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Member Since
High school
Real Name
Yami Yasha
making a 2 in State Solo/Ensamble with Flute Choir, nearly going to State with Marching band
Anime Fan Since
God knows how long
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Teen Titans,Full Metal Alchemist,Berserk,Vampire Princess Miyuu,Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, Naruto
have my writing/poetry published, Egyptologist, State Marching Compition
reading,writing stories,drawing/sketching,getting on people's nerves,messing around on the computer,talking to my buds....doing evil things....not going into detail there, studying witchcraft
nack for languages,going hyper for no reason (don't need sugar for that),being sarcastic,coming up with rp ideas and stories out of the blue,some how being cat-like (has to do with the other side of me I guess),being able to do different accents
| YamiYasha4ever
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Myth to legend to reality~~Part 34
A flash of light caught Emmy's attention, but no sooner had she noticed than she was cut across one of her thighs, the cloth flipping off to reveal a thin line line of rushing blood trickling down. Hiei stood before her, his katana ready and aimed at her, a thin line of blood trailing down it's razor-sharp edge. Emmy growled at the pain crawling up her body and flicked out her fans. "You'll wish you never did that. Electric Shock!" Bolts of white-hot lightening shot out of the fan in her right hand and went straight for the fire koorime. He dodged each fork of lightening with his great speed. He rushed at her again, but this time cut the fan in two. Emmy roared with anger as her precious fan fell to the ground, utterly useless. While she was distracted,Hiei rushed at her again, but instead of with his katana, he crushed his right shoulder into her torso. A neausiating (sp?) cracking sound came from the spot he hit while she went bent over at the impact.Blood trickled out of Emmy's mouth as she struggled not to fall, white hot pain shooting up and down her body, making it nearly impossible.
"It seems you're the one wishing to never have fought." Hiei smirked, looking down at the fallen demon.
"Just because you broke a few ribs doesn't mean I can't fight still." She whipped out her other fan and chanted something quickly. Thin sharpened metal blades formed on the tips of the the fan, which she threw it up at him. It cut across his torso and face and came back like a boomerang and cut across his back till it went back to her hand. The white badana wrapped around Hiei's forehead fell off from being cut, revealing his Jagan eye.
Emmy glared at Hiei, trying not to glimpse the Jagan as she felt the psychic waves eminating from it. Bending down, Hiei picked up Emmy by the scruff of her shirt, lifting her as high as he could.
"Hn, do you still think you can fight?" He threw her forward toawrds a tree. She managed to move in mid-air so that her back wouldn't hit, but her legs took the impact, hard. Another crack came from her right leg, another wave of white hot pain shooting up injury, making her double over into a tight ball. Emmy fought against the tears that threatned to spill from the combined pain as more waves of pain made her feel nauscious (sp?). She didn't bother getting up for she knew it would only make it worse. Hiei had a small mocking, sly smile on her face as he turned his back on the pitiful demon and fight he had just had.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End chapter~~~~~~
Oh.My.god. On Saturday I had a Solo/ensamble contest with Flute Choir and....we got a 1 and we're going to State baby!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* Woot woot!!!! We so friggen rock!!!! I can't wait!! I hope this automatically gets me my letterman jacket, though my director says it won't, but I clearly saw on a thing about the letterman jacket that if you get into anything that has to do with State, you get one. *is confused* So...I'm hoping I get it so I won't have to do a solo and try out for region next year. >< I don't like doing that, really I don't.
Sunday I got to see Maynard Ferguson at my school. My gosh, that was totally awesome! They blew the roof off the buidling, I swear!!! And now I'm doing a review on it for Journalism 'cause we have to do a review of some sort, so I think this should be a good one to do. ^~ My gosh, Maynard sure can wail that trumpet! And the Big Bop Nouveu Band he travels with is just great!!! That drummer (forgot his name, shame on me ><) was just having a ball with his solo song, he never seemed to grow bored or get tired. And he was moving so fast, I swear it looked like he had 4 arms. O.o They were incredible!!!!
We're doing registration for next years scehdule, and here's what I'm aiming for: Band (of course), Pre-Ap English 2, AP World History, ASL 1 and 2, Biology, Geometry, and Health. I do believe that's what all I chose. Can't remember exactly how many though. >< Blame the short attentionspan I've been having lately.
Happy Mardi Gras/ Fat Tuesday people!!! Yeah, lots of people at my school were wearing Mardi Gras beads and such. =^^= I just wore purple and didn't realize it till someone pointed it out. Whee for not noticing things 'cause you're too tired to care. ^~ Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and my mum is making me go to church. >< I don't wanna get itchy ashes on my forehead!!!! I wash that stuff off as soon as I get home 'cause I tend to smear it off anyways 'cause it's so itchy. ><
I hate having cavities. I have to get fillings done tomorrow as well, which really sucks 'cause this is the first time I've ever had a cavity. >< Shame on me!!! But I think it's 'cause I had braces and it's really hard to take really good care of your teeth with those things. >< I loath braces and cavities. >< I loath them with a passion.

It's my sexy Hiei!!! *glomps* =^^=
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