Saturday, November 19, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Today I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I know that this morning I’m going to get my bangs cut at 8:30. They’re getting pretty long now… and soon it’s going to be at the point where they’re at my eyes. So yea…. I’m going to take care of that today. Then after that… I’m going to my sister’s last soccer game. One of her old friends that live really close to us is going to come along with us to the game… then come home and hang out with my sister for a while. Hmmmm… what should I do at that time? I’m really hopping to see the new Harry Potter movie before I have to go back to school next Monday (Nov. 28th). I also have some homework to do. I only got some in Science class (Evil Dr. Erdman X_X). We have to write a 3 page summary on 17 pages… then we have these questions to answers from 2 pages. Then we also get an extra credit assignment that I might plan on doing. Right now… we’re doing this huge chapter on birds. Weird… we went from Chemistry to like Biology. Hehe…. Oh well. What we have to do though is diagram these things of a bird. One of them is the digestive system. We would have to draw a picture of it, and then label everything…. All that fun stuff *sarcastic*.
Oh well… in other news, I haven’t been getting to people’s sites on myO in a while. Too much going on. Well… I just found out last night that one of my friends and my BEST friend had their 1 Year Anniversary on myO! So Happy 1 Year Anniversary Jen and bLuE eYeS!! ^^
My one year Anniversary isn’t until uhhh… *checks* January 9th. I guess I can look forward to that. Oh... and it looks like my rankings are getting better by the days. Check it out:

Not too bad… if I do say so myself! ^^
Well… I hope everyone has a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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