Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well... today's post is extra special. I have one of my best pals posting with me! I'm sooo happy!!! ^_^ Well... I better reveal who it is... *opens door*
Alex: hehe *comes in*�*smiles* hello all...who am uhh I? I am a weirdo
yamisgirl: Awww... no you're not, and if you didn't notice... this is destinyssweetman! He's also one of my online brothers. Actually... my only online brother ^^
Alex: awww hehe well I was just playin around and I'm happy yamisgirl is my online sister she's awesome
yamisgirl: Hehe... you are too!
Alex: hehe thanks *huggles*�*messes up Yamisgirl's hair*
yamisgirl: Hehe... well, I don't have all the time in the world. I'm going out with my mom this morning to get my uniform skirt fixed up and then I also have to go to Wal-Mart with her. I'll be here coming to sites and stuff the rest of the day though! So uhh... anything you wanna say destinyssweetman?
Alex: Umm not much except I wish everyone a wonderful day and I hope you (yamisgirl) has fun *glomps yamisgirl*
yamisgirl: Thanks! ^_^ I hope you have a nice day as well and everyone else on myO as well!
Alex: Thanks may everyone have a great day and be silly
yamisgirl: hehe... ^^;;; Yes... and when it comes to being weird and silly I'm at the top!
Alex: lol hahahaha that's why she's my sista
yamisgirl: Hehe... well, gotta go! Thanks for posting with me bro! I appreciate it, and I hope we do it again soon!
Alex: np I hope so too later all!
yamisgir): Buh-bye
Love ya YY1990!!! (I will never forget to put that down!!! ^_^)
~This has been a special post from yamisgirl & destinyssweetman~
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