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myOtaku.com: Yaoi Baka 2006

Thursday, May 5, 2005

   I Love Today!!!
Sooo many good things happened today.
1.Found Predilection for this site.
2.Tommorow is the prom.

Yes everyone,I'm out of depression,what a blessing,at my last session with my therapist till I get back from California.

I found Predilection!I've been searching everywhere for it,but I found it,on nittlegrasper.com,my favorite site.Now that I found that,I need to find a Nittle Grasper background,then that's it,I know I'm always changing my songs and background,but I just can't resist.My avatar is Ryuichi,you can tell I praise Ryuichi,huh,so I'm cool after my change in my background.What makes Predilection sooo interesting is that it's sung by Ryu's seiyuu-Yamaguchi Kappei!

- Born May 23 1965 in Fukuoka
- Real name: Mitsuo Yamaguchi
- Height: 1.60 m (5' 2)
- Weight: 55 kg (121 lb)
- Shoe Size: 24.5 in Japan,I think that's a size 12 here.
- Blood Type:B
- Works for Gekidan 21 Seiki Fox
- Married with a son

The song is sung from The third sound story from Gravitation.Hope you like it.^_^

Tomorrow is the prom,can't wait.I have to leave school early to get ready for the prom.

Let me go look for my background now.PEACE OUT!!!

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