Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Yami: Good Morning everyone! How is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *coughs a bit* Yea… I hope no one is sick like I am. I’m doing a bit better. My throat doesn’t hurt as much and I finally got a long rest last night without anyone or anything to bug me ^_~
Yami: Yup… and now she’s feeling a bit better
Me: Yea, but I’m still not in the best condition. I think I’m better enough to go to more sites today though…
Yami: And she’s also better enough to put up some quotes
Me: Even though I’m doing better, I’m still in an upset mood about what happened yesterday!! *grabs soup ladle and gets ready to attack 6 yr old sister*
Yami: ACK!! *stops me* I know she deserves it, but your mom will kill you if you do it
Me: Okay… well yesterday I was taking everyone’s advices and trying to rest up. I was dead tired again. More than I was a few days ago when I first got my cold. So I decided to take a lil nap and then my lil 6 year old sister kept coming into the room and she wouldn’t stop bugging me! And then the 2nd time I finally fell asleep and then my mom kept knocking on the door saying I had a phone call. I asked her nicely if I can take the call later and then she started to yell at me and everything again X_X Man, life is hard when you’re sick
Yami: -_-()
Me: At least I’m not tired today *yawns a bit*
Yami: Yea right….
Me: Hehe… Well, better get going. I hope everyone has a good day!
Yami: Buh-bye
Me: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes for the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Kaiba: “Relax, it's just a hologram. I always used to create virtual copies of myself to duel against.”
Joey: “Why duel against yourself?”
Kaiba: “Who better?”
InuYasha Quote (Act): Shippou: "Inuyasha, do you think Kagome's thinking of us right now?"
Inuaysha: *pissed* "Oh, you woke me up for that? Forget about her, she's a thing of the past. I mean.... the future."
Ps. 8 more days until new theme! ^^
Ps #2. Thank you so so so so much XxbethxX for the get well card. I love it! *hugs*

Ps #3. YamiYugi1900 is still trying to get all of her role playing stuff uploaded so I guess we’ll role play some more and get some more stuff of the skit up…
Ps #4. You know what is so funny… every time I instant message someone and say “Hello...” they always realize it’s me. It’s so funny! A couple of days ago, I instant messaged MarikMine on AIM and she so knew it was me like right away!! And then yesterday I instant messaged XxbethxX and she had to think for a min and then she realized it was me -_-() How do you guys do that?! Was it something that I did?! Man, this 13 year old girl needs to come up with some more ideas… lol… oh well ^^ I’m just glad I have great friends like you guys! *hugs everyone*
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