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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Interesting to say the least
Sorry for not updating yesterday minna.*bows humbly* I slept in too long and felt like crap the rest of the day, so I only went to a few sites. Gome! Well, today was interesting, to say the least. It was my first time working at 6am. Waking up at 5am really takes a toll on ya. I mean, when you still see dark skies outside, your first reaction is to go right back to sleep, right? But, in my case, it was time to get up.-_- Man, I was so out of it for the first two hours of work. Not to mention the fact that I had a really bad headache when I woke up. At leat the day wasn't too bad. Very uneventful.
Tomorrow I have a docor's appointment to check on my carpel tunnel syndrome and my IBS. I'm not looking forward to it, bit something has to be done cuz I'm still going through pain every day. It's very frustrating. Hopefully, I'll get better meds for my IBS.*sigh* I also have to take my dog to the vet a 8am. UGH!!! No sleep again!>_<
Okay, before I start my discussion on Tactics, I'd like to post a link to a site you guys can download the Sukisyo episodes from. My good friend DJaganshi was practically drooling all over me for the link.^^lol Well, here it is in all it's glory:

Can you guys read the text on the banner? There you go DJ!*hugs* Just don't let your parents see!lol Love ya!
Okay, now on to Tactics! Yay! This series is based on a guy named, Kantarou who, as a kid, wanted to meet the strongest oni-kui(demon-eater) in the world and make him his...and name him Haruka.^^ As an adult, he's an accomplished writer and an expert at expelling evil demons for a price, of course.^^; He usually won't take a job unless he's getting paid a lot of money. He's very materialistic. In the first episode or volume, he finds and releases Haruka from his spell bound rock. He takes him home, where their misadventures begin. It's a rollercoaster ride of emotions(think of the ups and downs you went through with Fruba).
Okay, now you can't tell me that this is not the cutest face in the world! I mean, come on!^^J/K! But seriously, Kan-chan did look cute as hell when he was little, ne? This is the first episode in which Kantarou is talking to some little demon friends about the famous oni-kui. Kan-chan becomes intrigued and sets his sights on this legendary demon.

Kantarou all grown up...even though he's still short as hell. I know how he feels.Y_Y He has his moments such as this, in which he looks pretty hot.^_^

Now it's time for one of the cutest characters in the whole series. The demon fox, Youko-chan! She's been Kan-chan's demon for a long time. She doesn't mind, though, cuz Kantarou accepts her the way she is and doesn't hate her just out of the shear fact that she's a demon. Most people during that time did not like demons, so demons had to disguise themselves as humans to survive. Here we see Youko at an onsen, enjoying herself too much as her ears pop out whenever she's really happy or scared. Kawaii!!!^_^

Now, if you thought that was cute, look at how her true form looks. Isn't she the cutest thing?^^

To end this post's discussion on Tactics, I decided to put up a hot pic of Haruka. Here we see him in some awesome shades that Suzu-chan got him. Suzu is my favorite character in the whole series and I'll post her tomorrow. She's a special treat.^^ Doesn't Haruka look yummy?!*drool*

And there you have it ladies and gentleman. Todays post on the infamous Tactics is now coming to a close. Hey, who here wants to see another hot pic of Yoru from Sukisyo? Of course you do!^_~ He's irresistable!*drool* This is the hottest one I could find. Hope you don't soak your keyboards with drool!^_^

Well, that's all for today folks. I hope you all have a great day! Don't forget to appreciate what you have, cuz it may not be there tomorrow. Love you guys!*hugs* Ja! |
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