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Member Since
High school
Real Name
Yami Yasha
making a 2 in State Solo/Ensamble with Flute Choir, nearly going to State with Marching band
Anime Fan Since
God knows how long
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Teen Titans,Full Metal Alchemist,Berserk,Vampire Princess Miyuu,Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, Naruto
have my writing/poetry published, Egyptologist, State Marching Compition
reading,writing stories,drawing/sketching,getting on people's nerves,messing around on the computer,talking to my buds....doing evil things....not going into detail there, studying witchcraft
nack for languages,going hyper for no reason (don't need sugar for that),being sarcastic,coming up with rp ideas and stories out of the blue,some how being cat-like (has to do with the other side of me I guess),being able to do different accents
| YamiYasha4ever
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes...
"Nobody's home" By Avril Lavign
Well, borrowed Chobits vl.3 today. ^^ It's interesting. I know you people probably want another part of my story, but I don't know if it'll mess up or not, so I'll post it tomorrow, kay?
Eddie:Aren't you going to tell them about your sectionals?
Yami:Oh yeah! Today was my first day at band sectionals (I play flute for all who don't know) and we kept laughing our heads off. Most of the girls and guy (yeah, it's all girls 'cept 1 boy, feel sorry for him) know each other really well and can't help but crack jokes and mess around. My band teacher even said they acted worse than the beginers! And we're Symphonic band! (1st before the best at my school) They were disrespectful, but I couldn't help but turn red from laughing so hard!!! I only know I turned red 'cause he gave us mirrors (bad thing to give to teenage girls if I do say) so we could play right, and sometimes I would look at myself while glancing around the room. Kinda hard not to do when it's right in front of you!!! Anyways, here's another poem of mine. Yeah, I like to write poems from time to time, no biggie. Gives me something to do.
Here I stand all alone
No one here but me
I'm the only thing that exists
Here in this void of nothing
Darkness; that's all I see
Empty; that's all I feel
Like a living ragdoll;
This is what I am
I see you
Yet I don't
I'm living
Yet I'm not
This void surrounds me
Consumes,takes,wrenches me into it's grip
There's no escaping it
Pitch blackness full of nothing
Yet suffocating me in it's hands
You can not help me
Because I've been captured by it
There's no turning back
I can only go forward
And walk till I find it;
The end of the void;
The light withen the darkness
Don't know why I wrote that, must have been depressed or something.

The YYH gang of course ^^
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