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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Monday, August 15, 2005

   The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl (With a new theme! ^^)

Me: *sings* Guess who’s back? Back again? Yami and I are back! And with the new theme! *stops singing* hehe… Hi everyone? How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Sorry about not posting in 2 days. It’s a long story (unless if you went to YamiYugi1900’s site yesterday you already know what happened ^_~) Well, I was able to get back on around 7 last night and I got to a few sites, but I was really tired from yesterday so I ended up going to bed at 8. Well, I feel better now, and I know that there is still supposed to be 3 more days until I get this on, but I was bored and I decided to do it today! So, what do you guys think of it? Hehe… I know what some of you guys are thinking right now, “Why is she doing Yami AND Yugi? I thought she was a Yami maniac.” Well, I was going to do just Yami, but then I was bored and I was making a new avi (which is now my avi now) and I thought it would be cool to do a Yami AND Yugi theme. I’ve been too busy lately so I couldn’t make my own background so I just pulled one from janime.net and made it a bit bigger.
Yami: I even like the theme. She took a lot of time working on it. And she made a really cool banner (at the top) and a new intro (below banner)
Me: Yup…
Yami: Well, I hope you guys like the new theme
Me: Yup… and I’ll try to get to all of your sites today, and if I don’t get to all of them it’s because YamiYugi1900 and I will probably end up role playing all day!
Yami: Hehe… well see you all later. Buh-bye ^^
Me: Bye!

~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl

Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Kaiba (To his computer): "It's too long a story for right now,"
Computer: "Too long?! Well maybe I'm not in such a talk-ative mood myself."
Kaiba: "I'd find that hard to believe."

InuYasha Quote (Act): Inuyasha: "Uhh, isn't this a little close, Kagome?"
Kagome: (looks at dead body) "Deal with it, she's creeping me out. It's almost like she could spring to life any minute now...."
EDIT: Ps. I got 404, but more importanly 400 hits on my site! And thank you sooooo much YamiYugi1900 for the card!! I love it!!*points up to it in intro and hugs YamiYugi1900*

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