Monday, August 7, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I actually did that on purpose because I knew I wasn’t going to have anything to talk about again… hehe. Oh well… I’m here now so it’s all good.
Yesterday was a better day than what I have been having lately. I had to go to math to yesterday but I actually didn’t end up going. My mom forgot that it’s opened 1-3 and not 3-7 like the other days. When she thought about it and looked at the time it was already too late. I do have to go today… oh well. I’ll try to make the best of it. Yesterday my grandma came over and we had a huge dinner. It was fun. I had my first artichoke in ages… lol ^^;;;
Today my sister and almost like everyone in my court goes back to school. Everyone except those who are in high school… they go back Wednesday. I’m not going to be doing much. I’m also going to continue working on this one wallpaper I started yesterday and still not done with yet. I’ll put it up once it’s done. I’m also going to be working on my new theme so I can put it up before school and before I’m really busy!
I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!
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