Saturday, December 24, 2005
I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL TONIGHT!!!! I plan to stay up until 1:30am tonight watching the first 2 InuYasha moives: "Affections Touching Across Time" and "Castle Beyond the Looking Glass". I've been dying to see the first movie for a long time... so there is NO WAY I'm going to miss that!!! I've already seen the second movie like 3-4 times, but I've NEVER seen the ending!! I NEED TO SEE THE PART WHERE INUYASHA AND KAGOME KISS!!! ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;
Okay... other than that I think today is going to be a good day. Well, this morning we have to clean the house some more and get it ready for the dinner we're having tonight with my Grandma, Brian (my cousin for those who didn't know already), and my Aunt Morgan and Uncle Bill. I just hope I don't get too tired later today, or I won't get to see the movies :(
Well... yesterday I had a good day. Worked on the rest of the tree while watching $1,000 Pryamid in the morning. Then my mom came home from Costco with some food, so I had my lunch. After that I went up stairs to my room and talked to all my wonderful friends online. Hehe... YamiYugi1990 and I were role playing all afternoon/night! Oh yea... I forgot to mention that in the middle of the afternoon... I got sooooo hyper!! I don't know what happened to me, but I was in the BEST MOOD EVER!!! Then I got more happy when my dad came in with my progress report. Oh my gosh!! I'm sooooooooooo close to getting STRAIGHT A's!!! The only B I got is in math!!! Grrr... curse the evil math world!!!!! Well.... the happy mood lasted for a long time (I think I kind of scared YamiYugi190 a bit ^^;;;) until something bad happened. I got an instant message from this guy that added me to his contact list not too long ago, and he was so upset (I have NO idea why!!) and he said that he was going to stab himself in the heart for Christmas. I doubt that's true.... but when ever I hear people say something like that about their selves... it makes me sick to my stomach. I ran over to YamiYugi1990 and told her what happened and how I felt. She cheered me up after a while, so it's all good now. ^_^
Well... better get going. I hope everyone has a good day. Have a Happy Christmas Eve!!! Oh... and Merry Christmas!!!! (Just in case if I can't post in the morning or something)
Ps. I made a Christmas card for everyone. Enjoy!

EDIT: Okay... now my parents decided to butt in on my plan for tonight. They're like, "No way are you staying up on Christmas Eve! If these movies were on yesterday... we might have let you, but not tonight." Darn them!!! Oh well.... I'm a lil upset, but the good news it that my dad is going to let me use both of the VCR's so I won't miss a single second of both of the movies!!! YAY!!! ^_^
I'll probably watch them the day after Christmas since I'm going to be kind of busy with family and all *smiles*
EDIT #2: Oh my gosh!! I can't believe I forgot!! Today is pokefan100000444's Birthday... my best friend from school!! Happy Birthday Christian!!!! ^_^
Gah!! There is another thing that I just remembered. My next surgery is in 3 days!!!!! NOOOOOO!! I don't want to go back there!!! SAVE ME!!!!!
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