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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
OMG! I'm sooo friggin bored! Theres nothin to do no ones answering their phone, we dont have school, and Jai won't let me get up! He says it'll heal faster. Gay ass... literally. LOL. I should go find his wheel chair and go past his room saying "I'm so bored" like last time. XD um.. lets see.. anything else? I don't think so... just boredom.. ugh.. this sucks ass! *cries* Oh know what else? No one else in that damned car was hurt, like, at all! boredom.. hey, if any of you are on.. like now.. which would be 12:41 pm me.. i need contact with the outside world. ^^ talk to yas later.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Hey, guys. I'm bored... there's nothing to do... Cept homework... I dont wanna do homework.. I hope I dont fail.. My grades are horrible this year. Oh and I broke my right arm and my left leg... let's just say someone spiked the punch. lol. my parents were totally trashed when they were driving me home from a friends house... And to wrap it all up a piece of glass went into my right eye... I have to wear a patch... They keep calling me a pirate! WAH! And now i gotta go. Dinners ready. ^^
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Hey, everyone. So sorry I haven't been on. Chris and Jai decided to let me back on the compuetr cuz i kept bugging them. lol. That's the way to go, if you get grounded off the computer walk past your brother/sister's room while they're with their boyfriend/girlfriend complaining really loudly, "I'm so bored..." Then walk past it again and say, "I wish I could get on the computer..." Eventually one of them will get sick of it and let you on the computer. ^^ LOL.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
yea... I'm grounded.. grrr. I'm not supposed to be on right now but Oh, well. I hate english... it sucks ass... well I think I hear Jai looking for his laptop so I gotta go. I'll try to sneak on later. ^^
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey sorry I havent been on in a while. I was being lazy.. and my interum (or however u spell it) is coming in the mail... and I'm probably gonna get grounded... so you wont hear from me for a bit. heheh. i hate english... nothings happeneing around here... *sigh* i might see if I can hang out with my cousin but she isnt getting on the comp till her grades go up... so i have no way of contacting her considering our phone's broke. -_- and, get this, she grounded herself from the comp... thats so weird! ...... i might actually have to try that... right before my grades come just mention how my grsdes were crap and not get on the comp for a bit... thats smart. lol. thats it so ttyl. ^^
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
v-day wasnt that bad...
Last night wasn't as bad as I thought i'd be. About 8 of my friends heard I was spending V-Day alone so they told my other friends and they all came over at 2 in the morning(most of them snuck out and some of them are grounded today cuz of it. lol) and we watched movies till Jai and Chris came home. (they had come home before saw about 20 of my friends in our living room and left to get a motel room. lol) they came home at like 11 am... so that was fun. ^^ And I always had about 4 people clinging to me at once for every movie, even if it wasnt scarry. XD they said it was so i wouldnt feel lonley. so I had fun... What'd you guys do? (we had a snow day today. thats how all this worked out)
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
lets just say i got extremly bored...
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Happy Valentines day!

I'm not doing much for valentines day... just sitting at school being extremely bored. Then i get to go home and be all alone. Chris and Jai are going out to dinner and my parents are working till 11 then getting a motel room. sick bastards. lol. Yeah... thats it.
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
I am such a retard... i was cleaning my room and i was on one side of my bed and i needed to be on the other side. so i jumpped up on my bed and i was gonna jump off to get to the other side... and, well, i forgot that my ceiling slopes... <.< and i smacked my head on the ceiling. i hurt sooo bad! now i have a huge knot on the side of my head and i cant brush it cuz it hurts to much... getting ready for school tomorrow's gonna be lots of fun. TT-TT
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
so happy!
omgomgomgomgomg! I'm so happy! I finally passed that damned ranking test! I'm finally a purple belt! next comes blue... this is gonna be so hard... but, I'M A PURPLE BELT!!! hee-hee.
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