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Charissa Nolastname
Straight A's
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Forever...well since i knew it existed and what it was....
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Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Inuyasha & Wolves Rain, ANGEL SANCTUARY THE MOST!!!!!!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sorry I've been gone, my dad has been makin me study and everythin XD
Well if I tried to recap everything since Sunday it would take way to long so I'm not gonna post it.
And I'll like post rules and updates for my contest every day.
My Best Site Contest
1) To sign up, just pm me or comment
2) Signups are through April 30th
3) Voting is April 31st through March 6th.
4) Once you have signed up, you may vote for someone BUT NOT YOURSELF. However, you may have your friends come and vote for you.
6) I have chosen two other judges to help me with the judging, but I get the final say.
People who have signed up
Me, of course.
1) Yote1234 and Marikmine have both agreed to be judges.
2) I have so far graded Hardcore_Otaku's site, she got a 9.5, I don't know if Marikmine has graded Animegoddess2004 yet.
Well today was SO LONG even though it was a minimum day because all we did was work. BLEH WORK!!!!!
And then after school I ate some more lunch cuz i didnt eat that much at school lunch cuz it was so early and then I had to study and now im online.
Well Jaa minna san!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Today was the same old, same old except I ran 20 laps in my backyard (My backyard is a bit big compared to some other backyards). Suprisingly, since it's about half a mile to run 20 laps, I wasn't tired at all. Huh. *Shrugs*
My Best Site Contest
1) To sign up, just pm me or comment
2) Signups are through April 30th
3) Voting is April 31st through March 6th.
4) Once you have signed up, you may vote for someone BUT NOT YOURSELF. However, you may have your friends come and vote for you.
6) I have chosen two other judges to help me with the judging, but I get the final say.
People who have signed up
Me, of course.
If they agree to, Marik_mine and Yote1234
Comments (3) |
Friday, April 22, 2005
Yo Wassup Wassup dudes???!!!
Hehe I have always wanted to say that on the Internet.
Well today we had our last Math STAR testing test. It was SO easy. And I brought a book to read afterwards, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix Yes I LOVE Harry Potter I can't wait 'till the sixth one comes out in July. WHOO!!!!
People in my Best Site Contest
Hardcore Otaku
Please, more people need to sign up!
Well today not much happened--Oh yeah! I have a 97% in Humanitites!!!! I CAN'T believe it, I've never gotten that high a score in Humanities!!!!! ^_____________^
And I believe I have an A in all my classes!! YAY!!!!
And I think my parents are gonna let me go on the New York/Washington D.C. Trip!!! YAY!!!!!! 6 day 5 night miss 3 days of school!!!!!! Too bad we have to get our hw early then. And for Humanities we make a project. Oh well it's next year. Too bad it's $1669. That's a lot.
Poll: Have you visited/do you live in New York? I haven't
Well Jaa!! Hopefully I can get to some sites.
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
So Sad...
Yesterday after the Kings game, two men got in a fight with another guy(I'll call him guy 2). Guy 2 then drove off, but the other guys followed him. When Guy 2 got out of the car, the other guys beat him up so badly that he's brain damaged and is gonna die...and he's only 39.
That's wrong.
Well today we had a minimum day and CST testing for math. it was easy--39 problems for 2 hours!
Well for my fanfic contest i'm gonna get tiggerola's fanfic and u can vote!
Don't forget, I'm allowing signups for my best site contest!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Well actually in yesterday's post, I meant to bold my answers but i messed up. I went and changed it, hopefully it worked.
Nobody took it, i guess ur all lazy like me!!!!! HAH :D XP
This week we have Star testing, and so we get very little hw (if any) b/c we're supposed to sleep in but i just do my hw when i get home so yeah.
Aw i should go off now jaa talk more tomorrow!
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
Yeah just need to add survey remember below post my comments to it or in parenthesees
Bold all that apply:
01. I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year.
02. I still watch cartoons.
03. I've never seen The O.C.
04. I love almost all music.
06. I want a tattoo.
07. I wear glasses.
08. But mostly to read the blackboard and drive.
09. I want more piercings.
10. But I can't ever get any more.
11. I love to watch the rain.
12. I like to walk in the dark at night with someone special and talk.
13. I didnt believe in true love when i was younger.
14. I am a pretty cynical person sometimes.
15. Sometimes I cry for no damn reason.
16. I cry about stupid things.
17. I hate being walked all over and treated like crap.
18. It annoys me when people try to tell me how I am, and what I like.
19. I love music.
20. I am not sure if I believe in God. But i think i believe in a higher power.
21. I often feel alone.
22. I'm sometimes a loud person.
23. A boy shattered my heart into a million pieces.
24. I get depressed sometimes.
25. I hate it when people criticize me for what I like.
26. I crack my knuckles, wrists, ankles, back, etc.
27. I fidgit with anything when I'm nervous.
28. I'm a weird person.
29. I consider myself pretty unique.
30. My eyes are brown.
31. Listening to music usually helps my mood.
32. I am a disappointment to myself.
33. I love sleeping.
34. I'm obsessed with Vanilla.
35. I have a few close friends.
36. Okay, i have like 2 friends.
37. I need to lose weight.
38. I like popcorn.
39. I love watching tv.
40. I like malls.
41. I like cold weather better than hot.
42. I really dig Depeche Mode.
43. I love Winter.
44. I'm addicted to AIM.
45. I have trouble trusting people.
46. I do not label myself anything besides "me."
47. I love my family...
48. I loathe hot weather.
50. I hate shaving my legs.
51. Sleeping is a hobby of mine.
52. I like to listen to music everyday.
53. I love white tigers.
54. I like the snow
55. I don't always like the way I look.
56. I used to cut myself. ((HECKS NO!!!))
57. I'm a daydreamer.
58. I like when my friends write me letters, it makes me feel special.
59. I like to be with my boyfriend/girlfriend. ((if i had one))
60. I randomly doodle on pieces of paper or myself when boredom strikes.
61. I love all my friends.
62. I'm allergic to milk.
63. I wish people would stop making me cry.
64. I hate people who try to be what they're not.
65. I went to boarding school for the last 2 years of high school.
66. I love all candy
67. I get my feelings hurt really easy.
68. I believe inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.
69. I wear pants a lot.
70. I am often bored.
71. I like to say what's on my mind.
72. I hate blue jeans.
73. I'm online a lot.
74. I have 2 goldfish.
75. I am for the most part happy with myself.
76. I need to work out more.
77. I like being alone at certain times.
78. When I get angry, I curse to myself sometimes.
79. I wish I could spend more time with the ones I love.
80. I hate shallow people.
81. I'm a type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic.
82. I ponder life way too much.
83. Sometimes I think everyone hates me.
84. I wish my brother didn't die.
85. I hate it when girls have their thongs sticking really far out of the back of their pants.
86. I need to be showed I'm loved.
87. I wish I was better.
88. I hate discrimination.
89. I hate guys who are only out for one thing.
90. I have a cute car.((if i was old enough to drive))
91. I love glitter.
92. I sometimes wish I was more social.
93. I love my close friends.
94. I love to have fun.
95. I get amused easily.
96. I'm a lazy ass. I really am.
97. I'm usually more outgoing when I'm around friends.
98. I love to be me.
99. I like wearing hoodies. ((what're those?))
ENJOY!!! plz comment your results if you're not lazy like me.
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Whoo it feels like Monday already though, the weekend has been fun.
Well, Hardcore_Otaku actually sent her fanfic in at 11:27 so we have to redo the is her fanfic (i'd post tiggerola's, but i misplaced it...darn....):
“Where does the King of Hell go when he dies?”
“Take me with you,” I said, my eyes closed as tightly as possible, not wanting to see that he was dying. “I don’t care if I have to die. Take me with you…”
Ororon did not respond. He was far too injured to do much of anything by now. All he could do was sit there, blood dripping down his face, his arms, his entire body, as I cried and begged for him not to leave me.
Throughout all the chaos, God watched carelessly from above. He had warned me once in my dreams before. “You should break up with the devil. The two of you should never have met,” I was told. But I didn’t listen, because I loved Ororon with all my being, and nothing could stop me from leaving him.
And finally I understood why God had told me that. In the short time that I had known Ororon, I had seen more blood than I could have imagined. Now… now Lika and Shiro were gone as well. The last thing Lika ever said to me was, “Run away…” It was all so much more painful knowing that if it hadn’t been for me, maybe they could have lived. If I hadn’t been born, no one would have had to suffer so much.
Oscar had cut my leg with an axe. I fell to the ground, but the pain didn’t seem to matter anymore. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ororon get up. A slight glimmer of hope ran through my body… maybe he was stronger, maybe he could have a chance at living.
“O…Oscar…” he muttered. Suddenly his eyes raged with fury. “You and I have made too many mistakes, now. A magic circle appeared around him. “It’s too late… It’s too late.”
From the circle emerged a ferocious dragon. Flames surrounded it as it roared with rage. The dragon rushed towards Oscar, who simply smiled as it devoured him. Meanwhile, Ororon, losing all strength, fell to the ground, dead. Garo and Othello were too late to save him. Othello laughed. But through his laughter, he quaked with anger. A black-haired boy I’ve never met closed your eyes. Then everything was done.
Right. So it was in the fall of my fifteenth year… that my first love died.
Chapter 1
“Ororon,” I whispered, sitting on the side of my bed. “You lied to me. You said you would never leave me. That you’d be with me until my dying day…”
Today was the day. It had been exactly 5 years since he had died. Five years. One thousand, eight hundred and twenty-six days. Has it really been 5 years? I wondered to myself. I wasn’t sure if it had seemed longer or shorter. In a way, it felt like I had been with him only yesterday… but at the same time, I felt as if he had been gone forever. The memory of his death was still fresh in my mind but… sometimes it feels so far away, almost like it was never real.
The population of Japan seemed to believe that it was never real. The massive amounts of casualties from the fight five years ago had been blamed on a huge earthquake. Houses, shops, and buildings were reconstructed. People mourned the dead, but carried on as they normally would. Most people had no memory of Garo, Osero, Kuro, Shiro, Oscar, Lika, or Ororon.
The only one who was still with me was Kuro, Shiro’s little brother. I had let him stay with me after everything was over. But… I had wanted nothing to do with Othello. If he had stayed with us before, instead of going off with Garo… maybe the tragedy could have been prevented. So, it was just me and Kuro now. He must have been at least 15 by now… I had never thought about his age before.
Today would be hard for him, as it would for me. I sighed. “I’ll have to do something nice for him.” But before I could think of anything, Kuro was in my room. He looked so much different from the Kuro I had met five years ago. He was taller, more mature, and… he looked almost exactly like his brother. It was a shame that Shiro couldn’t see him. He would have laughed at how similar they looked…
I noticed his eyes were red from crying, just like mine. As I approached him, I put my hand on his shoulder. It was amazing how tall he had gotten. I had to look up at him, whereas five years ago I had to bend down to see him eye to eye. “Are you alright?” I asked him.
He nodded and offered a small smile. “I think I’ll be fine,” he replied. He looked down and noticed, “You can’t see your scars as well anymore. It seems like they’re fading, even if it’s only a little.”
I looked down at my wrist. The scars from past attempted suicides were still there, but as Kuro pointed out, seemed to be somewhat healing. But even if they were fading, people continued to stare at the scars whenever they saw me—the few times I even bothered to go out into public, that is. I nodded and replied, “You’re right…” Silently, I thought, But I wish you never found me that first time…
I had given up trying to end my life a couple of years ago. Somehow, something always went wrong. Someone would find me, or I would get nervous and do it incorrectly, or I would realize that there were other responsibilities to take care of first… like taking care of Kuro.
“Hey, Chiaki… let’s do something fun today. We can go to the park or something…”
The park. The thought hit hard. Ororon met the Pi-tie-pat tribe there. Even if I hadn’t been awake at the time, it hurt to think about it now. Because… if he hadn’t been with me that day, they wouldn’t have attacked him. All they wanted was to eat… to eat me, no less, but it was still simply their instinct. I blinked and a tear leaked out. Kuro quickly realized his mistake and told me, “I’m sorry, what if we just go to the arcade instead?”
I sighed. “It’s okay. I think I’ll just stay home today if it’s alright with you.” I paused, thinking. “But don’t let that stop you from having a good time,” I continued, handing him a $20 bill. “Go ahead, have fun at the arcade for me, okay?”
I smiled at him. Kuro looked down at the bill, then up at me, then back at the bill again. “Thank you…” he said, and gave me a hug. I closed my eyes, loosing myself for a moment. I felt Ororon’s arms rather than Kuro’s embracing me. It was almost as if Kuro were no longer Kuro. He was Ororon now. And Ororon would stay with me forever and ever…
As Kuro left my arms, I snapped back to reality. I nearly lost my balance from leaning against him so much. Kuro gave me a concerned look, but I just smiled as he grabbed his wallet. When Kuro got to the door, he waved good-bye to me. As the door closed, I sat down and looked at my wrists again. Kuro would be gone for at least an hour. That would be plenty of time… and he was old enough to take care of himself now. Today’s the day, I decided.
Chapter 2
With my decision fresh in my mind, I decided to make a few arrangements before I carried out the plan. To begin, I collected four lilies from the garden in the front yard. Calmly, I walked out the back door. There were four grave markers, each bearing one of my friends’ names. I read them to myself.
“Jack’s Grave.”
“Shiro’s Grave.”
“Lika’s Grave.”
“O… Ororon’s Grave.”
The first lily was for Jack. He was Kuro’s friend back when I had first met him. One day, Kuro had come crying to me because Jack was hit by a car and died. So we buried him in the yard. Shiro had been unsympathetic, but later decided that he was sorry for laughing at Kuro, and apologized. Both had been close to Kuro, so it seemed only fitting that Shiro’s grave was next to Jack’s. I chuckled, thinking it odd to still be placing flowers on Jack’s grave. But it seemed necessary, since it wouldn’t be fair to leave him out.
I placed one of my lilies on Shiro’s grave. Then I continued to Lika’s, and finally on to Ororon’s. I paused. What was the last thing he had said to me? I could barely remember it any more. I knelt down by his grave, and stroked the makeshift tombstone.
“Ororon, where did you go…? You’re no longer on this place we call ‘Earth’… you came from Hell, and there’s no way you could be in Heaven.” In the same way, I had nowhere to go when I died either, especially not Heaven. Half-angels were forbidden in Heaven. In fact, it was surprising that those in Heaven had not killed me earlier.
Maybe when I died, I could be wherever it was that Ororon went to. It couldn’t hurt to try. It’s not like he would ever be on Earth again. Pulling a razor from my jacket pocket, I stared down at my wrist one more time. This time it would work. This time there couldn’t be anything wrong. And, even if I didn’t find Ororon in the afterlife, at least our bodies would be together.
One quick slit would work. Don’t look back, I told myself. Do it without any regrets. I took a deep breath and let the razor slice my skin, right at the artery. It didn’t hurt at all. In fact, the blood flowing out of my body gave out an exhilarating feeling. I smiled to myself.
The blood on my skin felt so warm. Yet at the same time, my entire body was beginning to feel cold. My vision wasn’t as good – everything was blurry. I wondered if this is what Ororon felt like? With that, I closed my eyes and thought one final thought before I everything faded.
Let’s be together, Ororon.
Forever in the darkness.
That was a great one! I dunno,'ll grade it and think of who will be the winner!
And I am thinking of always having some kind of contest, the next contest will be a best site contest!!!
Signup deadline is one week from today
I will pick one judge (you can sign up for that too, but if you wanna be a judge you can't be a contestant) to help me pick a winner but i get the final say
We (the judges) will grade upon:
Creativity (10 pts possible)
If it's interesting (15 pts possible)
Time and effort put in to it (15 pts possible)
The layout look (20 pts possible)
so total 60 pts possible!
Good luck!
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Tiggerola is the unanimous winner of my fanfic contest!!! of course she won though, CUZ ONLY ONE PERSON ENTERED!!!
Her RP:
Uh-oh i think i lost it well her score:
Creativity: 10/10 Never thought of making a “Cartoon Cops” really, that’s suprising *thumbs up*
Able-ness to take the real story and use it in your fanfic: 9/10 A bit wasn’t really like based on it, still good though
Attractiveness (Is it boring?): 8/10 Kinda blabbed about unneccesary stuff, but found yourself
Shows time&effort: 10/10 good length, really looked like you put thought into it.
Overall: 37/40
WHOO!!!! I shall send her the award well here it is anywayz:

Well sorry i havent been on ive been busy still need to paste stuff on project o well can do it later
Today i had lots of quizzes but nm else happened
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Well, the answer to my question (what are the five kingdoms) is Monera (Bacteria, can be split into two kingdoms, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria), Protista (All eukaryoctic organisms that aren't in any of the other kingdoms), Fungi (Fungus), Planate(Plants), and Animale (Animals). Nobody knew that!
Whoo! I finally got the award up in my profile!!!!! (Tiggerola's best wallpaper award)
Well, today, we got back our Spanish and Math quizzes, I got A's whoo!!!
But we got assigned another project in Spanish, we have to make a food pyramid (nutrition guide pyramid) in spanish. Now I have projects in all 4 of my classes except Humanities but we should be getting one soon from there XD;;; My projects are due on Friday and next Monday.
And then later today I had Ice Cream!!!! WHOO!!!!!! Heh I love ice cream.
Polls: What's your favorite ice cream? Mine's Coffee or Rocky Road!!!!!
Well nm else today, jaa!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sorry I have been gone so long, there's been a lot of hw and i've had to study for a test in chinese class.
Speaking of that...I got like 40 more points than the rest of the ppl in my chinese class on the test!!!! Haha!!!!! ^^ i feel so smart
If you haven't already, you should visit Gaia online!
it's fun! its got journals and rps and chatterboxes and stuff!!! And your own avvie to buy clothes for and dress up!!!!!
I finally got most of my projects done, i just need to draw up a couple animals on my Kingdom project and on the other, the teacher hasn't taught us the rest so yeah!!!! ^.^
Poll: Do you know the five (well technically six) kingdoms? I do! Answers will be here next time I post!!! (if i remember, if not, remind me through comments)
Well today I just did my math hw (from mpm don't ask what mpm is if u don't know) and started my chinese hw i'll finish the chinese hw later and today i also worked on my projects heh
heh its so cute!!!! Go to:
hahaha ^______^ ^^ ^.^
well nm else today, jaa matta! and remember bout my fanfic contest! if u dont remember what that is, see my archives!
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