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Thursday, June 30, 2005
A Little of This and A Little of That
First, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and supportive sentiments. The comments you gave in my last post brought me to tears, in all honesty. Thank you so very much! ^^ I received quite a few emails regarding my post and some of them amazed me. Some of you were stating how much my words have moved you and gave you strength to better yourself or someone else in your life. I should be the one thanking you guys, though. You have shown me that true friendship is real and can occur within places you’d never expect. It’s true that I began my journey on MO wanting to make friends, but what I have found along the way was more than I could bargain for. Drama beyond my wildest dreams, friends that have touched my heart and soul to the very core, and a place I can be safe just being myself. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much! *bows low while tears stream down her face* ^_^ I love you guys! Now, while we’re on the subject of my last post, I would also like to make an apology. I realize that some of my word choices were not smart and down right cold. I want to thank and apologize to SunfallE for pointing out my mistakes. Thank you and I’m sorry for offending you. That wasn’t my intent. I agree that using the phrase “suck it up” was not the best choice of words and I apologize for that. I was already flustered and upset about the recent events of that day, so my mind wasn’t in the right place. So, again, I apologize to you and anyone else I may have offended in my last post. I’m so very sorry! *bows*
Okay, now onto my promised discussion of anime. I said I was going to discuss a very disturbing anime my sis and I have recently seen, so onto the rant. Our friend, Liz, allowed us to borrow her burned copy of Enzai. Now some of you hardcore yaoi fans probably recognize this title. I had never heard of the game, nor the OVA till my friend presented it to me. She even warned us about the content, but failed to mention the most disturbing part: rape. We ignorantly laughed and said, “What could be so bad about it? It’s a yaoi!” *shakes head* We should’ve listened to the warnings. Two episodes worth of disturbing, stomach turning rape was what most of the anime was about. No... wait... actually, that IS what the anime is about. Young boys getting raped during the French Revolution (I think it was) while in prison. On a storyline standpoint, I’d have to say that it gives it’s viewers a good idea of what it was like in those prisons during that time. The animation is nice, but I really don’t give it any major props. Overall, don’t watch this anime or play the game unless you’re into rape and fetish. Not my cup of tea, but some of you may have different viewpoints. Here are some pics and I must add that it was rather hard finding decent ones. -_-;;; Sorry if they are blurry.

In other news, who’s seen the ending of Wolf’s Rain? I’ll bet most of you. ^_^ Man, that was one of the saddest final episodes in any anime series I have ever seen. Now before any of you venture any further in reading my synopsis on this anime, I should warn you that there are MAJOR spoilers to come, so for those of you haven’t seen it, read at your own risk. Now, for those of you who have stayed for this rant, hello and welcome to my Wolf’s Rain rant. *waves* ^_^ One thing I must mention is that my sis and I take pleasure in having certain predictions about every anime we see. Wolf’s Rain was an exception. We did not predict that all or any, for that matter, of the wolves would die. And I think that’s what hit us the hardest. That day that we were watching the final dvd, mom walked in at the wrong moment, I must say. Tobue had just died in the old man’s arms when mom walked down and my sis and I were already holding back tears. But right when she asked us, “What’s wrong you two?” the sobbing began. My sis and I just cried our eyes out. Y_Y Poor mom was like, “OMG, what’s wrong? Go ahead and cry. What happened in this anime that’s upsetting you two so much?” My sis and I had to explain everything between sobs. After awhile, mom decided to leave us alone and we took that as an opportunity to calm down and focus back on the anime. I let another tear escape as Tsume gave his farewell speech to Tobue and let one of his own fall into the snow below. That was so touching and heart wrenching. Once Hige, Blue, and Tsume died, my sis and I were like, “I hate Wolf’s Rain! This anime sucks! Everyone’s freakin’ dying! This is terrible!” It wasn’t until the very end, after Kiba and Cheza died, and everyone was reincarnated, that we changed our minds. We were laughing about how different our thoughts were and how they came about so quickly. We were saying that if they weren’t reincarnated, we’d officially dislike the series. ^^;;; We’re odd like that. ^^; So, overall, Wolf’s Rain is one of the best anime out there and should be seen/read by any anime fan. It teaches us a good lesson about what Paradise means to every individual. Basically, every wolf that died found their own Paradise, so, in turn, Paradise is what you make it out to be. We are all searching for it and, once found, eternal happiness is waiting. I must admit that I’m still searching for mine, but I have my whole life ahead of me, so there’s no rush. ^^ I hope you all find yours someday. Everyone deserves happiness, no matter who they are.
Now, to end my rant, I’d like to include a pic my friend gamergurl267 gave me today while I was IMing her on MSN. She read my yaoi yugioh fic and adored it. *insert blush here* ^_^ She then gave me a pic that went well with one of the scenes in the 8th chapter. It’s just too perfect for words. Thanks girl! *hugs* Love ya!

Well, that’s all for today! I hope you all are having a great summer so far. See ya around! Love you all! *blows kiss* |
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