Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy New Year!!!
Yay! 2006 is here! Hehe… honestly I don’t know if I should feel excited or nervous about that, but oh well. I have a feeling that this year will go a bit better than last year. Well… I was bored… so I made a speech. Yup… *sweatdrop* Doesn’t sound like something I’ll do, but I felt like it. Well… here it is:
“To me… a New Year means to start over from the beginning, but continue to grow in life. For example, if you were doing bad… you can throw that all of that sin away and make your new year a better one by being a better role model, but you keep growing as well. You heart, your hopes, your dreams… they’ll continue to grow as you grow as well. I’ve already thrown some of my fears and some of my sin away… and now I feel better than ever and I just hope throughout the year I’ll continue to feel that way, and of course… God will continue to guide me through life as well!”
Well…. that’s it. Bad huh? *laughs* Oh well… hopefully I can do better if I’ll ever have to do an actual speech (Which I hope NEVER happens… lol)
---Down Memory Lane---
Now that I was thinking about it… I didn’t really have a good year last year until around the middle of the year. I’m going to share with everyone my favorite day of the whole year of 2005. *sighs happily* May 22nd, 2005. I’ll never forget that day!! The day when YamiYugi1990 and I first said words to each other. Well… we weren’t that close of friends yet. For the longest time… we kept private messing each other on this site. Then… we got each other Yahoo ID names and started to IMing each other. Okay… now this is kind of funny, and don’t get offended YamiYugi1990 because you know I don’t think of you like this now… but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to be talking to someone I didn’t know. At first I thought of her as a fake, but then after talking to her for a few more months… I knew that she wasn’t a fake, and that she ended up being a nice person. After some time when I got MSN, I added her to my contact list. Since then… we’ve been talking to each other everyday. It was then we thought each other as sisters! Now we both consider each other the best of friends, and we’ll never let each other down!!! *gets in tears* That is one thing… I know… that I’ll never forget!!! *gives her a huge hug and breaks down in more tears* I love you so much YamiYugi1990, and I’m so glad that destiny and God brought us together!!! I don’t know where I would be without you!!!!!
Well…. that’s all I got from memory lane. A lot of other cool things happened as well, but I don’t want to make this a 5 page post. Hehe… well, I guess I could talk about last night. Well… I went to bed at my normal time. It was tough to get to sleep at first. There were some teenage boys outside throwing poppers and being very noisy… so I didn’t get to sleep until around 9:30pm. Then… I woke up again at 11:58pm by the sound of the teenage boys blowing horns. I was like… “Is it New Years already?” I looked at the clock on my cell phone and it said 11:58pm. Then I heard my folks out in the hallway… so I peeked out of my bed room door, and they were watching the boys being all weird and strange outside with my little sister. After that… we all went back into my rooms. While I was walking back to bed, I heard a loud boom. I looked outside my window again to see some fireworks going off. They were sooo cool!!!! I’m glad I didn’t miss out on that!! That lasted for about 2-3 mins. After that… I got back into bed and didn’t get up until this morning at 6:15am.
Today we’re having a New Years Day party at my grandma’s house. My family’s all coming, and we’ll be hanging out and stuff all afternoon. Hopefully that’ll go well ^_^
Well… better get going, and I hope everyone has a good day and a Happy New Year!! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Here's a card for everyone:

Oh... and here are some cards that I got from some of my friends:

{From Kagome Mokuba}
Thaks you guys! I love them both! ^_^
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