's room is right around here.... Ah, there it is! *stops at a door marked Joey Wheeler*
Yugi: *Helps Yami up*
Yami: (Thanks... now let's get inside and see Joey)
Yugi: (Okay) *opens door and walks in with Tristan*
T`ea: Hey there Yugi and Tristan!
Joey: Huh? *looks up from book* Oh... hi guys!
Tristan: What's up! *pulls over a chair and sits down*
Joey: Nothing much really.... how about you guys?
Tristan: I got you something that I think you will enjoy.... *pulls out Joey's dueling deck*
Joey: Wow, thanks man! You did need to get this for me... *looks through his deck*
Tristan: I stopped by your apartment on the way because I thought you were getting bored with Hospital entertainment
Joey: Yea... it does get boring here so all I end up doing is sleeping all day
T`ea: I thought so...
Yugi: Hehe... I should of thought of that
Joey: Huh? Why?
T`ea: *looks around the room* Because all you could do is watch this TV and sleep...not really entertaining to me
Joey: Yea.... and there is never anything good on TV anyway
Yugi: Yep... basically news and more of it... Hehe....
Joey: *laughs too*
Tristan: *starts to doze off from staying up late the night before*
Joey: Awwwwwwww... *points to Tristan on his chair*
T`ea: Not again... hump..... *grabs a bucket and fills it with freezing cold water*
Joey: Uhhhhh... you might not want to do that again. Just let him rest T'ea....
T`ea: Okay... *dumps the water* I wonder why he told me to dump a bucket of water on him if he fallen asleep though
Joey: He said fainted... not falling asleep
T`ea: Today over the phone he said sleep... yesterday he said fainted
Joey: Well, I didn't know.... Well, just let him rest anyway. He's probably just tired
T`ea: Okay... *puts away the bucket* He better not yell at me though...
Joey: Hmmmmmmm...
Yugi: *looks at the book Joey was reading*
Joey: *looks outside the window and then his leg gets some pain* Owwwwww!!
Yugi: *looks up* Are you okay Joey?
Joey: Oww! Owww! Owwwww!!
Yugi: Joey.....
Tristan: *wakes up from the pain that Joey is expressing* Huh? *yawns* Morning already?
Joey: Owwww!! I'm fine... it's just this really sharp pain got to my leg
T`ea: Did you remember to take your medication?
Joey: Uhhhhhhhhh....
T`ea: I take that as a no?
Joey: DON'T KILL ME!! Owwwwwww!!
T`ea: Here.... *hands him a glass of water and pain medication*
Joey: Thanks... *takes his medication* I fell asleep last night and I guess I forgot to take it
T`ea: That's okay... but try to remember so you don't go crazy in pain.... we don't want you to kill yourself over a broken leg
Joey: Alright... thanks T'ea
Tristan: *continues to yawn*
Joey: *yawns too* Man the doctors are right... this medication does make you tired
Yugi: What medication doesn't!
Joey: Ummmmmmmmmm... there are some that don't. I just can't think of any right now *yawns again*
Yugi: Hehe... I can't think of any right now either.... *flips through book*
Joey: *yawns again and starts to close eyes*
T`ea: We should let Joey sleep for awhile....
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzz... Huh? I'm not sleeping. I'm just resting my eyes
Yugi: Sure you aren't! (Hehe... he is so totally sleeping right now!)
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
T`ea: Uh oh... Tristan is nodding off too!
Tristan: No... I'm not.... *falls asleep on ground*
T`ea: Hehe... *lugs him back onto his chair* Maybe we should go get something for Joey while he's asleep. Might as well leave Tristan here as well.... ready to go Yugi?
Yugi: Yep... what are we getting anyway?
T`ea: Dunnow... something to entertain him I guess.... Let's get going!
Yugi: Right behind ya! *follows T`ea out of room*
At the gaming shop: Yugi: Hmmmm... *looks around the shelves of portable games*
T`ea: Hey... Yugi, check out this one! *holds out an action game*
Yugi: *looks at it* This one looks good. I think Joey has the first couple versions.... he was going to get this one. Lets get it!
T`ea: Okay... and let's get another one for him, for I'm sure he could beat it in 24 hours...
Yugi: Okay... *pulls out a fighting game* How about this one?
T`ea: It looks okay... Let's see if we have enough money to get them
Yugi: Hmmm.... *searches pockets and pulls out two twenties* I think this is enough
T`ea: Let's go pay for them! *walks to the cashier with Yugi*
Yugi: *puts down the games and the cashier rings it up*
Cashier: That will be forty-five dollars and fifty seven cents...
T`ea: Uh... I think I got it *starts to search purse*
Yugi: I think it's about twenty three dollars each... *starts to search for some singles*
T`ea: I got my share... *pulls out a twenty and three singles*
Yugi: *pulls out pockets in desperate attempt to find three dollars* Uh....
T`ea: do you need me to give you three dollars Yugi?
Yugi: Hmmm.... *puts the twenty on the table and starts to search coat pockets* I think I got some dollar bills around here somewhere
Cashier: Did you say his name was Yugi?
Yugi: Uh... Ya... my name is Yugi
Cashier: Yugi.... as in Yugi Mutou? The one who beat Seto Kaiba and won the title King of Games?
Yugi: Ya...
Cashier: As in the one who owns the god cards? As the on that won every single one of the tournaments you joined?
Yugi: Ya...
Cashier: I have been waiting for you Yugi Mutou
Yugi: Uh....
Cashier: MWHAHAHAHA!!! You're god cards are mine!
Yugi: ACK!!! NO WAY!!
Yami: *returns from soul room* (Huh? Did you say something Yugi?)
Cashier: *puts on duel disk* I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!!!
Yugi: Uh... *points to cast*
Cashier: So what! The King of Games could duel no matter what!
Yami: (Huh? Yugi... let me take over now. This isn't safe for you....)
Manager: *walks over* What's going on here! Erik! Why do you have your duel disk on! You aren't being paid to challenge people to duels! NOW RING UP THEIR STUFF AND LET THEM GO!!!
Yugi: (Uh.... I don't think you need to take over)
Cashier: Fine.... *takes off duel disk and curses under his breath*
Yami: (Okay... that was odd)
T`ea: Uh.... huh..... Here Yugi *gives him three dollars that he was going to borrow*
Yugi: Thanks T`ea *gives the cashier the money for the games*
Cashier: Thank you and have a good day.... *shoves them the games and gets stared at* WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!! *starts to yell at customers*
Yugi: *takes the games and pushes T`ea out of the store before things get ugly*
Back at the Hospital (where there are no people around that want to challenge the King of Games): Tristan: *still snoozing away in chair* zzz....zzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Joey: *still asleep on his hospital bed* Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzz
Yugi: *opens the door and walks in with T`ea and the games*
T`ea: Awww.... they are still the way that they were before... sleeping
Joey: Zzzzzz...
Yugi: I guess that medication made Joey out like a light!
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
T`ea: *tosses down bag and pulls over a chair*
Joey: *starts to stir*
Yugi: *sits down in the chair that he left unoccupied when he left with T`ea and stows away the games on the ground, under his chair*
Joey: *continues to sleep* Zzzzzzzzzz...
T`ea: *sits back and pulls out a book and starts to read*
20 mins later: Joey: *starts to stir again*
Yugi: *slumped forward asleep*
T`ea: *still reading*
Joey: *wakes up* Huh? *yawns*
T`ea: Hey there Joey! *looks up from book*
Joey: Oh... is that you T'ea?
T`ea: Yep... *puts book mark back in book and sticks it back into her purse*
Joey: Hmmmmmmm... *looks over and notices Yugi* Awwwwwww.... poor guy
Tristan: *still asleep and starts to slid down onto the ground* zzz...zzzz....zzzz *slides down even more* zzz....zzzz...zzzz *slides off chair* Uff....zzz....zzz…zzz *continues to sleep on floor*
Joey: Maybe you should take them home T'ea... they're wiped out
Yugi: *starts to wake up*
Joey: Huh? Yugi?
Yugi: *wakes up* Huh? *yawns* Hey there Joey.... did I fall asleep or something?
Joey: Yea... but it's okay
Yugi: *spots Tristan asleep on the floor* How long was he down there for?
Joey: I don't know... I just woke up a few mins ago as well
T`ea: Maybe I should go dump that bucket of water on him now... this is getting ridiculous *walks over to the sink*
Joey: Yea... good idea. Now is a good time to do it
T`ea: *fills the bucket half way with cold water*
Joey: Hehe...
T`ea: Get ready for a soaking!
Yugi: *steps away from Tristan*
T`ea: Hehe... sorry Tristan! *dumps the bucket of water on him*
Joey: *starts to crack up*
Tristan: *gets spattered in water and wakes up* MAN!!! THAT'S FREEZING!!! *splashes out on the floor for a couple*
Joey: *keeps laughing*
Yugi: *falls on the floor laughing hysterically*
Tristan: What was that for T`ea?
T`ea: You did tell me to dump a bucket of "freezing" cold water on you... so I did
Tristan: MAN!!! That's cold! *grabs a towel and starts to dry off a bit*
Joey: Now you know Tristan... hehe (He better not start complaining about me)
Tristan: *dries off hair and it turns into a ball of fluff*
Joey: o.o *laughs hysterically*
Yugi: *starts rolling on the floor laughing hysterically*
T`ea: *takes a look at Tristan and starts to laugh along too*
Tristan: Huh? What's so funny?
Joey: You're hair.... *laughs some more* It happened again....
Tristan: Huh? *looks into the mirror* ACK!!! *pulls out a comb and tries to get it back to normal*
T`ea: *starts to mop up the floor where Tristan was*
Yugi: *stops laughing* Oh ya... I forgot to give you something Joey!
Joey: Huh?
Yugi: *pulls out the games that T`ea and he bought* We got these for you when you get bored... oh ya.... *pulls out Joey's Gameboy Advance* Here...
Joey: Wow! Thanks you guys... you didn't have to get these for me
T`ea: We know. You looked sooooo bored though... and we thought that you needed a game or two to play
Joey: *starts to get tears in eyes* Thanks guys... you guys are the best *holds out his arms for a hug*
Yugi: Hehe... *gives Joey a hug*
T`ea: *hugs Joey as well*
Joey: *pats T'ea and Yugi on the back and lets them go and wipes his tears away*
Tristan: *fallen asleep once again on a chair with the towel that he was using to dry himself off*
Joey: *looks at Tristan* T'ea will you do the honors?
T`ea: Uh.... *looks at Yugi and sees him gone*
Joey: Huh?
Yugi: *reappears behind Tristan with a big bucket of water and ice cubes*
Joey: hehe... *starts to laugh*
T`ea: *grabs her things and steps back*
Yugi: one.... two.... THREE!!! *dumps the bucket of Ice and water on Tristan's head and hides the bucket*
Tristan: *wakes up the instant that the first Ice cube and water drop hit him* ARG!!! *gets covered in water and ice cubes* Thaaatt'ss ccoolllddd....
Joey: *laughs so hard*
Yugi: *runs behind T`ea and Joey laughing really hard*
T`ea: *bewildered by the look of Tristan and starts to laugh along with the others*
Tristan: *soaked with his hair falling over his eyes*
Joey: *gives Yugi a high five when Tristan doesn't look and keeps on laughing*
Yugi: That was brilliant!
T`ea: *keeps on laughing*
Tristan: *looks over to T`ea with his hair in his eyes* T`ea? Did you do this? *tries to dry himself with a wet towel*
T`ea: *continues to laugh* So you thought the master mind was me? *laughs some more*
Joey: (hehe... wait until he finds out it was Yugi)
Tristan: It isn't? then..... it must be.....JOEY!!!
Joey: What? How could it be me? You are way over there and I'm stuck in my bed. Of course it wasn't me!!
Tristan: Then.... it must have been... Uh...... but... he'll never do it though
Yugi: What?!?! You think it's me?!?!
Tristan: It's the Nurse! That's it! I figured it out!
Joey: *starts to crack up*
T`ea: *tosses Tristan a towel and continues to laugh*
Tristan: What? It's the nurse!
Yugi: No...
Tristan: Then who is it?
Yugi: It is I... the King of Games!
Tristan: I never saw it coming! *stands up and the water that was on his lap falls to the floor* Congratulations, you beat...uh.... the ....best of the bystanders...yea....the best of the bystanders
Yugi: Uh... what ever you say Tristan!
Tristan: *starts to dry off as the phone rings*
Joey: *answers it* Hello?
Serenity: Hi big brother
Joey: Oh... hey Serenity!
Serenity: How are you doing? I just thought to call up and say hi
Joey: I'm doing just fine... how about you sis?
Serenity: Not bad myself... so, how's your leg
Joey: My leg is doing better I think... the doctors said I can possibly get out of the hospital in like 2 days
Serenity: That's great Joey! I should stop by one day
Joey: Sure thing...
Serenity: Oh ya... I just got my first dueling deck... and I thought that I'll show it to you one day
Joey: That's great Serenity!! I can help you out with getting some new cards as well....
Serenity: Thank you so much Joey.... *brushes tears away while on phone* I really appreciate it!
Joey: *starts to get tears in his eyes as well*
Serenity: I better let you get some rest... after all, the more rest the better! *continues to wipe away tears* I'll see you soon Joey!
Joey: *wipes his tears away* I'll see you too sis. Love ya, and take care okay?
Serenity: Same here! I'll come by around two o clock tomorrow... I'll see ya Joey!
Joey: You too.... bye Serenity!
Serenity: Bye Joey! .... *hangs up*
Joey: *hangs up as well and wipes his tears away*
Tristan: *continues to fusses around with hair*
Yugi: So who called?
Joey: It was Serenity
T`ea: No wonder why you are in tears... if it was someone like Tristan over there.... you would be yelling
Tristan: Hey, watch it! *has a towel over his head*
Joey: Hehe....
Yugi: *watches T`ea and Tristan fight*
Joey: *watches as well*
T`ea: You so do
Tristan: NO I don't!
T`ea: Remember when you tried to go out with Serenity, but then you told Joey?
Tristan: So? He was having a bad day! Aren't I right Joey?
Joey: *starts to doze off but then hears Tristan* Huh? What?! What about my bad day?
Tristan: The day I told you that I went out with Serenity..... weren't you in a bad mood then?
Joey: Huh? I don't remember....
T`ea: See! *continues to yell at Tristan and he yells back*
Yugi: What have they got themselves into? *looks down on the ground*
Joey: Hmmmmmmm... *yawns*
Yugi: *sits down on a chair and watches them fight*
Joey: Why are they talking about me in the first place? I didn't do anything...
Yugi: dunnow...
Joey: *yawns again and starts to doze off*
Yugi: *sits back in chair and continues to watch them duke it out*
A hour later: Yugi: *slumped forward on the chair... snoozing*
Joey: *asleep on his bed*
T`ea: That so did not happen!
Tristan: Yes it did!
T`ea: NO it didn't!
Tristan: YES IT DID!!!
Joey: *wakes up from the yelling* Guys.... *yawns* Can this fight end now?
T`ea: *falls back down in chair* I had enough fighting... Joey's right
Tristan: *doesn't hear Joey* So I'm right huh! How the mighty had fallen!
Yugi: *wakes up and walks away to get something*
Joey: Huh? Where are you going Yug'?
Yugi:*comes back with a water balloon and aims it at Tristan* THAT’S ENOUGH!!!
Tristan: *gets soaked by water balloon* [then again... he was already wet] Yugi?
Yugi: You have to control your anger Tristan... *walks over and grabs a mop*
Tristan: I understand Yugi.... *looks at his front* Now I'm soaked... be right back! *grabs backpack and goes to the bathroom to change*
Yugi: *starts to mop up the floor*
Joey: *starts to laugh a bit*
Tristan: *comes back in a dry shirt with a part of the balloon stuck in his hair still*
Tristan: *comes back in a dry shirt with a part of the balloon stuck in his hair still*
Yugi: *cleans up the floor and puts the mop away*
Joey: *looks outside the window*
Tristan: *looks at himself in the mirror and starts to yank at the balloon that was stuck in his hair*
Joey: *watches the sun set*
T`ea: *watches along with Joey*
Tristan: *manages to yank out the balloon and starts to add gel to his hair to make it go back to normal*
Yugi: *sits down in a chair besides Joey*
Joey: Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Yugi: *starts to nod again*
Joey: *starts to doze off again while looking out the window*
Tristan: *used half of his hair gel and made his hair back to normal*
Joey: *fell asleep* Zzzzzzzzzzzz....
T`ea: Maybe we should take Yugi home... he's asleep again
Yugi: zzz....zzz...zzz
Tristan: Okay T`ea *grabs backpack and tosses it onto his shoulder*
T`ea: Good bye Joey.... *puts another card on his bed side*
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzz
Tristan: Good bye Joey... I'll see ya soon! *walks out the door and forgets about little Yugi*
T`ea: Tristan! Wait! *heaves Yugi onto her shoulders*
Yugi: zzz....zzz...zzzz
T`ea: Oh well.... Get some rest Joey! I'll see ya tomorrow! *walks out of the room with Yugi on her back*
When T'ea got to Yugi's house: T`ea: Hello Mrs. Mutou...
Yugi's Mom: Hello T`ea, thanks for bring Yugi home... I could have got him
T`ea: It's no problem....
Yugi's mom: Here.... *helps T`ea with the door to Yugi's room*
T`ea: Thank you Mrs. Mutou.... *lays Yugi onto his bed and walks out of the room*
Yugi's mom: Any time... do you want to stay for supper?
T`ea: Sorry, but I have to get going... bye Mrs. Mutou
Yugi's Mom: Bye T`ea
Back to Yugi in his room: Yami: *wakes up* Huh? We're back home now..... *looks over at Yugi*
Yugi: zzz....zzz....zzz
Yami: Hehe... better let him sleep *walks over to Yugi's desk*
Yugi: *starts to stir a bit*
Yami: *doesn't notice Yugi and looks at duel deck*
Yugi: *wakes up and wonders where he is*
Yami: *looks at god cards*
Yugi: *scratches his head and tries to remember how he got back to his room from Joey's hospital room so quickly*
Yami: *turns around and notices that Yugi is awake* Huh? Yugi, what are you doing up?
Yugi: Hmmm? Hey there Yami? Do you remember how we got here?
Yami: No.... I don't know Yugi *goes back to looking at deck*
Yugi: Oh... okay... *gets out of bed and puts away jacket and checks on his duel disk*
Yami: So, how was the visit with Joey?
Yugi: It was okay... I got Tristan with a bucket of ice water and a water balloon *gets up from checking on duel disk*
Yami: Oh... bet he got mad huh? *starts to read a book*
Yugi: Not really.... He had a rough time trying to fix his hair though *starts to laugh as he cleans up the room*
Yami: Hehe... *looks up from book* Need any help there?
Yugi: Na.... I'm okay *starts to run around, picking up clothing*
Yami: Okay.... *looks at clock and notices that it's 3:30 am* Man, it's early *goes back to his book*
Yugi: Wow! I slept in for that long... weird.... *puts away the clothing as starts to vacuum the floor with his small handheld vacuum*
Yami: *continues to read book*
To Be Continued:
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