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Member Since
High school
Real Name
Yami Yasha
making a 2 in State Solo/Ensamble with Flute Choir, nearly going to State with Marching band
Anime Fan Since
God knows how long
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Teen Titans,Full Metal Alchemist,Berserk,Vampire Princess Miyuu,Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, Naruto
have my writing/poetry published, Egyptologist, State Marching Compition
reading,writing stories,drawing/sketching,getting on people's nerves,messing around on the computer,talking to my buds....doing evil things....not going into detail there, studying witchcraft
nack for languages,going hyper for no reason (don't need sugar for that),being sarcastic,coming up with rp ideas and stories out of the blue,some how being cat-like (has to do with the other side of me I guess),being able to do different accents
| YamiYasha4ever
Monday, September 20, 2004
Myth to legend to reality ~~Part 19....And a special honoring to a great soul
" are we gonna get through this again?" Okashii asked upon forgetting the plan...again. Emmy sighed.
"We're going to find a breach in the security, get inside the gate, find Yami-"
"then get the hell outta there." Cheyenne finished off.
"But how are we going to find the breach? It's going to take sometime for that, and time is too precious to waste right now." Cheyenne looked over at the gate from their hiding spot, which was behind some trees nearby the gate.
"Well," Cheyenne took a twig in her hand,"Emmy could create copy's again, to create a diversion, then we'll take the chance to get inside and find Yami." She said while doodling in the dirt at her feet. Okashii nodded in understandment.
"Ok, I got it now."
"Good. Emmy, since you'll be making the diversion, why don't you tackle anything the goes on out here?"
"Me and Okashii will go inside the castle and find..." Cheyenne trailed off upon hearing something behind her. They all raised their gaurd up and cautiously looked over behind Cheyenne. 5 Ogre looking things, dressed in armor and carrying weapons, were passing by a little too closely. The girls hif their energies and croutched low to the ground. They could hear snipets of what they were talking about.
"...At least we don't have to do paperwork like the others...Wonder if they'll actually show up...Are the detectives supposed to be gaurding the woman?...Yea, at least that's what I've heard...Koenma was smart to put her in solitary confinment..." Without knowing it, they were giving out valuable information. This caused the girls to grin all knowingly, now knowing what was going on inside the castle.
Yami was watching shadows pass by her cell and would sometimes play a prank she had found that worked. She would place her hand on the passing shadow as if to touch it, then her power would snake htrough to the person and catch them on fire. This was entertainment to her, ever since she melted the hidden camera Koenma installed in her cell. She found it and, not liking being watched by a stupid camera that lead to the toddler to watch (perv Yami thought while doing this), she melted it down toa puddle of melted plastic, glass, and metal.
'Stupid Koenma, thinking he can put me in here for... 180 years was it? heh, yeah right. More like a few days. Hmmmm...let's torture Kuwabara next!' Hey mind switched subjects as Kuwabara passed by. Yami placed a hand on the wooden floor (that was fire resistent) where his shadow fell. A spark of fire ignited on the tip of her index finger. Suddenly, Kuwabara's hair bursted into flames.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, running around like an idiot. 'Imbecile' Yami thought, smirking as Kuwabara ran into a wall and falling to the ground, doing stop,drop, and roll. 'You guys can come and get me any day now.' Yami sighed.
There ya go, another part of my story.The extra on the title is because I found out something today. Mattie Stepanek died this year. I found out today on Opra (I don't watch it alot, but my mum had it on today). If you don't know him, he's a 13-14 year old boy who wrote a book of poetry I think and another book. He was paralized and had use a wheelchair and use a tube that was connected to his throaght to breath. He was a great kid and a wonderfull inspiration to many. He was, I guess you could say, famous and he was well known with celebrity's. He was really good friends with John Travolta and Opra and lots'a others and quite a few firemen.He's written hope through heart songs and Journey heart songs is you want to read his works. We'll miss you Mattie. Always know you were loved.
Mattie Stepenek
Well known author and a bright and wonderfull soul to many.

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