Addictedxxx (03/09/06)
yo nice site.....cya
Alchemist Pepper (03/09/06)
Awesome, site. It's really cool. (And so are the videos) Anyway, hope we can be friends.
darkness godess (03/09/06)
thanks for coming by my site and signing my GB just thought i'd come and say hello ^^
AnimeGrl 101 (03/09/06)
Hey there I'm lovin the Kakashi theme ^^ Thanks for signing my gb. I'll see ya around.
arlihama (03/09/06)
T.Y. 4 signing my G.B. and you've got a cool B.G.P. Great drawings, though. You're as good as my classmate Aya Akkaime (note: that isn't here real name) You have common interests and you're the smae age, heck you're older by two months...care to mingle with a fellow MyO ninja-girl, designer, inventor, mangaka, author and girl like her? She's gonna kill me though, hehehe!
I'm gonna AYAAF, 'kay?
KagomeMaya17 (03/08/06)
Hello. Thank you for signing my guestbook and stopping by my site. You have a cool site here. I really like the backgounds and colors. ^_^ I will add you as a friend. Well, talk to you later.
Snow Angel23 (03/08/06)
cool site. Naruto rox. well thanx for signing my gb.
flymonkey (03/08/06)
hey thanks i luv u're site laters
second kira (03/08/06)
Hiya hiya hiya ^^ Thanx for signing my guestbook, so I return the favor!! I'm adding you as a friend, hope you dont mind. KK well seeyaz around ~~~___~~~
thoa-kun11 (03/08/06)
awsome site!!!