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• Massachusetts
Member Since
• 2005-01-02
• high school student
Real Name
• You can call me Katana.
• I've lived as long as I have without killing... much.
Anime Fan Since
• I could read...
Favorite Anime
• Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (Fullmetal Alchemist)
• Become a voice actress and work on something with Crispin Freeman
• Anything involving anime, sleeping, being on the computer, video games (mostly rpgs)
• I can sing, or at least I like to. And I rule over minions.
| YaoinoKatana
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Much much MUCH better than yesterday!
u+k - Gackt
I saw Robots! That was one of the cutest animated movies I've seen in a while. The fact that there was a Britney Spears song featured in it for a few moments didn't take away from it at all. Twas pretty damn funny, especially Fender!
I woke up at about 11:00 (surprisingly enough) and immediately turned on the weather channel (which I have a habit of doing whenever I get up). My mom had gone to work today because one of her co-workers was ill, and so my little sister had been alone for a few hours. I fed her and stuff after finding out that it was almost FIFTY DEGREES outside!
When my mom finally came home, she said that this would be the perfect day for my minion and I to walk downtown to the fabric store to search for cosplay supplies. He came over at about 2:00, and when I finally found something to wear (it takes me forever to get myself motivated enough to pull off my pajamas) and we looked at stuff on the computer a while, we walked out.
I had my iPod and we conversed as usual. The weather was awesome! We got coffee coolattas and ended up heading to the comic store instead, where I purchased the fourth volume of Boogiepop Phantom and some Men's Pocky. Then we went to the movies, came to my house, watched the Incredibles (his first time, my second) and he left about an hour ago.
I then proceeded to munch on an apple and take Flash tutorials. I'm starting to grasp the animation process. Eventually I'd like to make Flash movies.
Well, the night is still somewhat young, but my writing mood is [insert exploding or dropping onomatopoeia here]. I can only write when I'm overcome by an emotion other than happiness. So I think I might go off and draw, or maybe watch BP. *takes a breath*
Yay, I'm number 4008! And I have 26 gb entries! But I require more! *sigh* Here, to influence your comment-posting, I'll make a poll.
What is your favorite genre of anime?
1) Colorfully cute
2) Maniacally horrific
3) Action-packed people
4) Action-packed mechas
5) Random insanity
6) Other (state it, please)
Ok, Katana out!
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