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Member Since
High school
Real Name
Yami Yasha
making a 2 in State Solo/Ensamble with Flute Choir, nearly going to State with Marching band
Anime Fan Since
God knows how long
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Teen Titans,Full Metal Alchemist,Berserk,Vampire Princess Miyuu,Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, Naruto
have my writing/poetry published, Egyptologist, State Marching Compition
reading,writing stories,drawing/sketching,getting on people's nerves,messing around on the computer,talking to my buds....doing evil things....not going into detail there, studying witchcraft
nack for languages,going hyper for no reason (don't need sugar for that),being sarcastic,coming up with rp ideas and stories out of the blue,some how being cat-like (has to do with the other side of me I guess),being able to do different accents
| YamiYasha4ever
Saturday, July 29, 2006
"I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd..."
"It's my life" by Bon Jovi
I've gotten taller!!!! Today was "Super Saturday" for band, basically got registered and fitted and got all the stuff for marching band ordered and what-not. The bib we have to wear underneath the jacket that I had last year was a little too short for me, meaning I actually grew!!!! Woot! Ok, I'm sure you're thinking: Ok, this chich has lost her mind, she's getting excited over growing maybe an inch or so. Well, when you've been 5'2" for years and everyone is suddenly taller than you (I used to be the tallest girl in my class), then you get excited over growing an inch. ^^
Band camp has yet blah. We've just done fundamental's (marching foreward and backward so far) and we've memorized the opener (which is required to try-out for varsity band). We got to play with the whole band yesterday. You know you've got a too big band when you can't fit everyone in the band hall to play, or the stage. We had to go play outside to have everyone there. Sad, no? My poor flute, it had to endure Texas humidity. >< Not good for the pads, let me tell you. But when I heard the opener, oh it was great. (Though I think I went temporarily half-deaf for awhile since I was right behind the drum-line, more specifically, the snare's) This year it's all Hitchcock (I think I spelled that right) movies for a theme. We're playing: North by Northwest, Taxi Driver, Vertigo, and Psycho. ^^ Creepy......but sooooo cool.
School starts soon. Yay. >< There's a lot of Freshman this year. And I mean A LOT!!!! My school is beyond the number of students it's supposed to hold, and this is only the 4th year it's been open. That's pretty bad. I'm hoping they're gonna change the boundary lines soon. Hopefully by next year.

Hiei: Hey! Watch were you're shooting that thing!
Yusuke: Hehe...
Kurama: @.@.........
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