Wednesday, January 4, 2006
I'm Back
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Okay… I’m REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SORRY for not updating yesterday!!!! I usually never miss a day like that, but I did, and I sooo sorry!!! Well… I hope you all didn’t miss me too much. This site wouldn’t let me on all morning and afternoon for some reason, then I was at a basketball game last night, so I couldn’t update then as well. Oh well… I’m here now, so it’s all good! ^_^ Well… I guess I could share how the last couple of days have been for me:
My dad took my neighbor Carrie and I to see Harry Potter. Carrie already saw it, but when I asked her if she wanted to maybe see it again she sound really excited so she came along with us. When we got there, it was sooo packed!! *laughs* We ended up sitting in the front... the first row up. It wasn't bad at all. If we had arrived like 5 mins later, we would have ended up in the very front and that wouldn't be fun, but if it was to see Harry Potter... I would do it! *sweatdrop* Oh well... the movie was AWESOME!! So wished I saw it earlier, but nope. Okay... now this might sound strange to you, but to YamiYugi1990 and me... it's not! Well... the both of us have been role playing, and she was thinking to add Professor Snape to our story. I started thinking of what it would be like, and I told her that it would be really strange... and not to mention a bit freaky since you're dealing with the scariest professor in Hogwarts. Anyways... while watching the movie, every time I would see Snape I wanted to crack up. I guess it's because I was getting more visions of what it would be like adding him to the role playing. Well... when I arrived home, I told YamiYugi1990 what had happened. Then she was like, "Okay... well, want to role play?" I was like, "Sure!"... like always, since I always like to role play (Except for this one time... but that's a WHOLE different story!!). Well… we started continuing from where we left off, like always, then all of the sudden it was all like playing out like a Harry Potter book would. Right away... I knew I had given her an idea! Well.... while it was playing out, I started cracking up again! I almost couldn't even type!! Even though I didn't get half of her message (stupid net connection), I was still thinking... "Why mix Megaman with Harry Potter? They don't even go together!!" *laughs* Oh well... it's really coming out great right now, and it's actually really cool! ^_^
I got my stitches off!! Yahoo!! ^_^ After I got them off, my mom wanted to go to Ross and some other stores to look for pictures and stuff for my room when we get ready to redo it. We didn’t get anything, but we found some nice stuff that we might go back later to get. Other than that… I did nothing in the afternoon, besides role play with YamiYugi1990 when she got home from school. Then last night… my dad asked me if I wanted to go to the basketball game. My mom was originally going to go, but my grandma wasn’t feeling too well, and we couldn’t find another babysitter, so I went with him instead. We may have lost the game, but still… it was a lot of fun to go to and stuff! ^^
Well… today, probably going to be the same… nothing really going on. Oh… I watched the new episode of InuYasha this morning from last night!! It was soooo cool… and not to mention funny! Hehe… poor Kagome!! First day back at school in like ages, and you’re forced to run almost the whole entire festival. *laughs* Oh well…. I don’t want to talk anymore about it just in case if people haven’t seen It yet, so I’ll keep quiet now… hehe ^^
Well… I got a call from my basketball coach two days ago saying that there was practice today and Friday. However… he doesn’t know that I quit the team. Yup… I don’t think I told you guys this yet. Because of the surgery I just had, the doctor said not to do any sport-like activities for 3 weeks. We have our first game… I think this Saturday, and practice… and I’m unable to do any of that. I’m just going to tell him, “You know what? I missed like three practices… thanks to the flu, and now I can’t do anything for a while because of my surgery. You don’t want me on the team if I can never participate… so I just quit!” Yup… that was my decision. No… I’m not upset about it or anything. I’m actually kind of glad I did, but it isn’t something that I’m going to go overwhelmed with if I can’t do it… so yea… it’s all good! ^_^
Well… better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Sorry for the 66 Really’s
Ps #2. Something I noticed yesterday… only 5 more days until 1 Year Anniversary on myO!!! Cool huh? ^_^
Ps #3. Oh yea… there is another thing that YamiYugi1990 and I are obsessed with: ROCK AND ROLL!!!! *falls to the floor laughing* Get it Megaman fans? (Rock- Rockman and Roll- Roll) lol ^^

My Wallpaper that I made for YamiYugi1990:

lol ^^
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