Friday, July 29, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone… how is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Okay, yesterday was another boring day. Oh well, at least I got to talk to YamiYugi1900 all day again. Oh, and I also had a duel with MerikMine. It was fun!! The duel lasted for like 25 mins… I think. And she was ahead for the LONGEST time. Her first attack got me to 1500 lp and then she summoned her Blue Eyes!! I had NO monsters at all (well, except for ones that needed tributes) So I was dead meat until I got my Change of Heart card, took control of her Blue Eyes White Dragon and won the duel. It was a really fun match, and I’m really looking forward to another one ^^
Yami: You really dueled great yesterday
Me: *gets started by Yami* Huh? Oh, thanks Yami
Yami: You’re almost as good as me…
Me: No, I can NEVER beat you. You’re the King of Games. You’re the best duelist I know
Yami: Thanks, but your dueling skills are going up too
Me: I guess your right *looks at my deck*
Yami: Is something wrong?
Me: *looks up* No, not at all….
Yami: Do you want to duel me? Is that it?
Me: Huh?
Yami: *puts on duel disk* Come on… I’ll even go a lil easy on you
Me: *puts on my duel disk* You’re on Yami!!
Hehe…. Well I guess I have to duel Yami now… see ya all soon. Buh-bye ^^
Yami: See ya
~Yami Yugi & Yamisgirl has Spoken
Ps. Thanks to all of you guys that made my day better yesterday *hugs*
Ps #2. Don’t go to YamiYugi1900’s site unless you want to get clobbered with cookies or candy. My stomach hurts from all that candy!! x.x
Ps #3. Don’t show Yugi any pictures of him in the Dark Magician costume…. It makes him a lil mad T_T

Yugi: HEY!! Why did you do that Yamisgirl?!?! You know how much I hate that pic!! *grabs a soup ladle and chases me*
Me: ACK!! *runs away* I just wanted to put it up!! It’s cute!! *keeps running* (I guess my duel with Yami has just been canceled x.x)
Ps #4. *keeps running* SAVE ME YAMIYUGI1900!! (read her comment to find out what happens next… hehe ^^)
Ps #5. Part 21 still isn’t ready… we were working on it and then our internet company (aka: the company that our family owns, so no YamiYugi1900 you can’t kill it) Then my mom is making go to the stupid mall ALL morning and then have someone over so I’m sorry if I don’t get this part on quick enough or if I don’t get to all of your sites. O well… have a good day everyone!! ^^
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