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myOtaku.com: YellowCat

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

   Funny thing when playing vidio game.
Ok, I was playing Zelda on super nintedo. (just got it hooked up!!!) and every time I killed a bad guy, it sounded like they were saying blitery in an Austrailian acent. So I started talking to myself in an Austrailian acent, saying ahoy mate! Are you going to kill me? Or am I going to kill you. And. Does this work? I kept that up for a good 10 min. untill my round red chair folded up on me!!! I came crashing to the ground!!! Ze cat was on my lap at the time, and she got freaked out so bad!!! So cute though!! She's fine. When I fell, i said. Blimey!!!
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