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I'm a Great Anime Drawer and I kick ass at Video Games (and more)
Anime Fan Since
Umm Mostly since Yu Yu Hakusho well actually since Inuyasha
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Black Cat/Blood+/Yu Yu Hakusho / Inuyasha / Naruto / Hellsing /Case Closed/ Fruits Basket /Ghost in the Shell / Rurouhi Kenshin / Ouran High School Host Club /Gravitation (and much much more)
Dont know well one is to be an Amazing Anime Drawer
Drawing /Singing / CP / Games
Singing / Drawing / Playing Game's
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/21/06:
What color are your wings?
 You have bat wings-Similar to those with black wings you are somewhat distant and different from everyone else.but you have a handful of close friends that know how you really feel.You arent very headstrong,but you arent very passive either you are somewhere in the middle.You have a comedian side as well and have a fairly good sence of humor(*someone smacks their head on the ceiling* *you-crack up laughing) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/21/06:
what kind of angel(or demon) are you?((Beautiful Anime Pics and 8 detailed answers!!))
 Wings:one angel one demonPowers:Fire,Darkness,speedWhat you value:friends of which you have few,power,and strength of which you have muchYou arent an angel or a demon, you have both wings.An outcast in both heaven and hell,a rejected angel with a demons power.All your life you have wanted to feel loved or a sence of belonging.You are both good and evil,like the way you view the world.There is good and bad,love and hate and not many shades inbetween your mainly black and white world.You demand respect and are loyal to no one.You have expieranced much pain in your life and hate a certain Guardian Angel.You are usually sepparate from everyone around you for you are so unlike them.why should you care about them?Those who take everything for granite and judge others just by how they look?But there are those who have earned your respect and trust and,though you would never admitt it,you are very protective of them and would die to save them.You wear your wings whenever you can to defey the ones who shunned you to show them that you dont give a crap what they think,go u ^-^!Usual facial expression-an evil smirk or just a glareQuote:"May the past that's dark with crimes bring revenge in future times" Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/12/06:
We don't have any kids...-_- that's down right wrong! Yes we do!
Result Posted on 03/12/06:
Result Posted on 03/12/06:
No i'm not addicted to donuts.Lol Hiei.Right on Kurama that i'm the most beautiful person he's ever seen^_^.Fing Yusuke"SLAP".Lol Hiei Dancing. Kurama
Result Posted on 02/19/06:
Hell ya!! the pic even has Kurama and Hiei in it^_^
Result Posted on 01/30/06:
Result Posted on 01/30/06:
Result Posted on 01/30/06:
Result Posted on 01/17/06:
^_^ how cute!
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