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Member Since
High school
Real Name
Yami Yasha
making a 2 in State Solo/Ensamble with Flute Choir, nearly going to State with Marching band
Anime Fan Since
God knows how long
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Teen Titans,Full Metal Alchemist,Berserk,Vampire Princess Miyuu,Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, Naruto
have my writing/poetry published, Egyptologist, State Marching Compition
reading,writing stories,drawing/sketching,getting on people's nerves,messing around on the computer,talking to my buds....doing evil things....not going into detail there, studying witchcraft
nack for languages,going hyper for no reason (don't need sugar for that),being sarcastic,coming up with rp ideas and stories out of the blue,some how being cat-like (has to do with the other side of me I guess),being able to do different accents
| YamiYasha4ever
Sunday, April 23, 2006
"I ain't leaving till they throw me out...."
"Here for the party" by Gretchin Wilson. Yes I listen to country, that a problem?
I had so much fun at banquet! Kinoki told me not to do anything "bad". My response: there's no alocohol and I don't have a date, so we're all good. Though I wouldn't drink even if there WAS alcohol, unless it was cheap wine.....but that's another thing. ^~ I should've been the one to tell her that since she had her boyfriend with her. I don't think you need any more description to get an idea of what I mean. ^~
Me and a group of my friends that went managed to get 16 people into one photo shoot, that was really funny. We got Cheyenne to sit on the stool and act as a center piece and we just crowded around her. And for my regular picture, since I went by myself, I got to act like a model! Yeah, the lady wanted to me to do 4 poses, 2 sitting on the stool and 2 standing. The one they printed I call the "sexy pose" 'cause I'm leaning to the side with my legs crossed, and my dress shows off enough leg without having my legs crossed and crossing them showed off even more. =^^= I'm so sexy, lol. But Kinoki did the most hilarious thing for her photos. Ok, her and boyfriend were about to get their picture done, and she was about to sit down on the stool when she completely missed it, sending both her and the stool crashing to the ground! She fell on her butt and started laughing while the stool crashed into this procelian (sp?) thing in the background that was holding the plant! Everyone watching just bursted into uncontrollable laughter, it was so funny! Thank god I had my pictures done right before hers so that I was the last one with that thing in the background. ^~ It's all about the timing people.
And of course I did some dancing. Though I can't dance to save my life, I danced anyways. Who cares? But one of my friends, who's probably the shortest person there, was just everywhere! She's extremely hyper when you get her going, and you could NOT stop her from dancing and bouncing around all over the place. And both me and Rini managed to force our friend "Cripple" (he has really bad knees, which is why we call him that) to dance. How? Well, with Rini pulling on his arm and me pushing his back, we managed to get him out there. And since we had our first annual Prince and Princess of the banquet (you have to remember, this is the first year we've had all 4 grades at my high school, it's a very new school), the song dedicated to the Prince was a classic rock song and he was rockin' out to it and fell on the floor. He's a pretty big guy, but 4 guys managed to pick him up and throw him up in the air. Lol. ^~ And then someone managed to get one of the percussionist guys to body surf. ^~ I wish I was able to get a picture of that, it was so funny. But I'm sure there'll be pictures on the band website, so we'll see.
I'm going to South Padre Island in 4 days!!!! Woot woot! I'll be sure to tell ya'll all about it when I get back from there. I can't wait to go though! Oh, and I put up new music, tell me if it works or not. Thanks!

I like this picture, makes you think the girl is gonna kick your ass if you piss her off. Like me! =^^=
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