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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I’m doing well now myself. Sorry about all that, and sorry for not posting again. I was kind of in a stuck position. Now I got summer reading to do. I have to read three books and write three reports before school starts on the 24th of August. Right now I am currently reading the book known as Marley & Me. It’s okay, a bit strange though. It goes from talking about a dog to s**, to other weird things, then back to the dog. I’ve only read half the book, and I plan on finishing it by tomorrow so I can start reading this other book called Crooked Little Heart

Well… nothing much has gone on lately. Well… then again, a lot has been going on, but I really don’t want to get into detail. I’m just glad that I’m okay and happy now! That’s all that counts right? ^^

Oh yea… you know what I’m really, really mad at right now? Kikyo. I HATE her character! Absolutely stupid! The InuYasha series is fine without her. The other day I was watching the first season box set of InuYasha, and I was watching these old episodes with Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kikyo. While watching, I recorded some of the stuff she said to Kagome and Inuyasha to YY1990 just to show her what her personality is. I think she agrees with me… she stinks. So, watching last night’s new episode of InuYasha this morning, I was mad to see that she’s alive AGAIN!! Why can’t she just die and stay dead already!!! She doesn’t help the gang kill Naraku or anything! What’s her purpose? It’s just going to put both Inu and Kagome is misery again, and that’s not fair for them! Oh well… any of you that disagree and hit me and kill me now >>;;

Well, I really need to get back to my book now. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!! *huge hug*

--- yamisgirl is signing out ---

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