Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. I’m really sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I’m really, really, really, really busy with summer school projects/homework/etc. so forgive me!! I’M SORRY!!! T_T
I’m really tired. I stayed up ‘til eleven thirty last night with my folks and watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the third time since the second one comes out to theaters the day I get out of summer school. So yea… that was fun. The not fun part about it was we had a really bad skunk attack over at the creek. It was so bad that we think we could have one in our backyard… so I had to sleep last night with a strong smell of skunk in my room. Not fun but at least the smell is gone now
Today I’m going to be really busy finishing up my project for my Reading/Study Skills class then I also need to study for my math exam that’s tomorrow. YY1990 helped me out a bit last night, and I hope we can do some more today as well
Today is Father’s Day. We’re having the whole family over for the afternoon and the evening. I’m not going to stay down the whole time. I don’t get in the middle of some stupid stuff that usually goes on… so yea… (long story)
Well, I need to get going. This post is getting long, and I need to work on this stupid newspaper stuff again. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990! *huggies*

Today is Father's Day! Give your dad the day he deserves!
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