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Monday, May 9, 2005
*sighs heavily*
Man, these last two days sucked the big one! I swear, sometimes, I wonder why I even bother working.>_<;;; Have you guys had those days?*sighs* Sorry about not updating yesterday. I was in a really bad mood most of the day and later that evening, a friend of my sis and mine came over. That was the only time I got to relax and have a good time. Oh, yeah, I'll start from the beginning instead of yacking my mouth off about random crap... like I usually do anyway.^^; Okay, here we go:
May 7th:
I did not wake up in a bad mood, nor did I expect myself to end up as such. Actually, the day bagan quite well when my sis came in the restroom and announced that Kiki-chan(our friend) was coming over later that day and she wanted me to rent Kyou Kara Maoh and Sukisyo to show her, since she's a MAJOR yaoi fan.^_^ Just with that in my head, I was able to walk into work with a smile on my face. The moment I clocked in, the shit hit the fan, so to speak.-_- Remember my stupid finger incident and how I drove out to Irwindale to have a doctor tell me it was sprained? Well, I gave the document to Jeff, which was swiped half a second later by my fucktard store director, David.>_< Man, I hate him with a burning passion!!!! Seeing his face makes me sick!*coughs* Anyway, the document also staed that I should do "modified work" for the time being. David took one look at that and said he'd let me demo some stupid contest we were holding. As soon as I walked to the front end and placed myself behind the demo table, I was faced with a dilemma. One of the baggers had gone to lunch right when I got there, so they were left with no one to bag. So begins my kind natured ways! Man, I'm way too freakin nice sometimes... no, actually, ALL the time!>_< I felt bad for the checkers, so I decided I'd help bag for the hour my fellow bagger was out to lunch.*laughs sarcastically* What a freakin fool I was! I should've stayed behind that demo booth. Since it was the day before Mother's Day, customers were coming in by the hand full and it got super busy. My plan to only bag for an hour was a thing of the past. I was now in hell! My finger hurt like hell....... but no one cared. David walked past me a few times, but didn't care that I wasn't demoing or that I was in pain.>_< I became enfuriated! Literally! I felt my blood boil and my anger rise to a high pitch. Unfortunately, I snapped at two employees that didn't do anything wrong. They were acting like they normally do, goofy and fun, but I gave them attitude and evil looks. I was too angry to care.*sigh* I'm such an idiot.-_-;;; Let's just say, I stayed pretty damn quiet for the next three hours. I felt like either crying my eyes out or breaking something. Yup, I was THAT mad! Scarey, ne?
After three hours past, I was still plenty mad, but that slowly changed once Jeff tried to cheer me up.^^ Since he hates David, too, he started talking to me about how much he sucks. Seeing that what he was saying made me smirk a bit, he went with the flow and threw out more random stuff. The song 'I Will Survive' was playing in the background, so Jeff decided to use my situation as an excuse to say, "Heather... you will survive!" I laughed half heartidly, but it was enough to calm my nerves. I mentally thanked him for that. If it wasn't for him, I would've remained in that horrible state of mind the whole day. I'm so grateful everytime he does things like that. Some time during my shift, my sis and Kiki-chan walked in and showed me part of the b-day gift Kiki-chan was getting me. Unfortunately, I was still to out of it to even register what my sis was saying. All I saw was a vase of flowers in her hand. I didn't even hear her say that it was my gift from Kiki-chan.*sighs heavily* Man, I'm stupid! Since my sis and I are so close, I think she was able to pick up on my bad vibes. She didn't say good-bye when she left the store, which was a smart move. I love my sis so much!^_^ Later on, when I was feeling a lot better, John(one of the people I snapped at) came up to me and said, "Well?" I knew right away he was waiting for an apology. I immidiately stated while half bowing(it's becoming a habit of mine to bow when apologizing.^^; I blame watching too much, "I'm sorry for snapping at you." He said thank you and asked what had gotten me so riled up.
Needless to say, I was damn happy when my shift ended. I drove to two different places to rent the anime that was requested. I had to go to two places out of necessity.^^; I ended up renting only the first half of Sukisyo cuz iot would've cost me $10 to rent the whole thing.*shakes head* No way! Anyway, once I got home, I was glomped to death by Kiki-chan, who happens to be a huge fan of mine(don't ask. Long story.^^;). Right when I came into the room, she was like, "KAGOME-SENSEEEEEEIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!"(one of my many nicknames, though this one is the most popular for some reason) and talckled me to the couch!^O^ She's funny!lol Well, I sat myself down next to my sis and Kiki-chan in our livingroom where they were watching I'll/ckbc. One of the anime I will discuss in another post. My sis wanted to show her all of the slashy shounen-ai goodness in it.^_______^ After that, we popped in Kyou Kara Maoh(always a treat no matter how many times you see it^_~), then came the infamous Sukisyo. I told Kiki-chan about how I made Sukisyo fans out of most of you guys here on MyO!^_____^ She said she read the manga version and said it was totally different than the anime, which shocked me and my sis. She hated the fact that I only brought the first 6 episodes, but loved Sukisyo none the less.^^ Woot! Another Sukisyo fan I have made! Around 11pm, I took her home and we listened to kick ass J-rock/techno from Gundam Seed. Those songs are so freakin awesome! I don't like the anime, but I love the music.^^; I went to bed that night not knowing that the next day would be just as shity.Y_Y
May 8th:
My alarm didn't go off. Mom rushes into my room telling me my job called, wondering where I was. I looked over at the clock and realized I was going to be an hour late.*_* I panicked! I quickly got dressed and drove to work. Luckily, David was off, so it was only Jeff and Ron in the morning.^^ I lied to Jeff by telling him my house had a power outage, thereby causing my alarm to not go off. I had to lie to save my ass. Regardless, I knew I was in trouble. Though nobody was angry with me, I had a feeling that the next day(Monday), I might get suspended after Heather(the bookkeeper. Yeah, we have the same name.^^ There's also another Heather that's a bagger.^^) finds out. Anyway, after clocking in an hour late, I went down to carry on business as usual. Here comes the messed up part. I had gotten my schedual mixed up and thought I got off at 1pm. I headed upstairs, clocked out, and was surprised to see the timeclock telling me that I had clocked out early. I was like, "What?!" I rechecked my sched. and realized I was supposed to work until 2pm.>_<;;;;;; I felt SOOOOOOO stupid! I red lined Ron and asked him what I should do. He said for me to just come down, finish my shift, then fill out a form that states I clocked out at the wrong time and to give me credit for working my entire shift.Y_Y That was such a pain. I felt so bad for putting Ron through so much today. I kept bowing and apologizing over and over again. I was also very weak and ready to pass out cuz I hadn't eaten anything all day. I went straight to Quiznos after work.*drool*^_^Yummy! I got mom a bouquet of roses for Mother's Day and I rented more anime for my sis andd I to watch. I rented Rurouni Kenshin vol.2,Peacemakers vol.4, and Samurai Champloo vol.2!^____^ I got my dose of samurai action yesterday! Yay! I'm obsessed with samurai! Love them! Love katana! Love samurai battes!*faints while sighing deeply* My day ended well.^^ My sis and I got some great laughs in!^O^
*takes deep breathe* Yup! That's that! My suck ass two days! So, now, I have to worry about today when I head into work. I'm still afraid Heather might suspend me.*nervous twitch* I'm so scared!Y_Y Oh, btw, I didn't get into trouble for the whole bathroom incident. So don't worry.^^ It's only today I have to worry about now.>.>*sigh* My work life sucks! My finger is getting worse cuz I keep using it to bag, but it's not like anybody gives a crap.>_<
Alright, I believe this'll be the last of my b-day banners.^^ The first one is from Kiki-chan. Please note that she drew it herself. DO NOT copy and use it unless you get permission from me first, okay? I have to protect my friend's work, you know.^_^ If I had a scanner, I'd show you the other drawings she's given me and my sis. She's very talented.^^ She has an account on DA and has her own manga series going.^_^ Of course, they're all yaoi.^_~
The printed version she gave me of this had writing on it. It says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAGOME-SENSEI!! Also, there was a heart around it and Shu-chan's hair was highlited a little more. Don't know why she send me this copy through email.^^;;;

This is from Zels_hoseki aka chibi-chan!^_^ Love ya chibi!*hugs tight* I don't care how late it is! The important thing is the thought behind it. You're a great friend.^______^ Plus, this pic is uber hot!*drool* Yummy yaoi!

Well, that's all for today. Hope you guys had fun reading about my hellish work life. Just kidding!:P Hope you guys had a great Mother's Day. I'll see ya tomorrow... hopefully.^^; Love you all!*blows kiss* |
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