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Monday, June 6, 2005
Been way too long. Wari!
I know I haven't updated in awhile, which has probably turned some of you away from my site.;_; I apologize.*bows* I must say, though, that quite a bit has happened on MO since my absense, especially between two of my very dear friends, TKB and Oreana. A couple of posts ago, they biult up enough courage to come clean about themselves. I'm so proud of them.^_^ So, I will follow suite. I know quite a few of you already know this, but for those who don't, I'm bi. Yupo, I've said it!*takes deep breathe* Thank you Oreo and TKB!*hugs tight* See, you guys help and inspire me as well.^_^ Uh... yeah, sorry I got off subject there for a sec. So, you guys can take this new info in any way you like. It may scare you off or make our bond stronger. The choice is yours. All I know is that as long as Oreana, TKB, and Tangertine accept me and still care about me, I'll be happy and content. They are so dear and close to me(as you guys know from my last post). They are my gaudian angels who are there for me no matter what.*sighs with joy* Thank you so much you guys! You don't know how much I love you!
Okay, well, now that that's done with, I'd like to bring up a topic for discussion with my other fellow saff members. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO SAFF???!!! Ever since the fanfic contest, I haven't heard anything. They still haven't updated since the 19th of April. What's going on?!O_O??? I entered that fic contest and I wanted to read some more from fellow entries. It's really disappointing. So, if any of you know what happened to saff, please let me know. I'm in the dark about this.
Another subject I wanna bring up is MP3 downloads. A lot of you have one or more songs playing continuously on your site and I've noticed a lot of the sites you get your songs from have a 24 hour direct link limit. So, my first question is, how do you get to play a single song continuously on your site without being bogged down with the time limit? My next question has to do with bandwidth and more direct linking. Do you guys have a specific company you are currently signed up with in which you don't have to worry about such things? If so, tell me which company, cuz I'm going nuts over these aspects.@_@
Other than that, I think it's time to talk about random happenings in my life. Have any of you seen the new Kurama plushies out on the market? I got one yesterday. It's really weird Cute, but weird. At least my Hiei plushie now has his boyfriend to cuddle with.^_^ I also got another FMA poster. Yay! Oh, and btw, that second Utena OST doesn't have that final 'Missing Link' song that I really wanted. Kuso! >_< The rest of the songs are great, but they didn't include that one damn song. Oh well! I can just download it off the net.^_^
I guess I'll leave off here. I'm IMing with TKB at the moment and it's really fun!^_____^ She just showed me a pic of Layla(one of her RP characters) and it looks awesome!^_^ Speaking of which, I found a falconite pic that looks remarkably like her characters. I'll post it here:
I may be off on the look alike aspect, but I just wanted to confirm with her. So, TKB, does this look like any of your characters? Hope not, cuz I'd hate to see her beautiful work stolen by some random selfish individual.
To end my post, I'll post some random pics of yami Bakura and Malik, cuz Oreo and TKB love them so much.^_^ Hope you enjoy.^^
This two are really cool.^_^
Thief King Bakura causing mayham fot the hot pharaoh. Rock on!^_~
His snake rocks!^_~
A couple of pics from the opening theme sequense of the fifth and final season of the japanese version. I really like the song.^_^
Have a great day guys! I love you all very much!*blows kiss* |
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