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myOtaku.com: YamiYasha4ever

Sunday, December 18, 2005

   "Hearing your name the memories come back again...."
"Figure 09" by Linkin Park

Ok, I found this interesting thing in my school newspaper and I thought ya'll would like to read it, so here it is. Note: I'm not putting who wrote it but it's someone I actually know.

"Merry Christmahanakwanzikah to you, Winter Break, Happy Holidays. What load of mistletoe is all that?!

Most stores, schools, and public organizations say "happy holidays" or something similar because they don't want to say "Merry Christmas". Why is that? The majority of Americans celebrate Christmas (in their own fashion). Why can't my teacher put up a "Merry Christmas" poster? Why can't I be greeted at a store with "Merry Christmas"? Well, I figured it out.

People seem to think that offending others is passe, something that should be avoided. And normally I would agree. We shouldn't go out of our way to offend people. But this is across the line. A Muslim (or a Hindu or an atheist or a Buddhist or any minority) walks into a store and sees the word "Christmas" somewhere and he/she throws a fit. He/She doesn't celebrate Christmas so the store obviously shouldn't publicize Christmas. So the store owner gives in, and takes all references to Christmas down because he has to be "politically correct". Have you seen the problem yet?

None of those religions/people celebrate Christmas and that is perfectly okay. But wake up people, this is America and we celebrate Christmas! If I went to the Middle East, I would see people praying five times a day. Bells ring, chants said, and people lay prostrate on the ground. Just because I don't do all that doesn't mean I can walk in and demand they stop because "it offends me". Or if I moved to Irael, I'm not going to insist that all men remove their yarmulkes because it offends me!

I mean there are 224,437,959 Christians in the United States. That's 76.5% of the population! So why are we so worried about offending agnostics (only .5% os the US) or any other people? The minority with the highest percentage are the nonreligious group and they only make up 13% of the nation! Something is wrong when we follor the minority's decisions instead of the majority's. (statics acquired from adherents.com)

And this isn't even about differences in religion! I can think of several religions or ethnicities that people are trying not to offend and it makes me sick. They came to us, we didn't force them to move here and, by golly, they need to get over it if they are a little offended!

So here we go people, I'm about to offend 99.9% of ya'll. Have you ever wondered why it's called CHRISTmas? Well think about it for a moment. It's a Christian holiday, that's why! I know those of you liberals who actually think they know what they're talking about are yelling at me with "It came from a pagan holiday" and crud like that. You are partially right, pagan holidays decided when Christmas was celebrated but Christmas sure as heck did not come from them. Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. No the exact date of his birth is not known, so we picked a day to celebrate it. Yes, many people just celebrate for the commercial aspect. That still doesn't change the fact that it is a Christian holiday and that it is celebrated by 3/4 of the population.

So let me ask you this. Since when does America cater to the minority? Since when does the minority decide what's right and wrong for the rest of us? Since when does the majority cower in corners and not stand up for what they know is right? Since when has America's democracy been thrown out thw window so people don't get offended? I'm the sure the British were offended whenwe wanted independece! I'm sure the confederates were offended when the Union won the Civil War! I'm even sure Hitler was offended when he lost World War 2! So why are we worried about offending people now, all of a sudden?

I think the whole this is ridiculous. And I don't care how politically incorrect it is.......MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Yes, very long, but it has a point don't you think? Hope you liked just as much as I did!


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