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myOtaku.com: yaoikiss101

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Guestbook Entries:

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yaoilove (05/17/07)

awsime site im glad your a lover of yaoi as am i

Ekedo (03/12/07)

'ello! hi there ^_^ how's it goin'? ^_^' well uhm i noticed u like yaoi X3 well me too ^_^' so uh.... if u want, come visit me X3 later!

*Feel Good Inc.*

yaoifans101 (11/11/06)

Yosh!!! Another male yaoi lover!!! ^.^ See ya!!!


Sailor Usagi Chan (11/02/06)

I love your site...I'm a hard-core Yaoi girl, lol. Your a guy...and you like Yaoi.......you are now my best friend in the world, lol. Well anyways, just wandering around theotaku, don't mind me, lol. Bye byes ^-^
p.s. You do have a sexy site, lol.

serpant (10/25/06)

Hi, nice site like the colors and stuff.
Keep up the good work, maybe I�ll see you
around the otaku.

Samurai 7 (10/24/06)

hi! i like ur site. ive seen u on sikauria's site so ive come to see u. XD thats funny what u put as ur real name XD
newyas. come by my site sumtime and tell me what u think, okay?

CERM (10/24/06)

Gah! I had to come to your site. Seriously. Sikauri is a Doll, isn't she? God, I love her to bits! And... GAH! I love you too! Not... like... in THAT way, but I read your stuff... and GAH! You seem funny as hell.

I must also say that you have a delicious background. ^_~ Claws are the new in thing with sex. XD

Well.. Yeah. 8D... _-_U I now can not find anything to say. *sigh*


Frogking (10/23/06)

...sikauri told me to come check out your page... so um, hi... yeah! I'd write something like "woo! gay pride!" but everyone beat me to it. So how about, "Cheers to another friend of my sister from another mister!"

Grifter99 (10/23/06)

Thanks for the visit. It's much appreciated. This is indeed an interesting site. Nothing that jumps out, just subtle hints.
You deploy your talents well.


Kogasgirl4ever (10/19/06)

I like your site!! the bg was drawn by someone!!! It really good!!! okay well if you get the chance swing by my site and sign my gb!!! bye bye *waves* ^^

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