Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope… what do you guys think of my Halloween theme? I worked on it a lot last night… and that’s also why this post is up a bit late. Hehe… well, I thought of doing something new. I usually hear how people miss episodes from Saturday (yesterday) and I was going to start doing something every Sunday called “Anime Corner” I’m only going to summarize Yu-Gi-Oh and InuYasha ‘cause those are the only 2 I watch… So here is the anime corner of the day:
All summaries below are by me. If you want to use these summaries ask me… thanks! ^^
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX:
I never told you guys this, but when I saw Yu-Gi-Oh GX on Monday I fell in love with it right away. Sure there may not be anymore Yugi, Yami, or any of the other characters from the other show, but that’s the cool part… you get to meet characters like Jaden Yuki that have the same interest in dueling as the other characters did. Just like Yugi and Yami, Jaden has a bond with his monsters and he ended up winning his way through the Dueling Academy because of his faith in them! He may be in the Slifer Red group, but he’s a very good duelist. If you liked Yu-Gi-Oh, I personally think that you’ll like Yu-Gi-Oh GX! ^_^
Yesterday was the beginning of the final series of Yu-Gi-Oh called “Dawn of a Duel”! In this series, you’re going to see Yami’s memories of when he was an ancient Pharaoh 5,000 years ago. Yesterday, you got to hear how Yugi’s grandfather found the Millennium Puzzle by entering into the Pharaoh’s tomb and “playing” a game to complete his way through. Yugi’s interest grew and he got excited to get on his way to Egypt the next day as planned. In the middle of the night, 2 familiar characters, Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor, broke through Yugi’s window taking his bag (planning to steal the god cards) Yugi wakes up and chases them down. Weevil and Rex keep running, and then they stop thinking Yugi lost their tracks in the rain and open up his bag finding out that the god cards weren’t inside the bag. They found the Millennium Items instead. When they opened the bag, Bakura (the evil spirit Bakura) came over and took back his Millennium Ring that was thrown into Yugi’s bag. Bakura then knocks them out and turns around and finds Yugi. Yugi asks what he did to them and what he wanted…. To Be Continued! (Next Saturday!)
This battle between Banktosu and Inuyasha got very interesting. In the last episode, Inuyasha was able to take 2 of Banktosu’s jewel shards out of his right arm. Last night, Inuyasha knew he had some more inside his neck and left arm (since he was punching Inuyasha so hard with that hand). Banktosu said he didn’t want to mess up his second chance in life, and that he’ll avenge the death of his 6 fallen brothers (the other members of the Band of 7). He started to use all of his might on Inuyasha, but that didn’t stop Inuyasha from using his demon claws and cutting through Banktosu’s neck taking out the 2 shards from Naraku inside. Banktosu’s anger grew. He grabbed his sword and started slicing some demons that were in the cave one by one. ‘What the hell is he doing?’ thought Inuyasha, and then he quickly grabbed his sword and started slicing some demons in half as well. 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000! Banktosu had killed 1000 demons which opened the true power of his sword! When he released it, Inuyasha sent the attack right back at him with his back-slash wave. Inuyasha had finally beaten Banktosu and the Band of 7. The ground then starts to shake, and Banktosu gets pulled under the ground while Inuyasha is being tired up to the flesh like stuff from the ground.
Meanwhile with Miroku and Sango, they ended up being on the bottom of the cave (after Kagra used her wind powers to knock them down in last week’s episode). Miroku looks around the room and realizes that he and Sango are standing on top a pile of dead demons. These must be the demons that Naraku used to reform himself once again. Then these little white demons come up devouring the dead demons. Thinking it wasn’t the best to stay, Miroku and Sango ran away from them.
Back with Koga, Kagome, and Shippo, they come closer to where Kagome is sensing the strong pence of some jewel shards. Using the power of the jewel shards in his legs, Koga runs to where Naraku is located at and then get pulled under the ground like Banktosu did. Koga tells Kagome not to worry and that he knows this is where Naraku may be. Kagome gets on Kirara’s back and heads off deeper into the cave with Shippo. Kagome looks up and finds some of those little white demons and also ends up finding Miroku and Sango. Kagome asks if they know where Inuyasha’s at since he headed off into the mountain as well. Miroku and Sango have seen no sign of him. Something rises up and there lies Inuyasha unconscious and tied up against the flesh. Kagome cries out his name, yet he doesn’t awake… To Be Continued! (Next Saturday!)
So if you missed yesterday's episodes by chance, now you know what happened! ^^ Well, I better get going. I'm in a lil rush so that's why Yami isn't here right now. We're having a lil family party for my uncle so now I'm going to go help my folks out by getting the house all cleaned up and stuff. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye! ^^
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