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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Thursday, July 28, 2005

   The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, I’m soooooooooooooooo sorry that I didn’t get to everyone’s sites yesterday. I’ve been in a really bad mood and also being very lazy. Well, yesterday I did nothing besides talking to YamiYugi1900 all day. Yup, we were both very bored…. lol. Well ummmmmmmmmmmmmm…. I’m still in my lil bad mood so I don’t really have anything else to say. I guess that’s all the news I got for now. *sighs* I guess I’ll see you all l8er… buh-bye ^^

Ps. If you’re going to ask if I’m okay I’m fine. I’m just worried about my aunt and all *starts to get tears in eyes*
Ps #2. YamiYugi1900 and I didn’t get part 21 done yet. I’ll post it up once we’re done with it…

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