Sunday, August 7, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Me: Good Morning everyone! *yawns*
Yami: How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Me: *yawns some more* Man, I had a hard time sleeping last night. At least I slept in a bit
Yami: Yea…
Me: Oh, and I’m so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I didn’t get to everyone’s sites. I was getting ready for the new theme that is going to be up in 10 days, and plus I was with company for the evening.
Yami: And then YamiYugi1900 came online and then of course they wanted to talk
Me: Yea, and now she’s on the road again. I miss her lots!! It may not be hard for everyone else that knows her, but me and her…. We’re like sisters. It’s kind of hard for us to see one of us go…
Yami: It does sound tough when you put it that way
Me: It is *sighs* I can’t wait until she gets online in like 6 hours or so… lol
Yami: Yea…
Me: I hope her bro isn’t bugging her. Last night he was a pain in the butt!! He wanted to take the laptop from her!
Yami: At least her mom was trying to give her more time but her bro wouldn’t shut up
Me: Yea…. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm… what now?
Yami: The quotes of the day?
Me: Oh yea those. I’ll put them up! ^^
Yami: Yay! ^^
Me: Hehe... well I guess I better get going. I’ll see ya all later. Buh-bye, and have a good day!
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote: “The last time someone had the nerve to speak to me like that, I broke them in half.” -Panik
InuYasha Quote: "All this for a memory and a dead mortal girl? If I'd known that's what it took to make you fight, I'd've killed her sooner." -Sesshomaru
Ps. Pray for all of my friends and YamiYugi1900 for her safe drive today
Ps #2. We didn’t have time to role play ‘cause of evil bro. I hope we can have sometime soon
Ps #3. What do you think of my new avi? It’s of Yami Yugi!! YAY! ^^ *hugs Yami*
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