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Thursday, March 26, 2009

I had and idea last night.. and I think I'm gonna just do it. lol

I am gonna post on YellowCat, and comment with TalimSoul. ^_^ haha. Then my dad will be really fucked. LOL XD

oks kinou

Didn't have to work.. awsome cus it was ABBY'S BIRTHDAY!!! XD XD XD XD LOL

She's my tortishel cat. ^_^ She turned 16!!! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^

So I spent all morning cleaning my room so kitties could enjoy it. Then I got out their new stuffs. ^_^ So cute.

then I went to Tony's house. He was playing around with some new aplications on his mac book. lol

lol Then ticklefest. lol

*sigh* It felt like I was back at g-mas in summer. :) That's how much fun I was having. lol

Then I had to go..

Went to KawaiiMelody's. XD

Jillian was there 2.

We watched about half of Twilight. (I never saw it or read the book)

LOL one of the BEST parts is when she slips and falls on the ice. LOL XD

Then we watched American Idol and voted.

Turned back on Twilight.

I kept on farting so KawaiiMelody tried to get me in the bathroom. lol lol I found out why I was so damn gassy.
I had a damn bean burrito for lunch!!!! lol XD

omg, the preppy girl on that movie is soooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Returned home. lol

mmm... didn't get any ok maybe a tiny bit of requests worked on.. lol

lol funny thing about school now.. it is secure that I AM going to college in fall.. so now I don't wanna go. lol Cus there will go sooooooooooo much freedom. lol Homework everyday.. :S bleh. lol I mean I like homework.. just not everyday. lol

.... peace

ps. omg I can't keep it on..

2 days ago when we were haben fun. omg.. T*** m***** f***. :) :) :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 best thing ever..

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I guess I am gonna have to get used to seeing 0 for some time on here. lol..

The reason why I switched over here is cus yesterday my sister saw my dad on my site and CLEARLY found the archives button... which enabled him to see ALL of my many thousands of posts... post before I was even going out with Tony.. so obiosly posts when they didn't look through it yet..

So.. the only problem I have is commenting.. I want to comment.. but I'm afraid he will look at my friends post's comments and find someone who will talk like me.... but that's kinda far fetched.. so we will see how far this will get.. cus I can usually tell when they have read my posts..


Went to Tony's.

For the life of me.... I can NOT remember what happened. LOL I JUST got back from Tony's just now.. so yea..

Came home. Found out about Pa reading. lol

Ya know what.. I just thought... if they take the time to remember a friends name and actually check their comment box.. fine. I don't care. That would just show how snoopy they are. LOL a dog.

Went back to Tony's.

Had a sweet time. hehehe. lol tieing up. :D :D :D :D :D hehehe. lol

Then ran away...

I remember I went to the bank before 2nd time at Tony's. I boughted some cat stuff for ABBY'S 16TH BIRTHDAY!!! XD XD XD


ruh... listened to music?

Then not too much.. lol


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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm gonna be posting here now....

I hopefully will get to everyone.. I hope...


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Monday, November 3, 2008

I would definentally accept (can't find right word) Augustana as a college. The OOOOOOOOONE little problem is the 1st year cources. I would really have to buckle down and get that done. Cus most of the people there got like a 23-26 on their ACT and I got a 17. lol (retaking it)

So yea. I could see myself living there and calling Tony lots. lol And driving to close by stores and buys stuffs. lol I would love it there. I love how there is a lot of trees. That is a HUGE plus. I kinda do like how they would chalange me. It would be good for me.

The dorms are sweet. I could personalize mine. (ok just talking to myself now) LOL


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Monday, October 27, 2008

oh jees..... ... guess what YellowCat did..... NOT on purpus.... *KawaiiMelody is going to be jelus* ........ I didn't mean to!!!

I can't even say it when I am talking to myself.

I'm saying, "well.. I touched a mmmmmmm" or "I touched a kkkckcc" LOL

oks.. at Tony's house we were on the bed not having sex. lol And... I went to fast into his pants and went under the underwear.

... yea... well. I didn't get a lot cus I was so fast... more like just a little penis and some balls and hair. LOL LOL LOL

I'm never gonna get over this. (Untill it's normal for me to do that... )

lollollol XD

I know Tony didn't care but omg...


I'm kidding...

well.. thats the big 411 for me.


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Friday, October 17, 2008

I can't keep it in!!!

I sawded my man. XD XD XD

he was capturing video from a band performance.

omg.. and this jazz music was going off from downstairs and I was ummm.... well I couldn't cus I was laughing cus of the music with it. LOL

well... umm.. then he had to leave... lol I scared him. oks.. then hugged and kissed and he went to school

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Saturday, October 11, 2008


I don't even remember the morning! lol OH YEA! XD

I actually got up at a decent hour! :0. It was awsome.

When I went to put a check in the bank... the teller lady knew I was going out with my man... WTF? LOL XD *shrugs*

She asked me,"Are you still seeing Tony?"


Went to Tonys house. :D

lol lol lol I made him laugh lots. :D


Then I went to my house so KawaiiMelody could come get me for the game.

oks... ummm.. KawaiiMelody picked me up at 5:30. We went to the game.

LOLLOL I was sitting, and yes rubbing elbows, with preps. A HUG heard of them aaaaaall to my left. LOL LOL

And right as KawaiiMelody said look cus there were preps, I saw them taking pictures of themselfs. LOL LOL XD

omg omg, then the band played.

Holy shit I thought I was gonna lose it when Tony bowed. LOL LOL XD KawaiiMelody was wonder what the hell was wrong with me. LOL

Oh yea.. and he did some funny moves 2. lol XD... hey... thats the kind of stuff you'd expect from a college band. *shrugs* well.. college bands do more of it.

So I was lmao over on the stands and getting PISSED when people were STANDING infront of me. -_-' The preps probably notested... I just really didn't care...

Then *scratches head* I couldn't find him... and then I called his house.. and then I couldn't hear his mom. LOL

But eventually I got connected and desided he would come pick me up at home.

LOL I told him 10, and I wanted to rush rush rush.. but Jillian wanted to find Mr. Harrison, and I was like running/walking cus I know Melissa didn't want to rush for Tony. lol So I was freaking out. lol

So I think I accidentally hit this one prep. (cus it was a girl with a silver dressy thing with sparkles on) and my sholder kinda slammed into her and I heard an omg I'm sorry! and I kept on running/walking. LOL LOL shit..

So then I just called Tony to say I was gonna be later..

(I was litterally grinding my teeth of maddness. LOL)

But it's ks ks. I was just mad at that time.

So then they dropped me off. I changed and ma man picked me up. :D

I hear a hi! behind me and just shrug. LOL (my defenses are always up. I am ALWAYS ready to fight) It was Andy. lol lol

So we get there and ... omg... the dance.. was a flop. (for me) I have grown WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out of highschool. holy shit.

Most people were just wearing normal clothes.. and I remember running around in the gym.. and thats what some people were doing.. omg..

or maybe it was just that particular dance was piss. lol

They played 5 f'n awsome songs in a row so that was awsome.

lol omg. Literally, me and Tony were all over eachother throughout the whole night. LOL LOL XD

lol then Lee came by us and said how the 2 love birds were doing. lol

oh jees... Tony and his sexy face... kept staring at me. omg. ^///^

So sometimes sitting on his lap sometimes not.

He kissed me 3 times! XD XD XD

*sigh* then Maydal was making Tony mad.... *sigh*

We slow danced 2 times!!! XD XD XD That was awsome. *sigh* I swear, I wasn't even in the dance. (I know that sounds cheesey but I am leaving that there cus thats the facts)

I kissed him on the cheek once..

Tony was extremely tired..

Then we desided to go..

We took Andy home and then we went to my house.

*smirk* That's all I'm gonna say.

He said I love you, and I said I love you too, and I went home...

This probably would have more detail but I gotta go to work in 3 minutes.


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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

   Yesterday was aaaaaaawsome!!!!!
I had 3 silent screams. LOL

omg... (remembers one time I seen Tony's nipple on the side of my eye and I had a HUGE silent scream and k20 was there. LOL LOL XD

wooooooooow..... I see lots more then just that. lol lol

anyhoo, 1st, my byki (before you know it) new version I downloaded made it possible for me to type in Japanese. lol

2nd, I found out you can play the trumpet in an orcustra in one of the colleges I want to go to.

3rd, ummmm... can't say. KawaiiMelody knows what it is. lol

So yea..

OH OH! ^_^ I desided to call my man yesterday.

.... holy crap... how many times I asked myself can I not was a shit load. lol

I was sooooooooooo nervous.

I just left a message of me meowing on it. (jees, I haven't meowed at him for a looooooooooooong time. I think the last time was in highschool lol)

But after I hung up the phone blood rushed threw my vains and I went to the floor and then layed down.

I haven't felt that alive in a long time. Made me feel good.

The weird part was that there were tears comming out of my eyes but I wasn't crying. (exausted maybe?)

Just like 2 out of each eye ran sideways down my cheeks while breathing hard. (I was laying down still)

So.. that made me realize... holy crap I am still extremely shy of this boy. LOL Then again... when we were 1st going out I couldn't even look at him. And I couldn't even barely talk to him...
So I guess this is good progress.
omg, and I still have trouble comming over to his house when I call.
My heart always races when the phone rings. lol


... I spose I have much work to do.. I thought I was a lot less shy of doing these things....

Gotta start manning up again. *nods*

Well.. other then all that stuff...

I worked yesterday. work was fine. lol

ooooooh, I heard one of the rookies wasn't comming into work... and the funny thing was that their mom or aunt or someone I was checking out, barb talked to them and she thought she was going to work. LOL LOL

(I don't really have too much of an opinion about her)

I'll just stop here. ^_^

Here is kitty! ^_^ (Just took pic)


ps. I done chatted with him yesterday. :D

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2 years. lol I thought I would never say 1 year but now it's doubled. lol *sigh*

And I don't even get to see him today. :(

AND LOOK! I took a pic NOT from the day, but the place.

... maybe I should have tooken a better pic. :S


*remembers things and looks down while bushing*

holy crap.


Well anyway, it's been 2 years today.

*can't think of anything else to type*

washing matchine

BOOB APPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL XD

poor KawaiiMelody putting up with so much.

lol poor Tony. (not gonna explain)


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Sunday, October 5, 2008

So now I have 3 top colleges. lol

After looking threw some pics of KawaiiMelody in germany.. I decided... it probably won't really be that scary to go to Japan after all. (this college has a semester in Japan program)

Cus.. the time I went to Texas... was when I was in freshman year.. I'm now 20... I drive my car to work. DRIVE, BY MYSELF, WORK! Words I would NEVER say then. LOL

And.. at that time.. I didn't even want to go. And my parents forced me to. *sigh*

Japan... I have drempt of going to for ... long time. lol

So.. right now I feel exited than nervous about this..

LOL And it's school colors are also blue and yellow. LOL

I hope I helped with this one thing Tony told me today... I tried.. I manned up and did something...

It's not good.. but I manned up, and that's the important thing. *nods*

I should probably go to bed now. lol


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