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Wisconsin But I would like it better to live in Alaska or some where with a lot of forest i gues you could say I'm like a wolf or a bear. GRRRR!!!!
Member Since
Freshman in high school but sometimes I don't act like it. But that what happens when your in to anime, karate, and So on... And I have a sister that hates me but I still LOVE i mean Hate her.
Real Name
My Name Is Yasha25 but you may call me Y25 the my friends call me so at school J/K..... Mark is my real name and i like it because Mark is a holy name in the holy book of by Religion.
Okay artist (in other words no the best), drawer, and some what good writer.
Anime Fan Since
Me no know?....J/K I think it was summer time of 2003 or wt'was it 2004 LOL
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Naruto, Kenshin, Yuu Yuu Hakushou!!! and Samurai X
To be a samurai with a hot girl and a little lamna 3 To Become the best i can be and to be a wonderful man living in Florida when I retire.
NOTHING LOL.....Thinking about life, and now my web page
Musical instruments (BAND), though I don't play many right now.................
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/26/06:
Almost a great fit! But I don't mind the emotional thing, I know I'm strong enough to handle it.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
~*~Result nr 10~*~ Your power is: Time Control Explanation: You have the ability to freeze, push forward or go back in time. In good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds, and the opposite for evil purposes. As a person your emotional level has been on hold. For one reason or another emotions has reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And of course, this does not sadden you since you could care less. Sometimes though you can be hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it all out. You don't search for something that could make you happy since you have no hope in that area any longer. People probably see you as annoying because you're not involved and just stand there. You probably don't have that many friends either, and you feel like you are with them because that's what you normally do. You stick to your habits and don't appreciate changes. Negative aspects: One day all emotions are gonna surface again, and that day will be very painful. Instead it is more wise to start up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't come as a big chock.
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Result Posted on 06/23/06:
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
 Your Hidden Power Is Wind
You have a twisted soul. You change your directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you over powering feature. But many enemies are surprised by your beauty and your great power to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/20/06:
AAAAAAAAAAAA......sure? What kind of quiz is this? Isaac!!! What are you doing!!!?????????
Result Posted on 06/19/06:
What does this pic look like?
Result Posted on 06/14/06:
Hmmm...Why isn't spirit and pride together?
Where your beauty lies... (anime pics) rate please
 Pride, your beauty lies within your pride. You are the one who stays back and watches. You make sure that a problem is tended to by waiting in the shadows. You are a silent protector. Always remember that beauty is not only skin deep... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/14/06:
Hmmm...Why isn't spirit and pride together?
Where your beauty lies... (anime pics) rate please
 Spirit, your beauty lies within your spirit. You have a kindness that can melt even the coldest of hearts. You truly are someone who is always looking on the brightside. Always remember that beauty is not only skin deep... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/07/06:
Tora=japanese for tiger, Kumo=Japanese for spider, and hamusuta=Japanese for hamster
Result Posted on 01/07/06:
Kumo is Japanese for Spider.
And It is a very cute spider.
Result Posted on 11/10/05:
The description sure does fit.
Result Posted on 11/10/05:
Isn't it good to be kind, loving, and someone who inspires others? Someone has to be that way, right.
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