Friday, November 11, 2005
No School! Finally!!!
Yay! No school today! Just what I need… a break. Well… it’s not the greatest break in the world. I have like 3 tests to study for. One of them I can’t study because of STUPID history teacher having my book!!! Grrr… I’m sooo mad at her! She should have brought it back when she came to school today… but nope! Oh well…. I guess I can get out taking the test and take it later once I can get all of the information I still need.
The tile guys did a lot of the tile today. Yesterday they only put like 10 pieces down. So far of what they’ve done it looks really nice!! I’ll put up some pics tomorrow ^^
Today was a long day. I’ve been at my grandma’s house since 10am. I got too bored around 11… so I asked Allie to come hang out with me (She only lives like 2 mins away from my Grandma’s house). We had lunch… then we took a walk, and yea… it was fun to be with a really good friend of mine (for once!!).
Well… I’m tired, and I had a long day. I hope you all have a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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