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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. I’m not doing so well, but I’m well enough to post. I’ve been really down since last night… and I couldn’t seem to cheer up. Most likely because YY1990 didn’t really help. I actually lied to her saying that I was going to get offline, but the truth is I was too down to talk to anyone really… so I just sent her packing. I still can’t help but feel a bit mad at her for not even trying to help like she always does. Oh well… I guess I deserve it… in a way…

Well, yesterday was alright. I spent 5-6 hours reading my first summer reading book, then the rest of the day I was pretty much lazy. I also went to this graduation of my friend’s. It was alright. We ended up having dinner at the school since there was sooo much food, so that was cool…

Today I plan on finishing my book and maybe even start working on the report. Other than that, it’s pretty much going to be a boring, lazy day again

Well… I don’t know what else to talk about… so here are some random questions you can all answer if you want

1. Do you know anyone from your school that has an otaku site?
My Answer: My old school: mirokus daughter and vulkingzor. New school: Doubt any of the girls do…

2. Do you have an anime character that you relate to?
My Answer: I got two: Kagome from InuYasha and Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion, but I’m more like Kagome in a few ways

3. Yu-Gi-Oh OR InuYasha?
My Answer: You don’t have to ask me twice! InuYasha all the way!! WOOT!

4. Okay… last question: What song are you listening to?
My Answer: Digital Love by Daft Punk… WOOT!!

Well, I have to go back to reading now. I hope everyone has a good day!
YY1990, I’m sorry for everything, but you know I still love you more than anything! *huge hug* Have a good day…

--- yamisgirl is signing out ---

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