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Saturday, February 3, 2007
my mom's oatmeal cookies rock!
yeah, I'm eating one of my mom's oatmeal cookies. they're the best. ^^ Sorry bout not being on much. I have a horrible ammune system(or whatever it is) so i get sick alot. this time it was the flu. ugh. i couldn't even get outta bed and chris and jai wouldnt let me use their laptop sooo, yeah. But anyhow, this is a really good song.
but then again so is this. just a warning, dont let your parents hear u listening to this song... im serious, dont.
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
hey, everyone. Sorry I haven't been on lately. I dont have an excuse this time... i was judt being lazy. hee-hee. sorry... anyhow, Jai abd Chris moved up here... awkward. and nothing else interesting has happened.. well, one of my friends, Cherry(her real names Shannon, and for some reason we all started calling her Sherry then we saw the movie The Outsiders, and she has red hair so we all started calling her Cherry) came out... so yay! another lesbian... but other tha that that's about all thats happened lately.. and I found out i failed english.. again...
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
sory i haven't been on in so long. we got killed with homework. and mid-terms are coming up so I probably wont be on for a litle wile longer. so sorry
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I had the most awkward convo with Jai last night... i was stupid and left this up and i was talkin to J-RockLover4Life. and i meantioned how Chris was actually kinda hot and Jai read that and... yeah... he's not mad or anything though which is kinda a relief, he's scary when he's mad...
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
...Yeah, nothing's happened over here. my brother's gonna move up here soon cuz his family and Chris' family live up here. but other than that nothing much has happened. I think they're moving up here the 16th of December but im not sure. they've already got a place just have to sort out some other things.
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Wear protective clothing? Dude, that makes me sound like a rapist or something... O.o
> WARNING | Yaoi Luver is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times. |
From Go-Quiz.com
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
I just saw the most disturbing thing in my life... My older brother, Jai, was home for Thanksgiving and him and his boyfriend, Chris, needed a place to stay so my mom decided to let them stay at our house... and i just walked in on then having sex.... wow... i did not need to see that... at all... specially not my brother... and since when does Jai do bottom, huh!? geez... i can't believe them...
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Monday, November 20, 2006
hee-hee. I got Cagalli.

What Gundam SEED Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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yo, all!
Hey there, my people! This site is actually really easy to understand. lol. but anyhow I have a concert thingie at this festival thingie. lol. i'm kinda nervous but not really since ive played in this festival for going on 4 years and nothing ever went wrong before. I've been playing drums since i was like 6 so im pretty confident all together. well, wish me luck!
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sukisho! pics

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