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high school student
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You can call me Katana.
I've lived as long as I have without killing... much.
Anime Fan Since
I could read...
Favorite Anime
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Become a voice actress and work on something with Crispin Freeman
Anything involving anime, sleeping, being on the computer, video games (mostly rpgs)
I can sing, or at least I like to. And I rule over minions.
| YaoinoKatana
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Yay! Now I know more about Sanzo, and I am Sanzo!
FF1 Battle Theme by the Black Mages
I added my Sanzo quiz result to the bottom of the page. Anyway, today was pretty cool, yet somewhat sad. I was roused rather early (my parents wish for me to have "normal people" sleeping habits) and I came downstairs to my father being off of work for the day (quite rare and always unwanted, at least by me).
Well, things haven't been too hot between my parents, and today the tension was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife, or something. He had come home at four in the morning... again... and I was awake, drawing. He was completely wasted... as usual... and he started arguing with me over how I constructed this FFX amv. I got sick of it and told him to just leave me alone, and then my mother came downstairs to yell at me for supposedly waking her up. Then the two were both yelling at me to go to bed, and on top of it all, they both had their own blowout as I walked up the stairs.
My father's drinking problem has been an issue for a long time now... my mother finally laid down the line and said she isn't going to be doing anything for him anymore. In a fit of rage, she grabbed me up and handed me my makeup and scarf, then dragged me to applebees for a night out of just us. She complained to her mother over her cell phone on the ride there, and I just listened to me iPod...
We conversed pretty well, something we don't do often. After the great food, we headed to Barnes and Noble because I wanted to see if they carried this manga called "Your and My Secret". They didn't, but I ended up purchasing these!
So, I am content. ^^
What I was drawing last night, I'm having a hard time finishing. It depicts a young Cloud Strife, topless and trying to lace up his boots. He wears a single glove, a pair of pants, the boot he is lacing, and only a sock is seen on his other foot. Zack is kneeling close to him, his fingers holding Cloud's slender chin upwards, and a longingness in his eyes. In his other hand rests Cloud's other glove.
That picture literally came to me in a dream. The only problem is that I've never drawn someone at Cloud's angle before and I'm having a bit of trouble placing the head correctly on the body. When I'm able to figure it out, it'll zip immediately onto the site, so keep an eye out!
Hm... I know I'm forgetting something... oh yes! Yesterday's comments showed that
Colorfully cute and Action-packed people are the anime genres that seem to be most enjoyed. Of course, I only have seven comments, but that still seems reasonable, ne? Ok, I think I've said enough for today besides the fact that I could really use some help gaining popularity. So if you, for some odd reason, enjoy my rants, talking to me, or just the stuff I put on this site, please spread the word! Anyway, I have much much MUCH homework to do, so Katana out!
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