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In my own litle world...
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Writer...well...a student at the moment but I want to be a writer.
Real Name
Atashina Akume
...none that I know of...
Anime Fan Since
not sure exactly...major fan since about 6th grade though
Favorite Anime
Anime:Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruits Basket, Inu-Yasha, Angelic Layer, Case Close/Detective Conan, Nuku Nuku, Card Captor Sakura Manga: Petshop of Horrors, W Juliet, Demon Diary, Planet Ladder, Host Club, Angel Sanctua
To become a writer
Reading and Writing
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
love this one, I just don't care for the amount of missions failed...but hey, I'm Fuhrer at 16 I must have done something right! =^.^=
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
I have no clue why every FMA character quiz thinks I'm like Roy Mustang...
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Result Posted on 04/20/05:
...Don't care for the pic but I do agree that I always try to protect my friends
 You are a Chinese/Asian Dancer. You are the smartest in the party, you have a beautiful creative mind and you like to use it to help your loved ones, you care a lot about your friends and you try always to protect them and give them advice. Your ideal man is the one with a strong determined character, you like to feel safe with him.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/20/05: the pic...
Result Posted on 04/20/05:
Not sure, some seems right but...
 You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type that can start a fight and win.You are very strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't ^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but alot of people admire your strength and want to be just like you well the people that want to fight.You can defend yourself very easily and can probably handle some kind of weapon.You have a short temper(like me)and get angry easily but you can be really nice at times ^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/20/05:
I think this one is rather acurate...not sure though...
Result Posted on 04/20/05:
I do hate narrow minded people but I don't really give too many second chances and am not really all that open with my personality.
 Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people, they probably need it the most" by Ashleigh Brilliant. You try to look beyond apperance, try to give people second chances and are probably very kind. Understanding is your biggest personality trait, and thoose you can see through should be grateful. If they aren't already. You detest narrow minded people, because they can't see what's really there. Facades is not your thing and you strive to always be who you really are.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
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