Birthday 1992-07-07 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-02-02 Real Name Crystal
Anime Fan Since A while ago. Favorite Anime D. Gray man, Naruto, ouran high school, chobits. Hobbies Cosplaying, drawingish, being on the computer. Talents none. Yasha-sama
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I'm reallly sorry everyone!!! i haven't posted for awhile, my computer like died and we had to get a whole new hardrive -.-' but it is good now... hopfully!!! anywayz HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! its 2006!!! eh... last night/ this morning i drank like one bottle of sparklying stuff then someone gave me the wrong cup and it had alcohol in it so i was like WOW and yeah... how was your guys day?
I got soooo many great things for Christmas but i only want to say the big important ones >;3 welll umm... i got a guitar, and japanese sword thingy... its small er then a katana... i forgot the name -.-' and i got a Metal fan ^_^ yay for weapons ... ^-^' how was your guys christmas?
I'm bored but REALLY happy cause tomorrow is Christmas EVE!!!!!!! so yeah and i get to get my naruto shirt i'm happy ^____^ I love my new theme and my MV ^_^ Flow is sooo kick a$$ heh my mom is around so yeah but anyway their awesome ^-^ well how have all you been?
Well i'm not friends with Kijotora... if you really want to know PM me...... well yeah... and QUIZ!!!!!!!: You kill for fun. You had no particular reason to kill that person, you just felt like it. You are probably not mentally stable.
today was boring the only thing i did was clean my room... but it got sooo much better when tonight my friend asked me to the dance
^-^ my day was better, how about you guys ?