Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not updating. A lot has been going on, but I’m here now… so it’s all good ^^
Tuesday: The day was alright… until the evening. My dad came home from training (he’s a cop… and once a month all the cops have a certain date of training) with side pains. He was worried that maybe it was his kidneys so he went to the doctors. The doctor wanted him to go to the hospital so he did. Well… during all that… I was trying to calm myself down by watching the new episode of InuYasha. It helped, but not much. My dad had to get x-rays to see if there was anything wrong. It turns out that there’s nothing wrong with his kidneys… just really bad side pains… since he was wrestling and all during training. It still hurts him a bit today, but he’s getting better
Wednesday: Don’t really remember what went on… ^^;;;
Thursday: I started math torturing at this once place right across from where I live. Welcome to my life. I am now back in my nightmare. A funny thing happened though. My sister got a new fish Tuesday (sorry that I forgot to put that down), and while my dad and I were there, we got bedding for my hamster. My dad suggested trying some new bedding, so we got like this pine smelling stuff. So I cleaned the cage on Thursday, and when I put my hamster in the cage… he started eating his bedding!! I’m not kidding!! He picked it up and started eating it. It was later in the evening that he finally found it disgusting! Hehe… my mom was even freaking out… lol
Yesterday (Friday): Lazy day. I didn’t do much. I read a lot of my summer reading book, and practiced piano. The rest of my day was role playing with YY1990! It’s getting sooo good!!! I’ll explain some of it out of boredom. My main character’s name is Courtney, and I am now experiencing some things that happened in the past. I don’t remember any of this since my mind has been erased, but now things are starting to click in. I was saved by Aaron (from the newest Pokemon movie, and one of YY1990’s characters) and he was asked by my parents to protect me at all costs… this was back when I was only a baby. Aaron watched over me with his pokemon Lucario and then took me to haven to keep my safe by this man (it’s my uncle, but in the role playing… we both don’t know it yet). He’s trying to take the powers that my parents and I hold. My father has a skill of putting up barriers. My mother was great at archery. Me… I picked up both of those with help from my friends and because of my parents. I do not remember my parents at all, so now I think Aaron and I are going to search for them. That’s all that’s going on right now. It’s really cool too!!! ^_^
I better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!! ^^