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ZWAHAHAHA!!!!!! Like...none? Student?
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Charissa Nolastname
Straight A's
Anime Fan Since
Forever...well since i knew it existed and what it was....
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Inuyasha & Wolves Rain, ANGEL SANCTUARY THE MOST!!!!!!
To become a Biologist
swimming and animals and reading too!
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
I was ONE point away from getting 3rd place in xosweetpunkox site contest...*sighs* WAH!
Contest List
#1 pinay04
#2 WoGoodCharlotteoW
#3 Amber Fox 613
#4 bluedemonboy
#5 Yuna2004
#6 Azn Girl
#7 angel kat
#8 AnimeGoddess2004
#9 redmoonchick
#10 yellowsword
#11 XxLinkinParkxX
You Rating if You Entered
So close...
OMG i couldve got it, if i didnt say I would vote for Brittney and did it and then realized I wanted to join...
*Anime Fall*
Well, on the bright side, I got COOLEST WALLPAPER on Tiggerola's site contest!!!!!
All the judges voted for me on that!!! WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the days I haven't been on (sry bout that, much hw): NM except Humanities teacher said I didn't turn this one 40 point map thing but I did! so my dad called and she just said "oh i forgot to put it in the computer"
And today in Spanish the teacher said that if we didn't still have it, we have to redo the 58 vocab words for Chap. 4 again! And its been 6 months since we did it, so why would we have kept it that long! Why didn't she just tell us to keep it 6 months ago??? Gosh...
And guess what??? We were putting stuff we bought from Costco in our car, and the FOX Sports News Anchor went up to us and said, ((not good part yet h/o and read on))"May I take your cart?" and we let him and he was walking away and the guy in the car next to us said "he's the news guy isn't he?" and the sports news anchor was all "you got it!" and i would've got his autograph, but he had already walked away...wah...
I didn't know the FOX sports news anchor lived in our area though...
Well, Jaa for now...
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Well it's still early morning right now not much has happened and im listenin to music.
Hey nobody voted in my poll!
o well
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Well this is a reminder of my contest rules and grading format:
1) To enter, either PM me or Comment saying you want to.
2) The objective is to make the best fanfic that you can
3) There is no word limit, but remember, I don't wanna read like five 20-page RPs. It'd be kinda boring.
4) Once you have made the RP, send it to:
5) Be a good and fair player!!!!!!!! If I find poor sportsmanship, you'll be taken out of the contest!
6) send ur RPs in by April 15th
1) I will go through and narrown the number of RPs to 5 and post them.
2)A winner will be voted!!!!!!!!!!! 2 Runner Ups will recieve shoutouts, but Big FIRST PLACE winner will get a pic i made!!!!!!!!!!
3) if u submit an Rp u may vote BUT NOT 4 URSELF
4) vote by pms and comments
"To the world, you may be one person, but to the world, you may be one person"
I like that quote.
Do you like that quote?
Oh, and if you wanna join my chibi lovers club, pm me instead of commenting. If you already asked to join, just go scroll down and if the banner is not there go and find it in my archives, and you can just copy it and put it in your profile.
Well today I just went to my extra math class (hey, I aint stupid, my parents make me go even though I get A's in math and even though this college student that is a teacher there gets confused) and my chinese class and then ate lunch and then started my homework from the classes.
I have a test in my chinese class next week though. Wish me luck!!!
 the studious student. You are definitely pressured and suffer from side effects from built up stress. You are constantly occupying yourself with books, studies, or some other hobby. You feel squeezed in place and have litte movement. Most of the time you are busy with work and family, and would love to spread your wings and relax. One like you needs to find a certain time of the day to just sit and release the tension. However, you are doing fairly well in school, but that does not mean that you can continue stressing yourself out. Take a breather and head out with some friends. You can consider going into a field like librarian, polotician, journalist, Archeologist, scientist, or lawyer. You have a brain...NOW USE IT....but please...spare yourself the pressure and create some down time for yourself. Or develop a hobby that releases tension, such as knitting (it worked wonders for me)
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Hey I do use my brain!!!!!! AND I KNOW I SHOULD BE A SCIENTIST!!!!!!! AND I AM NOT TOO STRESSED!!!!!!!
This quiz result is only half-right.
Well, Jaa for now!!!!
I am using these dashes for an experiment. Please tell me what you think of it.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
O yah!
My contest deadline (for making a fanfic) is April 15th now.
I have also changed it to any fanfic instead of it having to must be an Inuyasha one.
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Yes my allergies are bothering me, allergies are <1>SO STUPID!!!!1>
Well today in Humanities we had to be assigned an ancient roman job and i got the undertaker(the person who<1>BURIES BODIES1>)
Well at least I finished it.
And in my comp tech class, we presented our powerpoints, and I got 24 out of 24!!!!! Plus extra credit for having narration!!!! YAY!!!!
Well I'm gonna go off and get my revenge on allergies by destroying them!!!!
So, Poll:
Do you play tricks on April Fools Day???
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaa Minna!
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Well today we had finals, I think I did well ^^
Hmmmm there isn't much to say but....
*blinks* *remembers*
Thanks to AnimeGoddess2004, Marikmine, Marz, Ittoshi, and Destinyssweetman for voting for me!!!!!
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Please vote for me on tiggerola site contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
If I dont get to sites its cuz takin bro back to college.
Happy Easter!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Konichiwa, everyone!
Poll result: People thought it was funny!
Well, yesterday I decided to make a club! Here is the banner:

If you would like to join, just PM me or comment and I will put you on the member’s list. No regulations—well, it would help if you love chibis.
Also, I would like to remind you of my contest! Please send those fanfics in, I’m extending the deadline to April 15th! Since people are not sending their fanfics in!!! XD…
Poll: Do you like the idea about my club?
Hmmm well I was going to write something funny with the Inuyasha characters, but I couldn’t think of anything.
Well, Bye Bye everyone!
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Poll Result: People think it’s a cool movie
Well yesterday I played basketball with my brother and I won 13 to 9!!!!!! And he is 7 years older than me!!! But then my allergies were acting up (really!) in the second match and I lost 6 to 8…Oh well…
New Poll: What is your favorite sport? Mine is soccer!
Also yesterday there were these mosquitos on our window and my dad said two of them were mating earlier...uh yeah that was weird...
Today: I went to the barber b/c my dad and bro had to get haircuts but I didn't but I still got bored.
I'm so happy we're probably gonna get Ice Cream today!! MMM i can already taste it...
Oh I got a survey from my friend Nikki (yote1234)! Please take it:
1) Full Name:
2) Gender:
3) Age:
4) Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend:
5) If So, what's their name:
6) If so, how long have you been together:
7) Do you have a crush, and who?:.
8) Do they know:
9) Have you ever broken someones heart:
10) Have you ever had your heart broken:
Well my answers:
1) Charissa Lei Nolastname
2) Gurl
3) 12
4) Uh…I’m kinda a bit young for that…don’t ya think?
5) N/A
6) N/A
7) On anime boys!!! They’re so hott!
8) Uh, they don’t exist
9) No
10) No
Well I made something funny:
Naraku-Haha so you have chosen to attack me again…And all you have is a black stick and not Tetsuiga…
Inuyasha-Feh!!! This black stick will be the end of you!
Kagome-Er…It’s called a gun…
Naraku and Inuyasha-FEH! Gun shmun, whatever…
Naraku-Well, Inuyasha*sends blast towards him*
Sango- I hope this works
Inuyasha-*dodges, shoots w/ gun*
Shippo-Can’t he repel things? -_-;;;;;;;;;;
Naraku-*repels bullet back to them* HAHA!
Everyone except Naraku-AAAH!
Inuyasha-*stupidly tries to fire again* Uh-oh I only brought one bullet and I already used it
Kirara: *growls*
Everybody except Naraku-*runs away*
So other poll: did you like that?
Well not much happened today so Jaa Matta Minna San!
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